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Posts posted by Yandereprime101189

  1. 4 hours ago, CaptainJackSparrow said:

    I wish they had reimagined the stork scene where he delivers babies to the animal parents. That was one of my favorite scenes. I don’t even need the stork to talk. I feel that going in a too realistic direction about a flying elephant isn’t the best road to take. 


    I mean, the elephant still flies. I don't really think they're going for realism, no matter what some interviews may potentially say.

  2. 53 minutes ago, Alli said:

    No, but seriously why did Five Feet not do better? The Fault was such a success


    I believe the book just came out in November. It hasn't gotten time to get that massively popular yet. Fault had at least two years between book and movie.


    Same reason I Am Number Four didn't do so well, came out too soon of the book's release.

  3. 39 minutes ago, That One Guy said:


    Sorry, you wanted to name examples of bad original movies, yet you name examples of good original movies?  Not following you here


    If you enjoy them, more power to ya. Who am I to judge :)


    Valerian still has the worst last act exposition dump of all time.


  4. Nostalgia works better than original movies like Jupiter Ascending and Valerian.


    This is the biggest problem lately. We all complain about remakes, but the original-concept films, at least ones not based on comics, manga or any other source,........aren't much better. You get a few good kernels, but some of them don't succeed because people are hesitant to get burned over a potential bad original movie.

  5. 38 minutes ago, Valonqar said:

    well, damn, something embarrassing happened. Someone in another post said how much they liked how CM chose the color of her costume. and then I remembered I loved that scene too. trouble is, I completely forgot about it until that post reminded me. tbh, I forgot a lot of stuff from the movie already including scenes that I actually liked. what's happening to me? :thinking:


    forgetfulness is a bastard😛

  6. MCU rankings 


    The Avengers
    Avengers: Infinity War
    Thor: Ragnarok
    Guardians of the Galaxy
    Captain Marvel
    Black Panther
    Iron Man 

    Doctor Strange

    Captain America: The Winter Soldier
    Iron Man 3
    Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol 2

    Captain America: Civil War

    Avengers: Age of Ultron
    Thor: The Dark World
    Iron Man 2
    Captain America: The First Avenger

    Ant Man
    The Incredible Hulk
    Spider-man: Homecoming
    Ant Man and the Wasp

  7. Let's stop pitting Captain Marvel against Wonder Woman. The director of Wonder Woman certainly isn't.


    Heck, if this was a better world, they'd probably be talking about a Wonder Woman/Captain Marvel team-up movie.



    Besides, Captain Marvel's stronger than Wonder Woman anyway, at least in movie continuity. 😲


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