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Posts posted by Yandereprime101189

  1. It's Disney. It's Aladdin, which is a very loved film. No matter what some detractors of the net may be saying, this is going to make bank, maybe not Lion King style bank, but it's going to do well. Said detractors said the same thing about Beauty and the Beast and it still made a billion worldwide.

    • Like 1
  2. 5 hours ago, Claire of Themyscira said:

    This is doomed to flop since it's lacking the star power from the first brought mainly by my girl, Clairesus Holt, and television star, former pop star, and 00s icon, Mandy Moorelegend...and who could forget Daisy Ridley hot off the tails from TFA.

    Funny, considering the original was actually released on DVD very briefly the year before, taken very hastily off shelves.

  3. 2 hours ago, Hatebox said:

    You answered your own question: despite being a sequel MPR felt very much like a soft remake of one of the most beloved Disney moves ever. Given Jungle Book and BatB's success there was little reason to think it wouldn't be huge.


    As I said in a previous post, there's gonna be a lot of Monday morning questerbacking on MPR's box office, but almost none of that was being said before the fact.




    Yeah, I figure I did, heh.

  4. Not going to make fun of anyone because I sorta want to see the film myself at some point, but why did so many here think that Mary Poppins was going to be a monster? I mean the only big musical to hit it big lately was Beauty and the Beast, but that was because it was a remake of the Disney movie.


    I mean,, I expected it to do fine, but not some mammoth 100 million + OW monster.



    Also, despite Aquaman being a massive juggernaut, it only has 9 showtimes at my theater. They could have removed those Mortal Engines showtimes for more.

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  5. I'd feel more love for Alita if James Cameron actually directed this. Let me take that back, I'd feel more love if it comes out that HE DID direct it. Because there is no conceivable way that Robert directed this, he's not THIS good with effects outside of the look of Sin City. It also explains why Avatar 2 kept changing dates constantly.


    This film and the upcoming Terminator is going to test what people think of James Cameron PRODUCED movies. Because the last one, Sanctum didn't do so hot. 

    • Knock It Off 1
  6. Was going to see Ralph with the family but we had to leave 10 minutes in, there were massive sound issues with the theater. I know theaters are supposed to be loud, it's kind of its thing, but the film was blastingly loud, ear-drum popping almost. Our theater has never EVER been that loud.


    Will still see it this weekend, but Jesus

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