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Posts posted by FrozenUnicorn

  1. 49 minutes ago, filmlover said:

    Few months ago you were complaining about Elsa potentially having a girlfriend as being shoehorned in and now you're complaining about having a dark-skinned character as being shoehorned in (for a movie that's a fairy tale and not some historical drama)?



    Image result for you're delightful gif

    To be honest, I personally don't have much of a problem with either. However, a few of my family members definitely have issue with it and I don't want them ranting about it while we're watching the movie (as some are prone to doing), and I don't want my experience of the film to potentially be ruined by them talking about "brainwashing people to be gay/have interracial marriages" all through it. I was really asking so I could give them a valid explanation.

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  2. 5 hours ago, cannastop said:

    Man I dunno, a Shrek/Despicable Me jump hasn't really ever happened for a movie where the original made over $300m except when the sequel took more than 10 years to arrive.

    True, but neither of those had quite as big a cultural impact as Frozen. Well, DM sort of did because of the Minions, but really only because of them. Hence that movie about the Minions made over a billion as much as people dislike them.

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  3. 3 hours ago, Spidey Freak said:

    Somebody else who played American McGee's Alice :D Remember when Sarah Michelle Gellar had signed on to star in a movie adaptation of the game? The attached director Marcus Nispel has proven to be weaksauce but SMG as Alice would have been enjoyable regardless.

    Actually to tell you the truth, I haven't played the game yet.:sweat: I've read a lot about it and seen some clips (annoying that it's not on Steam), and I'm a huge fan of Alice in Wonderland in general (in fact I'm writing a sequel to the original books that has elements of American McGee's Alice in tone, though Alice is 15 in my novel).

  4. 20 hours ago, shayhiri said:


    I cried each of the 4 times I watched La La Land in cinemas too. (The Greatest Showman was a total bore, though.)


    The big thing here though is, in musicals presentation matters just as much as music - and actually much more. I don't cry when listening to these songs at home. But seeing them on the big screen with the timing, body and face language of the actors, and the exact directorial rhythm (of Ritchie, here) - that always works and chokes me.


    Same for the soundtrack though, to be honest. Many scenes in normal, non-musical movies - that always bring me to tears - would not be capable of doing so, if not for the MUSIC kicking in the right moment! :)


    That is why Movies ARE and always be the best art ever - because they marry ALL other arts in perfect experience! And, no, Games will never be Art - games are pastime for losers.

    I would have liked your comment if it weren't for the very last sentence. 


    Video games can be art just as much as movies, books, and music on its own can. They're just another type of art form. True, video games have the player go through the world and thus it might break the immersion as its own story (therefore probably feeling like the story's broken up), but plenty of games have amazing stories to them—Metal Gear Solid, Zelda, Persona, Undertale, The Legend of Spyro, American McGee's Alice, Mother 3, Portal 2, and that's just off the top of my head. True, some games don't have much of a story to them and are just there for fun, but the ones that have an engaging story to them can feel like a movie, especially if the game has a lot of cutscenes and you string them all together.

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  5. 1 hour ago, shayhiri said:



    The Shay cries like a lil bitch EVERY time when this plays in cinema (10 viewings and counting).


    Guy Ritchie should be making mainly musicals from now on!!

    If it's the music you love, Pasek and Paul get the praise for Speechless. They did the songs for La La Land, The Greatest Showman, and Dear Evan Hansen.


    I do adore the movie as a whole though.

  6. 37 minutes ago, Avatree said:

    Avatar was not successful because of 3D. Would have been just as successful without it. One of the many untruths about Avatar that the internet likes to spread.


    Incidentally I don't know where the lie of Avatar being the first modern 3D film, where that came from. Many people (i presume younger people who don't remember movies 2009 and earlier) seem to believe this.


    3D films have existed for over a century, I dont know why people think the technology was invented in 2009.


    I think it's because with Avatar the environments were so gorgeous that it was the kind of movie people said you just had to see in 3D. The 3D in a lot of other movies seemed a bit "tacked on" in comparison, or had things that appeared to jump out of the screen noticeably (like those random "right near the camera" close-ups that were in films such as Coraline or Monsters vs. Aliens) that made it look more obnoxious than anything..

  7. On 7/18/2019 at 8:54 AM, cdsacken said:

    Without children the human race goes down. We do need to better regulate and need to prepare for many things coming, water shortages, climate issues etc. That said it's not selfish to have a child, certainly not anymore than not having one.



    The problem is the people at the top are hoarding all the resources no matter what the rest of us do. It's the power structure that needs to change, rather than the rest of us compromising our lives while the 1% at the top do nothing and make things worse.

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  8. 2 minutes ago, Deuce66 said:

    How does he come back in the sequels?


    1- He was recovered in the forest and returned to Hell's Gate to be resurrected? 

    2- He's not human at all but like Bishop in Alien(s), a cyborg. 

    3- Quaritch version # ? is dead, DNA is used to clone another. 

    4- Other theories? 



    Pretty sure he'll come back in an Avatar body. I recall his actor bringing that up a few years ago, shortly after the movie came out.

  9. 2 hours ago, OdinSon2k14 said:

    It's pretty obvious why the opening underperformed. The last sequel was 9 years ago...today, the target audience is not so much interested in action figures, as they are cellphones, gadgets, wireless headphones and game consoles.


    Call of Duty, blowing someone to pieces. Movie is like a relic from the past. 



    I don't think that's it at all. There was a gap that was even longer between TS2 and 3, and 3 made so much more. The reason for that is because TS3 was an addition that people could reasonably see with TS2, and TS3 had a well-put-together story with tons of callbacks, and an ending that had a sense of finality, whereas TS2 ended with a sense of "that's great, but there could conceivably be more down the line".


    TS3 felt like such a perfect ending that to many TS4 just seems like a tacked-on cash-grab of an idea, so that's why not as many are going to see it.


    (FYI I haven't seen it yet so I can't say for myself if I think it's good or not.)

    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, tribefan695 said:

    It's a good movie, but everything about it is more subdued than the previous ones. i can see why people would be indifferent to it.


    Hopefully Pixar sticks to their originals-only promise for awhile. I want to really be intrigued by their ideas again.



    Have you heard about that movie coming out a year from now called Soul? Seems like Pixar's going the more philosophical route like with Inside Out and I couldn't be happier for it!

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  11. 2 hours ago, shayhiri said:

    Wait, so according to its first results, this is only making about HALF of Incredibles2!


    Is this flop territory, or what?? (A disappointment for sure...)

    To be fair, I2 was a sequel people had wanted for around 15 years. TS4 comes after a sequel many saw as perfect and wrapped up the series great, so it has to prove itself.


    Also as far as sequels go, or films in general, this is hardly a "flop" opening.

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  12. 9 minutes ago, dudalb said:

    I would love to know what Pixar did to make Shay hate them so much.

    But it's not so much his hatred for Pixar but that he thinks Illumination can do no wrong that is jaw dropping.

    IIRC from a previous post, Shay loves quite a few Pixar films, his gripe with the TS films is that they're toys, which was great for a "first CGI film" endeavor because CGI was very plastic-looking in those days, but now it can look much more realistic. 


    That and Shay said he never played with toys much as a kid, he liked reading books instead. Which that's a sentiment I share but I still love the TS films.

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