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Everything posted by whoot

  1. Some of those rottens are BS. I don't even give a crap anymore, these bastard critics giving leeway to everyone but Pixar. SCREW YOU. I guess I do give a crap.
  2. Can't believe we were excited for 80% just yesterday.
  3. This feels like Cars 2 all over again where it kept dropping on RT through OW (except this time I actually care). Certified fresh isn't even a lock anymore. &@$*%
  4. Looks like the Friday barrage is mostly negative. Dammit.
  5. Well, what are the chances really that MU ends with rave reviews? I can see it with positive but not transcending reviews next year, which will make the slump official.THIS IS ALL CARS 2's FAULT
  6. It would be amusing if it was in the 80s. Instead I shall call it "depressing."
  7. 72% now. IT KEEPS DROPPING. NOBODY LIKES IT. *melting down*
  8. Holy crap 6 rottens to 6 freshes for the last 12 reviews. Barrage of reviews coming. I'm back to being happy with 75. Yikes.
  9. Yep. Don't you agree it would have been better without the original cast?
  10. Lightning and Mater were unnecessary in Cars 2 IMO. That's what I got from it during my 2nd viewing. If they had just written a completely separate storyline around Finn and Holly, it likely would have turned out much better. I've said this before, but I love Cars and the world it started. It didn't need to drag the original characters into the 2nd one since the world allows for different storylines, and it DEFINITELY did not need that much Mater.
  11. Yeah, me hoping for 80 is acting spoiled given that we were wondering whether this would be rotten a few days ago. And the reason I think it's a pipe dream is because it needs 8.5 freshes for each rotten, which given the consensus for this might be difficult.
  12. That does it. 80 is a pipe dream. Oh well. I said I'd be happy with 75 so I should just stick with that.
  13. Hey tribe, did the rotten you found yesterday post yet?
  14. Damn, sooooo close to 80% until Matt Pais had to ruin it. And that's not even the one rotten tribe found. Dammit
  15. It was going to be an uphill climb to 80...
  16. Mid 80s is going to be a stretch at this point. Unless all the naysayers have already posted their reviews. But basically it's going to have to have 10 positives for every 1 rotten to do that from here on out. Just seems impossible given how quick rottens piled up in the first week. I'll be happy if it stays at 75 though
  17. It's Bob Petersen. I have lots of hope for that because of him.
  18. I heard Collins got her idea of Katniss when she heard Pixar was making this movie actually. Katniss' power is already stolen anyway.
  19. You don't think a Pixar movie would be getting this much hype if the main character wasn't a girl? You've heard of Pixar before, right? They could have a movie with a doorknob as the main character and it'd generate this much hype (first movie by Pixar with a doorknob main character!!). It's getting meh reviews partly because many expected more from Pixar. You sound like you're making up some imaginary idea-stealing from Pixar with THG because you feel threatened Merida outhypes Katniss (you do know that animated movies take years to develop right? Nobody had even heard of THG when we first heard this movie was being made).
  20. Doesn't DWA typically whip Disney in China?
  21. Is it that bad on twitter? I thought I heard a lot of folks liked it on twitter?
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