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Everything posted by whoot

  1. Much of the narrative seemed like it was opened up simply because they needed something, but then they cheated on its conclusion because they realized they couldn't tie it together. Maybe they needed more time? Or it was simply a matter of opportunity cost (run-length). The movie was missing that perfect through-line of Wall-E, Up, etc. It's not in the Pixar pantheon IMO, but everybody's got a different list. I wouldn't place this on the same level as Rat, FN, Incredibles, and TS3. I'd put it alongside WALL-E and Up, which while I thought were great, I still found them to have holes (bigger ones than in Brave I think, but that's with me seeing Brave only once and those others at least 5x)...
  2. Couple things I forgot to pay attention to in Brave, wondering if you guys caught these...Who did John Ratzenberg voice?Was the pizza planet truck in there?
  3. I think I would have been content with 80+. I can see how some folks might not buy the twist or leave them jarred if they were expecting something else, but I don't think the movie ever loses its heart, which is why I would hope people would come back after the twist and still buy into it... To me, just this part proves that it's not exactly the safe movie many critics said it was. iEye - I thought too after reading the reviews that it sounded like more time would have made the movie so much better, but after seeing it I realize that as long as that twist is in there, there is not much more they could have done for the viewers who chose not to buy into it. Maybe after more time they'd think, "well, many folks might not buy into the twist so let's take it out;" but then at that point it'd be a different movie. I'm assuming the twist was part of Brenda Chapman's main vision, so I'd rather they keep it in and take that risk.
  4. I was kidding if I wasn't obvious. I did forget the winky smiley and I'm in a bit of a loonie rage this summer after the RT score so I know that could be taken as a serious reply.
  5. Whoa seriously? Didn't realize that either. I mean it's not a great multiplier so it's nothing to crow about after that OW, but that's still surprising to see that number.
  6. 9 mil Tuesday. I know people aren't really impressed with that number but I'm pleasantly surprised since WALL-E had a bigger drop on the same Tuesday and it was the week of July 4th...
  7. Great for Mad3 also. This definitely is not summer 2011.
  8. Cars 2? What is this Cars 2 people keep talking about?
  9. It's not because WALL-E's first week was during 4th of July weekend. Personally I'm happy with this so far. As long as WOM for Brave isn't terrible, it should have better holds than WALL-E next week, during its 4th of July run.
  10. Interested to see what you think of it since you're not biased. As for 3D, personally I don't mind them not focusing on it just because I'm not a fan anyway; but from a box office standpoint, they probably should throw audiences a bone if they want to maximize its benefits.
  11. And if WiR, IA4, RoG, etc don't pull a HTTYD, then this could be 2006 where all the nominees were middling and anybody can win (like HF did).
  12. I'm always hesitant to compare franchises with originals, but I see what you mean.
  13. Not just you. Looks great in the wide shots when they show landscapes, but they never really put out the effort to make 3D worth it as a DWA would. Which works out fine for me because I hate 3D and I'd miss out on it anyway.
  14. Up was great, but I'm still pretty sure 3D helped a lot.
  15. I think it's because as you said, it was on a smaller scale. Actually I'm not a huge fan of either movie but I have to respect the runs they had. Awesome legs always impress me more than gigantic OWs. I've always been a leg man myself.
  16. I'd compare My Big Fat Greek Wedding to Titanic's run before I would to TA or Avatar.
  17. RatatouilleFinding NemoThe IncrediblesToy Story 3BraveMonster's IncToy StoryUpWALL-ECarsToy Story 2A Bug's Life
  18. Yes but WALL-E was released the weekend before July 4th so it was practically a holiday week. That is a dumbfounding number. Awesome.
  19. It sounds like the suits are the ones pushing more for the new conversions (easy money, they think?). I don't think the artists working on new movies care all that much if their bosses don't care. That said, looks like Up's total is definitely out of the picture with that small a 3D share. IIRC, Up did that well because it was released around the peak of 3D?
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