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Everything posted by whoot

  1. Someone start the WALL-E vs Brave dailies chart up
  2. Loved Presto, still my favorite. Wish Sweetland could have stayed with the studio.I liked La Luna a lot actually. Thought it was miles better than the cloud one and last year's TS short.
  3. Okay, new rankings with Brave.RatatouilleFinding NemoThe IncrediblesToy Story 3BraveMonster's IncToy StoryUpWALL-ECarsToy Story 2A Bug's Life
  4. Sunday estimate was supposedly high, so that probably isn't happening
  5. I will add, "Did you see Cars 2? You should be downright groveling with appreciation for this majestic film if we're rating movies based on the studios' past ones now."
  6. Is this a WOM thing or just a typical Sunday overestimation for animation? Guess we'll see next weekend...
  7. Too many spoilerish comments on here now. Fishnets trying to sabotage the movie again. "If I spoil it, people won't see it! Then Katniss can rule the world again!"
  8. From what I saw, I thought critics would love it too.I will wait to see the drops before assuming a WALL-E multiplier.
  9. I'm going with $191m at the least. That's Cars 2 multiplier. As much as I loved it, I have no clue how the general public will receive it since reviews are mixed, and add direct competition with Mad3 and IA4, it's a crapshoot...
  10. Ugh, not gonna relive it again, sorry. I shall just refer you to google. <_<All you need to know is that it was judged wrongly, almost criminal how bad it was done.
  11. I'll have a better gauge on this after we buy Brave on Bluray, but I think that this will hold up in repeat viewings much better than WALL-E and Up do. I'm just really floored at how low critics have been scoring this. It's like I'm watching the results of the Pacquiao-Bradley fight all over again.
  12. Brave 7:15 pm showing, not 3D 300 seats, around 90% full Trailers: Hotel Transylvania - chuckles The Hobbit - Surprisingly silent (I guess not an LOTR crowd? I was pumped) Despicable Me 2 - laughter, much buzz Finding Nemo 3D - gasps of excitement until they realized it wasn't a sequel, and then "aw just 3D" Wreck-it Ralph - chuckles, much buzz Monsters University - laughs, much buzz La Luna short - positive buzz Feature film - Good positive vibe from the crowd. Even laughed at "Feast yer eyes!" which I personally have been tired of ever since the first trailer. Tears around the end and applause when the credits started. Sounds like the crowd went home happy.
  13. Just saw this too, same here. Not going to review it on this, I put my review in the review forum's thread. But basically the critics can bite me on this one.
  14. I give it an A. Critics overanalyzing, people expecting Brad Bird to come back from the dead or something. Jeebus.At my viewing, there were clapping at the end, there were even tears from some folks nearby.Personally I loved it. And you know what, I'm not even going to go with the whole "Not as good as other Pixar" thing because I definitely thought it was; I think the rotten reviews did actually help me in that I went into it with lower expectations. At this point I'd rank it higher on my list than quite a few of them, even WALL-E which I loved. IMO it fits in the Pixar mold and I don't know what the hell everyone's up in arms about. This feels like when Cars came out and there were "mixed" reviews, and after I watched it I thought, WTF critics? But I feel like in Brave, it's even worse because at least I understood where some critics just couldn't relate to Cars and there were pop culture jokes and references in it (which I didn't mind, I just understood). Maybe I'm just biased, but I think I can confidently say the critics can suck it on this one.
  15. It's not fair if they explicitly state they'd like it if it wasn't a Pixar movie since they expected much more, then grade it a rotten.
  16. True, which makes their review garbage to me. If you don't like it, just say it and leave it at that without invoking "not as good as Ratatouille!" or bringing down DWA. Don't try and soften it because it just hurts credibility IMO
  17. Did you watch it already btw? What'd you think? If I were a reviewer, yes, I might put "not as good as other Pixar," but if I even thought that if another studio made it that I'd like it, there's no way I'm rating it rotten like quite a few of those rottens did.
  18. I was talking about most of the reviewers bitching about how the story is not as good or as tight as the classic Pixar films, and so woe is them for having to sit through a "subpar Pixar flick but would be good if it was by another studio" movie... Even some of the freshes were like this. So it just sounds like if they watch a Pixar film, they'd better be blown away or else they're gonna think its crap. Which is completely unfair.
  19. Consensus is basically: Pixar, if you're not going to blow our minds, then don't even try. No, seriously, don't try; like, don't even release the movie. Just quit and move on to the next one and make sure that blows our minds.
  20. I know. Your posts pointing this out have actually been pissing me off (not you, the content).
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