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Everything posted by whoot

  1. Well Cars 2 is not even close to Lion King. You would think though that after Cars 2 that critics would be more forgiving... I guess I underestimated critics' ability to pretend it never happened, like most of us did.
  2. Is that you Todd McCarthy? Seriously though, if a Pixar movie was created because of a subject the director felt passionate about, but the end result wasn't Brad Birdian, I don't think they should be penalized for trying, especially with new directors. If however they produce soulless sellout garbage like Cars 2 and they miss, then they deserve all the crap they get.
  3. Yep, double standard. Should have gone with Cars 3 and 4 first for sure.
  4. Is he trying to make up for last year? Or is it Armond White reincarnated? What in the hell
  5. Maybe Pixar should have just made Cars 3 and 4 for release immediately after Cars 2 so that reviewers forget about comparing Brave to classic Pixar movies and instead rave about how completely original and un-crappy it is compared to the last 3 films in Pixar's dark age.
  6. A fresh one was added last time I checked (by Simon Miradao), but it was a lukewarm fresh. Maybe that knocked down the rating? Unless you guys already saw this review and we're just waiting for the next rotten to appear officially.
  7. Yes, CGI.Sounds like its got good people attached to this. Looking forward to this as well.With this and Wreck It Ralph, here's hoping the 3rd Golden Age is here.
  8. I like Cars, sometimes I pick that over the others. Cars 2 I don't even own.
  9. So much for Cars 2 lowering the expectations bar. If Brave ends up with the same RT score as Tangled, good. Seems that while most gave Tangled the benefit of the doubt, Brave gets demerits for not being Ratatouille. Also reminds me of the discussion on Cartoonbrew ripping Lasseter for changing directors. Some animators were livid that Brenda Chapman's work was getting changed when it was supposed to be fine. I wonder if Chapman's vision would have gotten more raves?
  10. It's okay IMO. They need to explore and train new artists. I'm glad they gave Mark Andrews a shot after the debacle with Chapman. If this movie stays in the B range and performs solidly, mission accomplished. Andrews will do better with his own story I would guess.
  11. It's a lot more attractive to the adult audience than Cars 2 though. I guess we'll see how bad Cars 2 damaged the brand with Brave's performance. Audiences always gave Pixar films the benefit of the doubt before last year.
  12. Yeah it doesn't sound like its gonna be blowing minds. Should be an interesting Oscar race this year.
  13. I would be too. I guess that's one good thing Cars 2 did for Pixar. Lower expectations.
  14. I don't know all of them, but it's safe to say that at the very least:John LasseterAndrew StantonPete DocterBob PetersenLee UnkrichBrad BirdMark AndrewsBrenda Chapman (could be leaving though)
  15. So has anybody mentioned the fact that the legendary Pixar brain trust has allowed Cars 2 and John Carter to be released to the general public? Brad Bird must be too busy to take part in those meetings. Or at least I'm going to pretend he was.
  16. But where are the actual reviews? And how many of the BFCA members have actually seen it?
  17. Ugh, Andrew, no. Stop it. You don't redeem yourself with Finding Nemo 2!Love that Pixar Avengers image.
  18. Wait, what? I thought Brave was getting great prescreening reviews?
  19. Is the Twitterverse mocking it, I assume?
  20. I'm curious about how leggy this will be. Honestly after last year, a total of $215m with a 3.8x multiplier would make me happy.
  21. If this were completely in spanish, we should probably expect that Iger wants Cars 3 released immediately after.
  22. With Selick taking up residence in the Pixar studios, he'd be a great resource for this (assuming the undead-type animated characters).This has become my most anticipated one in the slate now; even more than the dinosaur or the Inceptioney one... though it's probably because it's newly announced?
  23. If HTTYD was garbage I'd be arguing about this point more. But if it reminds people of HTTYD to get them curious enough to see it then by all means, I HEAR THERE ARE DRAGONS IN THIS
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