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Posts posted by excel1

  1. 18 hours ago, grim22 said:

    The concept sounds good but I'm not sure how a full movie where the protagonist is an unapologetic serial killer trying to evade the cops will work in terms of audience sympathy.


    Hartnett has always been a warm, likable screen presence, it is perfect against type.


    18 hours ago, ThomasNicole said:

    This is pulling very strong numbers on Twitter


    I think it can do very well, seems to have a broader appeal than Cabin


    Josh's power.

  2. 1 minute ago, MightyDargon said:

    Audiences had already given up on the DCEU continuity. And done so BEFORE Flash released.


    I disagree. Black Adam was a fine hit, we just didn't fully appreciate it in context. A sequel with him fighting Cavill's Superman is an easy $125-140m opening weekend tentpole. Aquaman 2 clearly had high potential. Wonder Woman 3 would have gotten buzz. etc etc. 

  3. This type of big budget creativity is beloved by Gen Z and young millennials. This is going to be absolutely enormous pop culture moment, I suspect. Music may be even bigger than the film. It is actually remarkable how something which is so artistic and wild on paper is actually extremely commercial.


    This is where film is in 2024 and it is honestly really exciting. The biggest films aren't cookie cutter sequels, rather they're outside the box takes on existing IP ala Joker, Barbie, etc. It feels very 1980ish.

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  4. This discourse is so silly. Call things as they are and don't down play. Had the "Snyderverse" continued", here is what would have happened:


    The Flash would have been a mild "meh" run instead of the mega flop it was. 

    Aquaman 2 is no doubt a solid, certified global hit with a Dune 2 sequel gross. 

    Cavill's Superman returning to fight The Rock's Black Adam would be themes hyped film of Sumer 2024 if the WB had actually made it.

    Who knows where they go with Wonder Woman.


    I think Gunn's Superman sounds really promising and I am excited for it. Anyone acting like Cavill returning the role to fight to The Rock's Black Adam would be anything other than really hyped up event film is being a bit ridiculous. Especially given how flat the slate of summer blockbuster films has ended up looking. Could easily see a $125-140m opening for that type of film which is obviously tremendous by 2024 standards.

  5. 2 hours ago, grey ghost said:


    Why do you think Republicans aren't pushing a congressional hearing or investigation about 2020 election fraud?


    Because they know it's total bull.


    Democrats had an investigation because that's what you're supposed to do when you truly believe there was wrong doing.


    90% of this eras republicans are pathetically weak. Raise your hand if you EVER thought you would become a fan and supporter of liz Cheney for anything. Me neither, but here we are.

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