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Eric Prime

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Eric Prime last won the day on September 18

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About Eric Prime

  • Birthday 11/24/1997

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    Timothee pls marry me

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  1. Oh believe me, I'm #1 in blaming audiences for the cynical way I'm seeing things. They always claim they want originality and something new, but they always return to old favorites. People are just fake fr
  2. I mean there are plenty of NTCs or legacy sequels or whatever I like and enjoy. I just wish they weren't the only movies making money. When 80% of every movie that's a hit consists of these kinds of franchise extensions and little for originality or movies that are designed to be one and dones? I mean...even though I like a good chunk of these movies, it's hard not to be a little miffed or cynical about it. idk idk idk 🤷‍♂️
  3. Because I'm bored and have a couple hours to kill before I see The Christopher Reeve Story.
  4. Guys, Baumer's right. Nostalgia slop is the only thing that sells. If people see a Transformers movie with all the old cast members, they'd eat it up like piggies. I know we like to deny this reality, but the masses are like robots. They see things from their childhood, they move, no questions asked. It's as cynical as that.
  5. GXK is the only good movie to make money since Oppenheimer. Now there are two.
  6. Was shocked when I saw his name in the credits. Don't know what him and Plan B was doing over there.
  7. Nah. It would have opened to 11M, everybody would freak out, I would be all smug and be all “remember guys, it’s not an NTC. People are too scared to see anything that isn’t based off a thing they already know”, people would be all “Eric, that’s not true!”, and we all move on. It’s a very predictable cycle, Maggie. I think we all know that.
  8. Silver lining: it’s possible the whole top 10 will be 200M+ for the first time since 2019. We already got 6, Moana’s a near lock, and we just need some combo of Joker, Venom, Gladiator, Wicked, Mufasa, and Sonic. (Some are likelier than others ofc)
  9. Would die for him unironically. He deserved a better movie.
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