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Eric Quinn

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Everything posted by Eric Quinn

  1. Firestarter Greater Philadelphia Area Seat Report T-3 and Counting Sellouts Showings Seats Sold Total Seats Perct Sold TOTALS 0 36 41 3674 1.12% Comp 0.621x of The Forever Purge T-3 (826K) 0.436x of Escape Room 2 T-3 (523K) 0.304x of Old T-3 (455K) 1.464x of The Night House T-3 (381K) 0.719x of Antlers T-3 (266K) 0.203x of Last Night in Soho T-3 (142K) 0.554x of X T-3 (244K)
  2. Moderation Yeah, we’re ending this cultural impact argument. It’s clear we’re going in circles, so let’s just finish all this. I also suggest, once again, you all put each other on your Ignore list. It’s not a hard task and there’s nothing wrong with not responding to a poster
  3. Moderation Guys, can we stop with this "spin" this and "event movie" that? Thank you.
  4. I saw the trailer for this in the theaters a while ago, and when I heard the kid say "Liar liar, pants on fire" unironically, I knew this movie was in trouble.
  5. You're not being warned for defending the movie. You're being warned because you're being a dick. The two of you are going after people because they have a mildly different opinion than yours (note that said detractors are also saying positive things) and acting as if they're either idiots or are deliberately trolling because they said mildly negative things over a movie you like. It's immature and insanely disrespectful. And as for people "attacking" the movie, we let people "attack" movies all the time in other threads. When a Marvel trailer comes out, we let people say they don't like it or think it looks bad. Likewise for Star Wars, DC, Harry Potter, etc. These are movies at the end of the day, and people are allowed to say however they feel about it. The universe won't implode on itself if people say it doesn't look as good, James Cameron won't lose his job because forum users say mildly negative stuff about his movie. It's not a big deal. And if you really can't handle people being mean about a movie that is destined to make billions of dollars and will make the creatives richer than you will ever be, then I suggest you find yourself another forum, because this immaturity doesn't slide here. And for the record, I agree with you lot and think the visuals on the trailer look incredible and a vast improvement and don't understand the dismissal. But I don't go after them for saying that. It's a movie at the end of the day, it's not worth attacking people over it.
  6. Moderation @JamesCameronScholar @IronJimbo Listen, you can disagree and argue with users on the visual quality and CG enhancements all you want, but if you're gonna go into petty insults, you're seeing a threadban. This is your only warning guys.
  7. The big issue honestly is just placing it on the Avatar YouTube channel. Which like I get, because Disney does this stuff with Marvel and Star Wars, but the Avatar channel gets peanuts in viewership and subscribers compared to the other two. Feel like they really should have plopped it on the 20th Century Studios YouTube channel tbh
  8. But Great Gatsby is a Leo vehicle first and foremost. The only other hits under Baz's belt is that, Romeo + Juliet, which is over 20 years old, and Moulin Rouge! which had help from the awards circuit. The Get Down was one of the first ever Netflix cancelations at a time when the service was way more willing to give shows a chance.
  9. Maybe the Cannes premiere will change my mind, and I'm aware this movie is likely really, really, really good, but my big issue when it comes to this movie being a breakout is that I don't think this has a lot of appeal to younger viewers, which is what helps these kind of music biopics break out. The two biggest of these kinds of movies were Straight Outta Compton and Bohemian Rhapsody, and those films brought in a lot of younger people my age that don't usually come out for these types of dramas. NWA and Queen's music is still huge with people my age, plus Dre, Cube, Brian May, etc. are still active in the business. Queen still tours all the time with Adam Lambert, Ice Cube's in a ton of movies, Dre does a lot of stuff on the business side of things. They all played active parts in the ad campaign and all did a great job crossing over to people born after their peaks. Elvis doesn't really have that. I know his music is big, and I know this is anecdotal, but my main exposure has mainly been parodies of him that take jabs at his persona. And it could just be my experience, but I never really see people my age talk about how much they love Elvis in the same way they do with, say, Beatles, which doesn't have that much youth appeal, and I don't really see anybody really keeping his name alive the way on the same level there is for Freddie Mercury. This just feels like Rocketman where it still did really well, but didn't break out from any usual biopic numbers, because it was on somebody who doesn't really have a lot of appeal to 20somethings around my age. Elton's a personal hero of mine, but I have a lot of LGBT friends, and Elton isn't really somebody my friends obsess over like Freddie, unless they're really into music. He's an old people act to them. Plus Elvis is surrounded by a bunch of easy 4-quad hits that will take up the film's audience. It'll be hard for it to stack up to Jurassic World or Thor or even Lightyear and Minions. But still, 90M would still make Elvis an easy success, so this isn't me trying to say the movie will do bad. And maybe the Doja Cat song will make it a hit somehow, I dunno.
  10. Jurassic World: Dominion Greater Philadelphia Area Seat Report T-32 and Counting Sellouts Showings Seats Sold Total Seats Perct Sold TOTALS 0 130 1112 23332 4.77% Total Seats Sold Today: 11
  11. Top Gun: Maverick Greater Philadelphia Area Seat Report T-18 and Counting Sellouts Showings Seats Sold Total Seats Perct Sold TOTALS 0 148 1097 30872 3.55% Total Seats Sold Today: 97 Comp 1.859x of F9 T-18 (13.2M) 2.545x of No Time to Die T-18 (16.03M)
  12. I hope you all wished @YourMother a Happy Mother's Day today!
  13. Two days ago, my company revealed somebody in the office got tested positive for COVID, which was the first time that's ever happened since I worked there. It's definitely legit concerning, but I still think it only impacts box office like...5% maybe? Anybody who wants to go to the movies are already vaxxed up, I never see masks when I'm out shopping or eating, and the people who were super cautious two years ago (god it's weird to think it's been two years) are now at the point where they will just...wear a mask or wait for next week to see the movie. Like I really feel these spikes have minimal damage. Whether that's a good thing is up to you of course.
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