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Eric the Minion

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Eric the Minion last won the day on July 7

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About Eric the Minion

  • Birthday 11/24/1997

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    Timothee pls marry me

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  1. Barring any potential bad legs, DM4 opening so well really does have me questioning why Despicable Me 3 underperformed the way it did domestically (Yes, I know it still did fine). Cars 3 and Emoji were barely threats, especially compared to Inside Out 2 alone, and it's not like these movies get hurt by bad reviews at all. I guess Wonder Woman and Homecoming siphoned off some of the family audience, but I'm not sure if that's the main reason. It's just kind of a weird blip compared to every other movie before and after it.
  2. Hoping to see it in the next couple days. Right now I'm ruminating on what movie I want to see today on my day off.
  3. I mean maybe you don't like race being brought up, but that is a legit query to bring up on a movie's box office potential. Like movies are skewing more and more towards minority viewers, and generally these types of sword and sandal movies generally skew towards old white dudes, like my dad. Of course that doesn't mean it's only that specific demo that likes it and nobody else is into it. And I'm sure I will be proven spectacularly wrong once the movie comes out and we get Deadline's demos. But I'm making an educated guess. The same educated guess everybody else gets to make for any other movie ever. He actually used to bully me on a daily basis for a solid year or two. To the point where I had mental issues and was afraid to even go on the forum I was an administrator of. And let me tell you, people sharing his tweets here, even using the "Voldemort" nickname, does not help at all. It actually makes me sick to my stomach seeing his stupid avatar. But when I brought it up, people insisted that I was being emotional. That we just have to share his posts. That we have to have his box office tweets up here, even though Charlie shares the exact same thing and he treats me and everybody else here with love and respect. It's not very fun that my feelings and emotions are somehow invalid, but I guess I have no choice. Ohhh well.
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