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Eric the Clown

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Everything posted by Eric the Clown

  1. lmao wut? They moved Jungle Cruise away from October because of how crowded 2019 was. Now they're moving a movie here? Also @grim22 @Spagspiria main thread I guess?
  2. Fandango App Monday Tues Wed Thursday Black Panther 35,429 36,302 39,934 65,453 Avengers: Infinity War 49,836 54,892 68,826 206,000 Deadpool 2 23,134 28,896 41,212 SW: Solo 13,688 15,855 28,533 Incredibles 2 20,872 23,430 39,337 Venom 13,602 13,818 20,867 31,569 A Star Is Born 9,115 11,383 22,641 21,501 Fantastic Beasts 8,956 14,238 21,861 31,880 Aquaman 8,502 9,671 15,063 Captain Marvel 33,951 37,060 Tuesday Comps: 102% of Black Panther (206.2M) 67% of Infinity War (174M) 128% of Deadpool 2 (161M) 234% of Solo (197.3M) 158% of Incredibles 2 (289M) 268% of Venom (215.2M) 326% of A Star is Born (139.7M) 260% of Fantastic Beasts 2 (161.8M) 383% of Aquaman (260.1M) Last 7 Days Comp: 85% of Black Panther (172.4M) Day 17-Day 3 Comp: 66% of Black Panther (134.5M) It's has come back down to Earth for a few comps, but it still manged to either stay steady or increase for many others. Again, conventional wisdom makes me want to follow the Marvel comps, but I still don't want to underestimate the female factor here. I have been more confident lately on the movie (was O/U Hunger Games for forever, now I'm O/U BvS), but I still want to be pessimistic and don't believe it will reach BatB numbers just yet.
  3. Get ready fam. I've got an update for y'all in about an hour
  4. Dwayne might be laughing when Hobbs and Shaw makes more than Fate of the Furious. But next summer, Tyrese bout to have the last laugh once this outgrosses Jungle Cruise
  5. https://deadline.com/2019/03/captain-marvel-box-office-opening-record-preview-1202569811/
  6. Stealing the chart Wang generated in early January I'm keeping this a spoiler out of respect for Wang's wishes. But if you notice in the chart, this is doing exceptional business. Ragnarok is more than tripled by CM's business, and it's above what BatB (likely) got by Thursday. And there's still a couple more days to go. At this point, I'm no longer O/U Hunger Games. I'm O/U BvS, maybe even BatB.
  7. Maybe? It really depends on just how well presales do over the next few hours.
  8. Yes and no. For upcoming movies (aka stuff coming out a week later), there's usually a decrease in ticket sales, due to cheap Tuesday. But for movies on their release week, there is almost always an increase. Though it's typically never anything huge.
  9. I just don't want to set myself (and others) up for disappointment. I don't wanna deal with meltdowns if this ends up hitting a measly $150M
  10. Fandango App Monday Tues Wed Thursday Black Panther 35,429 36,302 39,934 65,453 Avengers: Infinity War 49,836 54,892 68,826 206,000 Deadpool 2 23,134 28,896 41,212 SW: Solo 13,688 15,855 28,533 Incredibles 2 20,872 23,430 39,337 Venom 13,602 13,818 20,867 31,569 A Star Is Born 9,115 11,383 22,641 21,501 Fantastic Beasts 8,956 14,238 21,861 31,880 Aquaman 8,502 9,671 15,063 Captain Marvel 33,951 Monday Comps: 96% of Black Panther's Monday (193.6M) 68% of Infinity War (175.6M) 147% of Deadpool 2 (184.2M) 248% of Solo (209.4M) 163% of Incredibles 2 (297.2M) 250% of Venom (200.3M) 372% of A Star is Born (159.8M) 379% of Fantastic Beasts 2 (235.6M) 399% of Aquaman (271M) Black Panther Last 7 Days Comp: 77% of BP (155.1M) Black Panther Day 17-Day 4 Comp: 60% of BP (121.4M) So...yeah, there's a lot of interesting things here. Using the two big Marvel movies (Ant-Man 2's presales would have indicated a $385M+ opener, which...yeah, that ain't happenin'), that seems like the likely scenario. These are also Marvel movies, there's a clear marketplace, Marvel being the biggest thing in pop culture. Why shouldn't it cross at least 180M? However, I still want to be pessimistic here. Not pessimistic enough for the Day 17 BP comp, but more on the line of the Last 7 Days BP comp and the Star is Born comp. I'm sure many are confused why ASIB is listed next to other action/superhero movies based on brands with huge fanbases. Well, the one factor that Captain Marvel has that those other movies don't is strong female appeal. Female-led/skewing movies are notorious for having comparatively larger presales than male-led/skewing releases. And ASIB fits a similar enough bill to CM. Both are female-skewing pictures, and both have large fanbases attached to them that would want to buy tickets in advance (Little Monsters, Marvelites) And simply put...yeah, that 160M number still seems about right. Granted, I've been gunning to be more conservative lately, but I think the female factor's a factor that still needs to be in consideration here. Crossing Beauty and the Beast is already an incredibly high mark (Top 10 OWs), and at least right now, I don't think the hype is quite there yet. But hey, there's still a couple more days to go.
  11. Yeah, that's the one I use. I find it to be more accurate and easier to track, even if I technically have to look at more numbers. No disrespect to the 24 hour clock thing, but that just seems a touch more shaky, and I'd rather take the longer but more accurate approach than just be cheap and do it the quick way.
  12. I...don't know the answer to that. However, my data is always making sure it's within the 0:00 to 23:00 timespan, so again, just wait until my thing is ready in a few minutes.
  13. Not yet. The last hour is still on estimates. Wait about 45 more minutes, and I'll post the final results (or next morning. Depends on how much I want to sleep)
  14. This comes from me, archiving Fandango https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Q-1UceCRkSh3BraIvvm0XDJyoUJsyrq8oOufQvjP7Qk/edit#gid=209330330
  15. 2011 was solid. Sonic 4: Episode I was...fine. Generations was dope, and Mario and Sonic is always a nice time-killer.
  16. Between Sonic, the Genie, and Mystique, 2019 is not a good year for blue characters. The Kim Possible movie played it smart by not even bothering painting the villain dude blue.
  17. @filmlover @WrathOfHan @Cmasterclay @Morieris I don't know if you're near Miami, but I know y'all are from Flo Rida
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