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Posts posted by miketheavenger

  1. Just back from watching GotG in German.


    After seeing it already in English I'd think Marvel should fire the dubbing company.


    Not sure how the GA will react, as they mostly will not have that comparison.


    Shortly before 15:00 o'clock, theater was ~ a bit over 50% filled.

    Could be a bit like The Lego Movie, which did great in the U.S. and other English-speaking countries, but wasn't that strong everywhere else.

    • Like 1
  2. Blankments GOTG over Apes club is looking like an even bigger victory now. I remember when some people thought that Apes was going to save the summer. In actuality, it opened solidly, but will finish below Maleficent.



    Apes died.  



    While true, it still had a fine run. But, as Baumer said, died rather quickly after incredibly solid opening 10 days.

    Yet Apes still made more than TASM 2. :lol:

    • Like 2
  3. Terrific legs for Guardians.  Top 3 at the U.S. box office for 2014 now have an average RT score of 90%.  Top 11 at the U.S. box office for 2014 have an average RT score of 75%.  Transformers 4 is the mind-boggling outlier at #4 with only an 18%.

    Not really mind-boggling because this franchise has always been criticproof. Even though AOE dropped significantly domestically, it's still a juggernaut overseas.

    • Like 1
  4. Well i must be stupid too then. I think TF4 is better than Toy story 3, not saying I think TF4 is great but TS3 was just a bore imo. I'm not a fan of these latest Pixar critical darlings like Up, wall E and ratatouille, they just don't have the heart and fun the earlier films had. It's why they haven't managed to replicate the success of Monsters Inc or Nemo over the last 10 years (TS3 aside, though it was a sequel to their most iconic film). It's like they are trying too hard to please the academy by getting so damn adamant on delivering messages.



    I didn't think anyone else disliked Pixar the way I do.  



    That's a silly question.  Pixar does nothing for me.  I think they are some of the worst animated films out there.  TS3 is horrible.

    Posted Image

  5. Well i must be stupid too then. I think TF4 is better than Toy story 3, not saying I think TF4 is great but TS3 was just a bore imo. I'm not a fan of these latest Pixar critical darlings like Up, wall E and ratatouille, they just don't have the heart and fun the earlier films had. It's why they haven't managed to replicate the success of Monsters Inc or Nemo over the last 10 years (TS3 aside, though it was a sequel to their most iconic film). It's like they are trying too hard to please the academy by getting so damn adamant on delivering messages.

    I wholeheartedly disagree. I actually think 2007-2010 might be their best phase. But that's just me.

  6. To the German speakings here, interested in GotG:


    I am usually not one who would look into a Game site for a movie review, but via news this popped up;

    rather positive ~ review, but with this hint



    We should mention that translated into English that means: "Watch the movie in the original language (English) to get all the jokes."

  7. Looking at the numbers, I think this might be the first weekend GOTG was overpredicted for the weekend. Sunday's 29.6% might be a bit on the optimistic side, seeing how the weekday drops (and by extension, Sunday to an extent) are getting bigger along with the Friday/Saturday boosts, we might be looking more towards a 33-35% drop (for Sunday). That's still a fantastic hold for the weekend though.

    You just want to suck the joy out of everything.



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  8. No, because Disney's marketing is essential to what got Cap 2 that high in the first place.


    A Paramount MCU would have still been successful, but I doubt even the Avengers could have been as big as it was without Disney.  Disney is the marketing god, and Paramount owned MCU was simply untapped potential (as we see now).

    Yeah, I think without Disney marketing The Avengers would have probably made around TDK numbers domestically at best. Will be very interesting how huge the marketing push for Star Wars Episode VII will be.

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