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Everything posted by James

  1. Glad you liked it Cant wait for SW, Indy and Friday 13 on your list
  2. As I explained, when there's not a big spectacle for me to watch the characters must carry the movie an for that to happen without me falling asleep I need an interesting character: like Dorian Gray or Tyler Durden. Generally a troubled, dark, twisted character.
  3. I lied AWARD WINNER! Best Art Direction according to Kalo I lied AWARD WINNER! Best Art Costumes (okay maybe tied with GBPH) AWARD WINNER! best Soundtrack according to Kalo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NacorzSwf0M This is sooo goood!
  4. Of course I have a taste. It's my own, very personal and subjective mate. If you don't agree:
  5. Haha, me too. Everythime I see that I start laughing like an idiot.
  6. 4. Dorian Gray (2009 / 2010) The more I thought about this movie, the more my Top 10 shifted and this got from #7 to #4. Now, regarding the release date, some places had it at the end of 2009 and others in 2010 (and I found no date for the US), so I decided to count it as a 2010 release. This is a my “guiltiest” pleasure ever, which is kind of ironic since, at the core of it, ‘Dorian Gray’ is all about pleasure: the pleasure of eternal youth, the pleasure of eternal beauty, the pleasure of sex and money, of men and women. The new adaptation of Oscar Wilde’s classic novel is simply hypnotic, it draws you in and it’s claws keep you glued to the screen, making you ask yourself some serious questions about morals and their price. Some scenes are strangely erotic and the score, with sensual violin chords, underlines them even better. Oliver Parker does a marvelous job at directing and Ben Barnes is the perfect incarnation of Dorian. Add in Firth as the hedonistic teacher and there you have it: a perfect movie. ***Just freakin listen to this: Grade: 98/100
  7. Well, what is your guess? I won't tell you anyway, but I am curious haha.
  8. So... 3 fantasy movies and 1 drama/thriller left to go. Curiously, my top 10 is heavily modified from the first draft.
  9. So that leads to one inevitable conclusion: you need to better your taste mate
  10. 5. Total Recall (2012) This is the highest rated SF on the list and my second favourite science-fiction movie ever, behind only ‘War of the Worlds’. The Philip K. Dick adaptation is sublime when it comes to world building. The VFX describes what is probably the most interesting future scenario ever put on screen. In fact, this is what makes of ‘Total Recall’ such a good film for me. That world, the way it looks, it’s just how I imagine the future when I close my eyes. The story is also engaging: what is real and what is not? Acting wise, it’s hard to find two better leads than Colin Farrell and Kate Beckinsale. The chemistry between them is really good. Also, seeing Kate kick ass (awesome!)… Also, it’s not part of the movie’s OST, but EVERY SINGLE TIME I listen to this I start visualizing the world in a similar way ‘Total Recall’ describes it (it’s mind blowing): Grade: 98/100
  11. 6. Imaginaerum (2012) I’ve never seen a movie that delivers a stronger emotional punch than ‘Imaginaerum’. It’s one of the only three films that ever made me tear up and boy oh boy did I tear up. It connected on so many levels because it’s the story of everyone of us. Because we all have a family and we all know that sometime, maybe not today or tomorrow, but some day the people we love will pass on. From a technical POV, the imagery for this is just mind fucking. The whole movie looks like a painting. Probably the best cinematography I’ve ever seen. And the soundtrack… the soundtrack is just gorgeous and it makes the message so much stronger. It is fluid and sad and sorrowful and it plays wih your feelings. One of the most beautiful things I've heard in my life. Grade: 97/100
  12. 7. The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013) This was easily my most anticipted movie of 2013 and it did not disappoint. It’s really hard to differentiate between these chapters because essentially the three movies form a big one, just like LOTR, but I got so hyped for the first glimpse of Smaug, and seeing him in all his enormity in IMAX (which, by the way, is the second biggest screen of this type in the world, behind only the one in Sydney) really blew my mind. It was just insane. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a CGI creature so well made. It was incredible, it was frightening. From some points of view this is the best part of the trilogy. The story evolves the most and so do the characters but, in the end, it somehow feels like ‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows –Part 1’ – the silence before the storm. The best character (Smaug aside) was Thranduil, followed closely by Tauriel. I loved them. Elves are such fascinating and complex beings. This also features what I think it is the most exquisite new piece of music in the trilogy: Grade: 97/100
  13. Then why do you have hopes for SW? The source material is much worse
  14. I found it quite a bit better. Had a much better villain for one. Cumberbatch is awesome!
  15. 8. Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) This is my second favourite SF of the decade so far and it the best space opera ever made. JJ Abrams manages to transform ‘Star Trek’ from a property I never had the smallest desire to watch into a cool, action packed blockbuster that gives me hope ‘Star Wars VII’ will not be as bad as the laughable first teaser and the history suggest. A big advantage is Chris Pine. It is impossible not to like the guy: firstly because he objectively is a great actor and secondly – because he is (also objectively) what Megan Fox is for women – pure eye candy. Cumberbatch’s addition only seals the deal. ‘Star Trek Into Darkness’ is epic, the battle scenes are crazy and the world building is even better. Soundtrack wise, it delivers one of my most played songs of 2013: Grade: 96/100
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