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Everything posted by James

  1. 26. Salt (2010) This Angelina Jolie vehicle is one of the best spy themed movies ever made. Everything is done the way it should be: a badass character, an entertaining story, and a lot of impressive fight scenes + Jolie. I am honestly suprised at the amount of hate this gets. Just goes to show people like to criticise just for the sake of opening their mouths. Grade: 85/100 25. Skyfall (2012) This is the second best James Bond film ever made, behind only 'Quantum of Solace'. Craig is a the best Bond. It had the best Bond theme ever (Adele really nailed it). The villain was ok. Story wise and direction wise I have nothing to add. Grade: 85/100
  2. But that is very general thing. Of course dark moments will have dark pieces of soundtrack and lighthearted moments will have lighthearted ones. It's ridiculous to think otherwise. Did Zimmer ever affirmed he was influenced by the SW soundtrack on his work? Because tonally they are very very different. And you basically quoted the whole LOTR OST. I have no clue what ILM is, but I guess it's important.
  3. Really? Show me a single similitude between SW and LOTR OST wise.
  4. 28. Dracula Untold (2014) This movie had a hell lot of silly moments, but damn it, this is the kind of flick cinema was created for. It's insanely fun to watch, keeps you on the edge of your seat and has some moments that will make you feel very satisfied even if they don't make a lot of sense. Evans gives quite of a performance and that's actually saying much considering I hate most films made about Dracula, that have absolutely no base in reality. I am glad this brought up the the historical part: the Otoman Empire and it's century long dominance over South-Estern Europe. Grade: 84/100 27. Insterstellar (2014) The Christopher Nolan space opera is one of those rare things in the movie industry that come once every few years and show you how a certain genre should be treated. 'Interstellar' is an epic space ballad, that carries a huge emotional punch and some truly stunning visual work. In his typical, realistic style, Nolan makes you ask yourself many sensible questions in what is probably the most thoughtful movie of the decade so far. Grade: 85/100
  5. I generally do. For example, I know JJ borrowed elements from SW and I find in ST a much better SW for example. But I also know that some things lose relevance over time and a lot of old franchises make no exceptions. And I know nothing is fully original today, but if today's filmmakers use some elements from old movies they do it in such a way that they remove the classic, goofy vision most old movies have.
  6. You mean you can't speak for Europe in general (there's nothing in Europe more popular than HP and LOTR).
  7. But it does. I'm a 21st century kid (well, born in 94 but you get the idea) and I very much live in the present where I can see what's popular (and well known) and what's less popular. I don't really care how things were 40 years ago.
  8. But being know for something inclues popularity and his most popular WW work is on HP, especially beacuse today is 2015, not 1970. US is just a very small part of a very big world (yep, I just made a Jupiter Ascending throwback ).
  9. But we were talking about popularity. And yeah, it's his best one, but that's just my opinion.
  10. Arguably the best known movie theme today is the POTC one. Like, my dad has it as his phone alarm and he is not a movie buff AT ALL.
  11. Williams is much more knows for hs work in the Potter series than SW and the two are NOTHING alike. And Zimmer and Shore copied Williams? What?! C'mon Tele, be objective. The SW score is iconic. As iconic as others mentioned though? Not for modern audiences.
  12. Are you actually telling me SW has something on these themes?
  13. 'S okay tele, I know you cannot be objective ***pats on the back*** regarding your SW fanboyism We forgive you.
  14. C'mon Noctis, move your freakin ass faster and continue the countdown.
  15. It's better than the Star Wars score. And not all movies have to have a stand out, perfect, epic scores like HP, LOTR, POTC or TF.
  16. 30. Project X (2012) I like raunchy comedies and this one is one of those rare situations where the found-footage genre was put to good use. This film was a source of good time and amazing tunes for me. I still have a few song used there on my phone. Plus, let's be honest, who doesn't want a party as crazy as that, no matter how unrealistic it is. Just like the events presented in it, 'Project X' was a huge rave with some crazy scenes and a (sort of) manifesto against authority and who doesn't love that? Grade: 81/100 29. Cloud Atlas (2012) With this mind boggling adaptation the Wachowski's prove once again their great vision when it comes to science fiction and 'Cloud Atlas' is a borderline masterpiece. The only thing that takes from it's value is the pacing. Unlike 'Jupiter Ascending', which at times moves too fast, 'Atlas' has some very slow parts. Nonetheless, it's a memorable movie with a great message behind it and I find this huge wave of hidden semnifications to be what truly makes these directors the top of the industry. Grade: 82/100
  17. Sooo excited for this. One of only 3 movies worth gettin excited for in 2016.
  18. 32. Godzilla (2014) Not only was this the source of one of the most legendary gifs ever, but it also was a pretty memorable ride. Unlike other people, I wasn't really bothered by the lack of the actual monster in the movie. The tension was enough to make my IMAX experience worthwhile. Add to that some impressive scenes towards the end of the movie and there you have it: a home run. Also, the soundtrack for this is off the charts. Have you listened to this shit: It's insane!! Grade: 79/100 31. Horrible Bosses 2 (2014) This will be the first movie graded with 80/100 (so we're entering the true top). The second part of 'Horrible Bosses' was brilliant. Haha, it was actually funnier than the first one. Great casting and they really struck a gold mine with adding Pine. Man oh man, he's awesome. He's probably among the most versatile actors working today, and his psychotic caracter was a lot of fun to watch. I laughed so much my eyes got teary but what really elevated this movie was, again, the acting. Pine, of course, Aniston is perfect as always and it seems Bateman can't really make a movie I don't like. 'This Is Where I Leave You', 'Bad Words', 'Identity Thief' were all funny as hell. Grade: 80/100
  19. At least you can't a accuse me of being predictable which is what most lists on these forums are.
  20. 34. X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014) This is the first of only two superhero movies on the list and it is my second favourite X-Men movie after 'The Last Stand'. The idea of bringing together the same characters from different time lines was a truly inspired one and and the fact that Magneto was heavily featured was probably the best thing about this Bryan Singer vehicle. The movie actually has one of the most impressive scenes ever seen in a superhero flick. My only complaint is the absence of arguably the most interesting character in the X-Men universe: Jean Grey (Phoenix). Grade: 76/100 33. Clash of the Titans (2010) I am crazy about Greek mythology and history in general (there's probably no country on Earth with such a rich culture... maybe Italy, maybe) and was everything I ever wanted in a movie with this subject. The visuals are incredible, the acting is ok and they actually respect most of the myths which is rare in Hollywood. It was a perfect popcorn flick and an insane adrenaline rush. Beeing a little high while watching it makes it even better. Grade: 77/100
  21. Romania. And yeah Henry, you got that right It's truly amazing how different things are here for a lot of movies, starting from the BO run to the good reviews.
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