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Everything posted by James

  1. Yeah, yeah, we know you want even better legs for your club And since I am in that club, it better have insane legs.
  2. I actually wanted to write the same Top 3! Those 3 are the Holy Trinity of war. Gosh, I want some historical movies!
  3. Technically speaking the guillotine was more of thing in the times before him, with Robespierre. As for the other 2: yes and yes. Quick, call @Fullbuster. He would be proud!
  4. In 2015 (last time when FD was on a Sunday) Jurassic World dropped only 1.9% on Sunday. And that was it's second weekend. San Andreas increased 9% from Saturday. I think it will stay flat.
  5. Well, no one did, that is the nature of empires lol. But most civil laws Europe and the US have are inspired by his work in the field, so... But speaking of Napleon, I would kill for a movie detailing his rise to power. And side note: he was of average height.
  6. Bonaparte is one of the greatest rulers of all time, plus my favorite historical character so watch your mouth, Tele! And wannabe-dictator?
  7. So assuming 53-54m for WW this weekend, what are we looking for next weekend, seeing as it has Father's day on Sunday? 35M? I think a drop in the 30-40% area should happen. From a 54m-ish second weekend a 30% drop means around 38m. A 40% drop would mean around 32.5m. But since the high end is so close to 40, I will call 40m now.
  8. For the next weekend? No way WW drops more than 50% with Father's Day.
  10. I am thinking it jumps over 40% just because it was slowed down by the game today imo.
  11. I predicted 55m for the second weekend for WW with a bit higher of a Friday. But if the games really affected it like they did the first 2 times, I think the Saturday bump will be better than I expected, so Deadline might not be that far off with that weekend prediction. It would also LOCK 300m.
  12. Ok, so not the right person to ask But if you liked the first one why would you hesitate to go see the sequel?
  13. @Ethan Hunt have you seen the first GOTG? What did you think of it. I want to decide whether to go see the second one since there are some super cheap tickets here for the end of it's run. But the first one is probably my least favorite Marvel movie (haven't seen the Hulk movie though).
  14. If by that you mean the present day ark, I actually liked that much more than the past ark. Fassbender and Cotillard have some good chemistry going on. Not as good as in Macbeth, but still.
  15. Ok, I just finished watching Assassin's Creed and I am confused. Why did this movie get such horrible reviews? Granted, it has it's problems, but the acting alone elevates it over a lot of blockbusters nowadays. Plus the story is not bad, if a bit underdeveloped. The movie should have been 30-40 minutes longer probably. But that aside, it is miles better than Warcraft or other video game inspired movies. I really would have liked a sequel.
  16. Side note, but all the Indi talk made me think of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gq4JVKJcG8E This was my favorite thing on TV as a kid and I haven't watched it in sooooo long. I think I might have a binge. Did anyone else watch it? EDIT: How do you embed a YT vid?
  17. Talking about Indiana Jones, why hasn't Paramount made another one after KotCS? That movie made an enormous amount of money.
  18. I would kill for Cruise to join the Wizarding World. I seriously doubt he would refuse if an offer would be made.
  19. I actually hope they succeed with this monster universe thing. Dracula Untold was such a blast. I absolutely loved it.
  20. WW this weekend: What I think will happen: 16 22 15.5 OW 53.5M What I hope will happen: 17.5 24.5 17 OW 59M As for the Mummy, honestly, as much as I like Cruise, this is Fraser's franchise. Mummy without him is like Pirates without Depp, at least for me.
  21. Wouldn't it be funny if Deadline was right for once and WW made 60m or close to it this weekend? I wonder how many 400m predictions would pop up if that happened.
  22. Gotta love this place. Yesterday everyone was like this: And today everyone is like:
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