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Everything posted by James

  1. WW still hanging in there is a really good sign.
  2. I am so excited to see this! It opened here this weekend as well, but with my exams I don't have the time for it. But I will catch it on June 1st, in a combo with POTC5 (so my most anticipated movies of 2017 in one day). And on the same day I have tickets to the Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Movie Concert It will be the best day ever!!! Oh, and I hate this on repeat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGnfFW-vyzU
  3. YT is not the only platform for trailers. IT is the most viewed trailer ever on FB with over 123m (it actually got that title in about 24h I think).
  4. Actually overall trailer views are better than for MoS through the same point in time and much better when FB views are included in comparison and the comparison with SS is useless. SS holds the record for most trailer views in history before release (trust me on that, I followed them hourly in the months leading to the release ). Using that same formula the TLJ teaser trailer views are lower than the RO teaser and about 1/3 of the first TFA teaser. Franchises (like SW or the overall DCU) get to a saturation point after the first few movies are released. The level WW is at is still very good and at this point I will be surprised if it doesn't top 100m.
  5. Late to the party, but I am still surprised by how much TC2 made. I will bet right now that IT will have a Top 10 place on the 2017 list.
  6. Not comparable at all. The ER, esp in UK, is way worse than it was back in 2011. Aside from that we already had 2 SW movie in the past 2 years. Nostalgia is long gone. And now you have expanding markets that were a non factor in the 2000s. LA is yet another place were the ER is getting worse and worse. Add Mexico to that. But my main reason is nostalgia. We shall see.
  7. I think Dumbledore being back and tying Hogwarts and Europe sort of to the story will have a pretty big impact. I am not hoping for 100m, but maybe 80-90m.
  8. Just rewatched RO btw. It is head and shoulders over most SW movies (except for the soundtrack). It deserved more than it did.
  9. Not really. I expect about 650-700m DOM. And about 650m OS. And it has zero chance to touch 900m OS, someone here said. China is all but assured to drop from the first one and it will lose about 80m from the UK alone. TFA had huge nostalgia behind it.
  10. You can mark my words: Pirates will make around 600m from US+China+Japan alone. 400m from the rest of the world won't be that hard. Also, we've got to a point where global audiences dictate the taste. Just look at FF, TF, even HP/Fantastic Beasts. Nowadays, unless we talk SW, there is no other franchise that can survive without OS grosses. I think we should try to compare declining between movies from a WW perspective. Overall, the huge chunk of money coming from OS will render a DOM underperformance irrelevant anyway. Speaking of, I am really curious about what SW8 will make seeing how that first teaser/trailer pretty much failed to attract much attention. I mean, it will definitely win the year WW, but I am thinking a big drop from SW7 is in store. Maybe smth like 1.3B WW. And regarding GotG, someone was saying 900-950m WW. Just how? At this point even 850m is difficult.
  11. A bit off topic, but looks like POTC5 will do great in China based on the presales. 1B WW should happen.
  12. Eh, that is a bomb if I've ever seen one. Still want to see Arthur though. And I really don't get why GotG is so underwhelming OS. With the reception of the first one I would've thought it would fly past what the first one did. It will barely beat it (and no, the ER is not THAT horrible).
  13. Honestly, this just shot up on the list of my most anticipated movies for the rest of the year. And I haven't even seen the original (yet, I will). Also, it is doing very good numbers across the younger demo (it's Twitter numbers matched WW's last trailer, the Facebook page is really doing amazing and the trailer views are pretty high on both YT and FB). I think a 50-60m OW sounds about right.
  14. I am so curious to see where the growth will stop here and when will the market stabilize. The increase was between 10-20% yearly in admissions for the past 7-8 years. And with more and more screens being built every year I am sure that 500k OW is not THAT far away.
  15. So we still don't know who has the rights to the franchise?
  16. Yeah, the bar is insanely high, but that is pretty much the only movie that has even a remote chance of doing it until the next FF. POTC set the OW record in 2011 and was the second highest movie after Avatar at that time. Even by todays standards, it did massive numbers.
  17. Just saw this. WTF?!!!!!!! Oh, and as insane as it may sound, I am betting the record is going down again this year. POTC5 is coming. Even though it will be difficult. But 250k adm at least should happen.
  18. Haven't updated in a while, but FF8 is coming this next weekend and seeing how all schools and unis are off and the movie will have an entire week of previews rolled in (shows starting from today), I predict it will defeat FF7 for the biggest OW ever and it will register the first ever 200.000+ admissions OW. I am thinking around 210.000!
  19. Look at FB dominating that list! Olive, what do you think will be the first movie that takes it down from the top spot?
  20. Lol, imagine if this opened to 100m thoughIt would basically be locked to be THE success story of the year, no matter what any other movie does.
  21. Surprised no one posted this yet. Where is that place where Dany is?
  22. 76m views on FB in just 17 hours. LOL, this is so ridiculous. 9m views on WB's official YT channel + 6-7m on other channels. I am starting a club for this over 50m OW, if there isn't already one.
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