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Everything posted by James

  1. If WW manages 30m or close o it this weekend I am tempted to say that Tele's club is a near lock.
  2. You know, I think whoever said Paramount should direct their efforts towards cheap movies was right. I mean, I am looking at Rings and despite it not being a big hit it made 83m for them on a 25m budget. And that is a huge budget for a horror movie. WB made the first Annabelle for 6.5m. They should really target that horror crowd. They seem to be a gold mine for WB (The Conjuring Universe, Lights Out and IT looking to be huge). Universal had huge success this year on that front too. And let's not forget that theatrically these movies sometimes make more money than big, expensive franchises. Of course, studios prefer big franchises because of the other revenue streams (merchandise), but Paramount for example doesn't even own Hasbro. And while they might get some revenue from them, it is not the same as WB owning HP/DC or Disney owning SW/Marvel. So the small but profitable way should be even more obvious for them. Idk, just a thought.
  3. First things first: I just finished watching PASSENGERS and you know what? It was a damn enjoyable movie. Yeah, a bit cheesy at times, but I was really entertained. I was a bit sleepy when I put it on and it managed to keep me interested despite how tired I am. Great, great acting. And nice visuals too. Second - it took me a good 5 minutes to realize that DH2 did not meant Deathly Hallows 2. I was wondering if a new Potter movie was announced and I missed it lol.
  4. You can add 2 horror megahits. IT will be ridiculously huge imo. Same with Annabelle WW.
  5. Side note, but I can't deal with Chris Stuckman's pretentious ass. Gosh!! And the way he reviews movies in that completely flat tone...
  6. Hahaha, so not me really. But I do wanna get back to the gym. I lost some weight.
  7. I actually had to google that. I feel old. How can I feel old. I am only 23 ffs. Aw, thanks!
  8. I have the same problem with Twitter. I am actually trying to get used to that place, but I can do the same thing with Insta Stories and plus, I can talk with anyone answering to my stories in private, which is a plus.
  9. Cute kids are always good for likes. Just like cats. Food is a so-so. Nature pics are hit and miss.
  10. 12K https://www.instagram.com/james_trevino/ I lost some these past 2 months. It is my graduation period and I had no time for it.
  11. Easy: my Instagram is mostly book related, there are very few guys that read nowadays and female readers seem to gravitate towards them, plus my captions are pretty retarded most of the time, which seems to be a plus.
  12. Oh please lol. You can't even compare the two. Snapchat is trash.
  13. This thread... The Ethan/Han talk... The TF/WW numbers... The kids in theaters talk... Me actually reading all of it...
  14. WB has this and IT within one month of each other. Annabelle is all but locked to make more than 250m WW. And IT, seeing the kind of reception the trailer had... LOL, I don't even know what to expect. PA3 holds the record for the biggest horror opening I think, with 52.5m. That is toast imo. Pure profit at it's finest.
  15. With this kind of automatic reaction, I love Bay's FUCK YOU attitude towards critics. Can't wait to see this.
  16. I know it is, but it actually managed a 10% increase (from 70% to 80%) last week. I don;t think it will have an under 70% increase this week.
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