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Everything posted by James

  1. Wow you guys, I just had to look at this page to figure out that this thread is just as awful as the yesterday one. WTF? Is the need to say the same shit again and again really that strong?
  2. The most boggling thing about TH's run is Japan. LOTR, just as HP and SW, was huge there, but TH could not do the same. I think/hope FB retains a big part of HP's gross. 70-80m from there would go a long way. Add a moderate increase in China and things look pretty bright. I just want to see some material. A trailer or something. I thought we'd receive it with BvS but it seems WB keeps us waiting.
  3. I sure hope so. The year-to-year increase in admissions up to this point is about 20%, which is fantastic. The difference will shrink in the next month (April 2015 had Fast 7, April 2016 is pretty empty until the Jungle Book arrives - this coming weekend especially is as empty as it gets). But the Summer starting with May should be way way up from 2015. We have a blockbuster every week for the May-June period. July is also looking busy as fuck. August is ok (Independence Day and Ice Age will battle for the Summer crown methinks and Ice Age will likely win). September is again very very empty. October has Inferno which I think will challenge $1m. November looks strong, same with December, even though 2015 had stronger contenders. But we'll see. It might be a bit optimistic, but if the Summer increases enough, we might get to 13 million admissions in 2016, up from 11 million last year. That would buck the trend of 1m increase/per year we had for the last 3-4 years.
  4. That's really not the point. This will be marketed as the return to that universe. It will have HP written all over it even if HP is not in it. And you have to consider a fanbase so loyal that basically all the movies did the same money (except for the last one which exploded). And we talk 8 movies. Franchises nowadays have trouble maintaining their grosses after their second outing, let alone the eight. I think this will play way closer to Star Wars. I don't mean in terms of BO cume, but with multiple generations coming to see the movie. There is a reason why the series is still in Top 3 bestsellers in the US 9 years after the last book was published. http://www.nytimes.com/best-sellers-books/2016-04-03/series-books/list.html The cross-generational appeal will be enormous. Really, SW is the only comparison we have. Of course, that had 40 smth years on it's side, this has way less, so for now we don't have 5 generations to see this. But HP fans, now in their late 20's or 30's, will take their kids to see this. It will be the new HP for a new generation. I really don't see less than 1B WW. The curiosity alone will push it to that and I trust Rowling and Yates to deliver a good movie like before.
  5. Lol, there is no plot in the book. Fantastic Bests is an encyclopedia of fantastic animals in the HP universe. There are no characters or story. You are just told that the writer of the encyclopedia is Newt. That is why no one knows what will happen in the movie.
  6. I seriously doubt it. There was a reason why FF7 made what it made. But the market is expanding so who knows.
  7. Well, first of all, I think the HP fanbase is a bit bigger than LOTR's. Second, we received one movie every other year for 10 years. And now there have been 5 years since the last HP.As for why would it be bigger than PS: 3D for one and especially expanding markets.
  8. The market is expanding. We still haven't had a 200.000+ adm OW (FF7 is the closest with 196.210), but it will happen soon enough. My guess is either Rogue One (although it really needs to overperform) or POTC5 next year.
  9. That's not pretty good. It is an INCRE-FUCKIN-DIBLE number. It doubled the previous DC best opener. To figure out just how huge this is, this is how the highest OW for a SH movie looks like: BvS - 128k adm Deadpool - 118k adm AoU - 70k adm Every olther CBM opened under 60k adm.
  10. Just rewatched Spiderman 3. Damn it, I want Venom and and me to be besties He seems fun.
  11. Well, I loved the Crypt Keeper when I was small so that's not so bad:
  12. I didn't say it is bad. They have a very lucrative year in 2016 because, just like Universal in 2015, they have most of their big franchises crammed in one year. But that is not a sustainable model if they want grosses like this every year.
  13. Mine is clearly better. If I'd ever have a book so successful it would warrant a book adaptation they'd be the only studio I'd trust with it (so basically I'd turn down any other studio even at the price of never adapting it). That proves they are better.
  14. Yeah, because they actually have to bring on original content alongside with their franchises. And from this original content new franchises are born (Lego, The Conjuring). All in all, their way of doing business clearly works. All in all I think the next couple of years will become a showdown between WB and Disney, with all the other studios being left in the dust. Universal has some big franchises and it works for them when they are all in one year. 2016 looks dismal for them. Fox is the same, on a smaller level. Paramount and Sony are small players compared to the big two. And Lionsgate is out of the game if they don't discover the next big YA franchise. Basically WB and Disney are the only ones with a full slate every year.
  15. Are you trying to be sarcastic? Look at Warner's line this year and in the next few years. 2015 was the first year in I don't even know how many when they weren't either no. 1 or no. 2.
  16. I missed the Studio dick measuring contest. Damn it! I would've bitch-slapped the guy that put WB under Universal or Disney. lol Someone needs to take another look at those yearly charts.
  17. I am sure they will. Radcliffe's and Grint's careers aren't so hot and even if Emma is doing way better, if JK asks them to return they will. And seeing how the fanbase will reach enormous levels at that point (the fact that the books are still in Top 3 NYT bestsellers means that HP fans already buy the books for their kids). It is basically SW 2.0, with generations upon generations of fans. I wanna see the day when @Telemachos brings little Tele to his first HP movie in theaters.
  18. Even with the same rates, China aside, the 100m diference between them (china did 99M) is still absolutely huge. Maybe it would have done 20m more. And that is a big ass maybe.
  19. If Veronica Vandenbitch or what her name is says it is strong then it is strong
  20. Has this been posted? http://deadline.com/2016/03/batman-v-superman-dawn-of-justice-opening-box-office-results-international-1201725677/
  21. I said the same thing last year when a lot of people were happy to give the OS OW record to JW for opening with 315m vs DH2's 314m, despite the fact that JW actually needed a huge opening from China to succeed. Actually, China aside, no movie ever came close to topping DH2's OS opening. Like, no other movie even managed to get over 300m. So saying it's unfair gives you nothing, even though I agree with you per se.
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