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Everything posted by James

  1. It's not about Bloom per se. It's about Will Turner. He may not have much of a career nowadays, but in this franchise, just as in LOTR/TH, he is a main attraction.
  2. With Bloom returning I'm not sure it will. Problem with Alice 2 is not it's DOM drop, but the OS one. That is surprising. Pirates will not face that problem though, so it will be fine.
  3. PRESALES UPDATE 2: Warcraft was just added on CinemaCity's presales list and it is already doing great. On top of that, Movieplex keeps adding showtimes for it and even previews a week before the opening. We are looking at a huuuuuuge debut. At the beginning of the year I predicted Warcraft to be one of the biggest hits of the year and it is looking to be just that. Meanwhile, Alice 2 looks more and more like a flop and that is just shocking considering sequels to big movies NEVER flop here. We will see. Maybe walk-ins will save it.
  4. That's not really how it works. TPM made 431m in it's original run. AOTC made 310m. That is a 28% drop. Apply that to SW7/SW8 and you get 673m. And that is pretty much my prediction for it. 700m max. SW7 had a huge amount of nostalgia on it's side, plus the promise of the first "good" SW movie since the orginals. SW8 will already be the 3rd SW movie in a 2 years time frame. It was basically the perfect storm. And 700M would still be the third highest DOM title ever.
  5. PRESALES UPDATE: I had Alice 2 pegged as one of the biggest hits of the year, but so far the presales for it are rather unimpressive. I really hope they pick up soon. In other news, we still have no figures for Bacalaureat, the local title by the well known romanian director Cristian Mungiu. It opened this past weekend and it's selling really well on week days. Local titles are never strong, but this might actually make some decent cash. Apparently the movie did make quite an impression at Cannes. And the Warcraft presales surpassed 1.000 tickets (probably nearing 1.500), according to my calculations, and that is from the only 2 cinemas in the whole country that currently made tickets available. That is a great number considering the movie doesn't open here for another 3 weeks (June 10). Also, expect that figure to explode once CinemaCity puts the movie up for sale.
  6. Lol, that is huge. How high can the midnight presales go? 60-70m? ALso, what's the record for midnight presales, right before the opening?
  7. Hmm... haven't wtched Taxi Driver but I'm think I should do it if only for that guy's mohawk. I freaking love mohawks.
  8. I didn't mean americans. Americans love SW irrationally. It's like part of being american for some strange reason. Trust me, I don't know anyone here who has managed to stay through all the first SW movie, let alone the next 2. It's just too much of a slog.
  9. I expect a huge debut for Warcraft, maybe even close to 100.000 adm. Only Movieplex has tickets on sale for now and yeah, it is doing really well there. CinemaCity, the biggest cinema chain, with about 65-70% of the market share, doesn't have it yet.
  10. Baumer, seriously, your generation is crazy about the old SW movies and most young people today deem those unwatchable and for good reason. It's all a matter of opinion. Like, for me anyone who doesn't like HP is probably not human. Tintin was one of only 3 animated movies on my list (the other 2 where Ratatouille and Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island). So yeah, Spielberg did a fine ass job. I just can't comprehend how you can like something like Frozen, but dislike Tintin.
  11. WEEKEND BOX-OFFICE X-Men: Apocalypse debuted with 42.286 adm / 53.023 adm (including previews). That translates into $303k. This is the first time I think that Cinemagia reported the previews separately so that makes predicting it's run a bit difficult. Still, considering it's never been done before, we will count the 53.023 adm as the OW figure. Either way, both numbers are up from Days of Future Past's 36.550 adm OW. If it follows DOFP's run, it will end up with over $1m. DOFP had Maleficent to deal with in it's second outing, while X-Men has Alice 2 so I'd say there's a 50/50 chance for $1m. Meanwhile, Bad Neighbors 2 opened under the first one (21.703 adm vs. 26.855 adm). The Jungle Book became the highest grossing movie of the year, dethroning Deadpool ($1.67m vs $1.63m). Deadpool remains the most attended though (354.875 vs 323.971). And overall, bad to horrible drops for all holdovers. I'm gonna blame it on the nice whether.
  12. There were a few people that had some HG movie as their #1 and all HG movies in Top 10. So I think there is a strong chance we see at least one of them popping up soon.
  13. Well, my BvS prediction was a disaster but I almost nailed Civil War. I'm curious how close will I get with X-Men.
  14. I expect Inferno to hit 40m on OW. The social media reaction to it, despite being an adult thriller, was really good. Underworld will probably end around 20-25m for the weekend. The Girl on the Train will likely open in the 30m area. And A Monster Calls I have no clue. Is the book really that popular?
  15. Ok, so my #3 movie never made it on the list, but that is because it is so damn unknown. The idea of the movie is so damn simple, but the execution is just brilliant. I mean, the whole movie is carried by it's dialogue which in and by itself is amazing. The guy who wrote this deserves a prize for his work. So some of you guys should check it out.
  16. ROTS is the best SW movie. It actually has some interesting character development for a change. Plus some awesome battles compared to the lame show in TFA.
  17. Wow, what is SW doing on this list? This is not Top 100 worst films people. Pay attention damn it!
  18. If Shia, Megan and Josh all return this would instantly become my most anticipated title for 2017. Funny side note, it would mean the top actor/actress in my Hottest Actors/Actresses list are in the same movie (again).
  19. It kinda is a guilty pleasure. It is insanely re-watchable. Baumer is a sexy mofo so I don't mind.
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