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Everything posted by James

  1. When I first watched it I put it as second best after ROTS. After a rewatch I rank it no. 3, behind ROTS and AOTK. It is the definition of lackluster for me: it has nothing to make it rise from the 1000 movies that come out every year, in either a good or a bad way. Basically it is not good and not bad. It just is. And this comes from the lack of depth: no big themes behind it. And it is not shinny enough so it can support itself solely on that either, like TF does for example.
  2. Rewatched TMTN today and had this on repeat: Forgot how fun that movie was. TMTN2, X-Men and Independence Day will be the only movies I'll see in theaters till October (Inferno). Can't wait to see Fox's ass in glorious IMAX 3D.
  3. Well, I need to choose a team lol. The only franchise I truly love from Disney is POTC. Universal has nothing on the same level. Paramount only has TF. Lionsgate has nada. Same for Fox. And Sony made the Robert Langdon movies so that's ok I guess. So yeah, I root for the Warners because they own about 80% of the movies I love and I want them to make money because I want those movies to keep getting made.
  4. Yeah, but the world has Avatar and Titanic as gold and silver, so thank god for that!
  5. Yeah, because anything Middle Earth is gold. And I really don't get you. I mean yeah, I am the biggest Potter fan ever, but I don't want BvS to fail because WB are the ones that shaped my world entertainment wise: Scooby-Doo when I was a kid, LOTR, HP and now DC and more SF original tentpoles than any other company. So yeah, I am rooting for them because they have balls with pretty much everything they do unlike other studios. And if it goes well for them, then it goes well for me, because I receive more of the things I like.
  6. Well, the US as a market is famous for having some... eh, weird tastes (just look at their all time no. 1 movie), so what you're saying might not be a bad thing at all
  7. 420-430m is where this is headed for the WW OW. That first Friday OS figure is the second best ever, only after DH2. All in all that is an incredible number (4th biggest WW opening after TFA, JW and DH2).
  8. I agree. But then again, I'd say HP has a bigger fanbase that is well known more than anything else for it's loyalty and consistency. Either way it will be a test of the brand's power.
  9. Gosh, this makes me excited for the prospects of Fantastic Beasts. I really hoped we would get a trailer with BvS tho
  10. That is a lock really. Even if it decreases on Sat a bit which won't happen OS, it would still hit 400m.
  11. I expect around 80m today. A lot of countries did not have the Good Friday stuff. And on the updates: In UK it will have the highest OW ever for a SH movie. Mexico up to 9.6m with Sat and Sunday still to go. TDKR opened with 9.7m for the whole wknd. It will come close or even beat AoU for the highest OW in the market. Brazil up to 6.6m. Already beat TDKR's OW (6.2m). It will also beat AoU's OW despite worse exchange rates. Germany up to 5.1m. It will very likely beat both TDKR (9.6m) and Ultron (9.3m). In India it will outopen TDKR by tomorrow. Japan was 54% stronger than TDKR on OD. Spain up to 4.2m. It will destroy both TDKR (4.3m) and AoU (4.8m). Hong Kong up to 2.4m. It will easily beat TDKR's 3.2m OW. Italy up to 3m. Will make more than TDKR's 5m OW. France up to 3.9m. It will finish below TDKR and AoU but given the situation there it is not surprising. And Australia will be on par or a bit behind AoU's opening (I really don't know how increases work there).
  12. That's around £ 6.4m. Can it hit 7m on Sat? I think JW's 16.8m is manageable.
  13. Ok, I have a question. We have Good Friday and on Sat/Sunday business will be slower because of the Easter. If so, next week, the drops from Friday will be bigger, but Sat and Sun should have better than usual drops right? And seeing how you mentioned F7 was very frontloaded, why would you expect an ever bigger drop? Plus, this doesn't have summer weekdays so it's weekends should be stronger. Is a 55% drop really that out of the question, especially considering the complete lack of competion?
  14. Lol, I wasn't attacking anybody. As you can see I'm not up there and I loved the movie. That's my whole point. Most of those people disliked the movie and they made sure they repeated that at least 100 times. That's not voicing an opinion, that's showing your opinion down everyone's throat. It is sad actually.
  15. And when most of the others are people who actively disliked the movie, some even before seeing it. Makes you realize how reductive the comments in here have been and how insane I was for reading them all.
  16. Funny how you juggle between TDKR and AoU just to make thing fit into your perspective. In Mexico AoU is the highest grossing opener ever and it looks like this might actually beat it in lc and be very close to it in USD. Either way, it is destroying TDKR, which was the point I was trying to make in my conv with Lordmandeep. You seem to flatout ignore it it's record opening in Brazil or the insane OW in Spain. Germany opens under TDKR in adm but because of the higher prices it will make the same in USD, in HK it is frontloaded because it had one of the highest opening ever and it will beat TDKR total, France and Belgium have their situation so let's not even go there. And you are also ignoring a bunch of smaller countries, like UAE where it will destroy every SH movie with it's OW alone, or here, where it will at least double TDKR and pretty much destroy AoU. Alone, these markets don't mean much, but together they bring a big amount of money. The Latin America increase over TDKR looks to be enormous. And China, despite it making only 100 smth millions, will still be a bug increase over TDKR.
  17. It will make around 110m in China with the current prediction for OW (58-60M). So it needs around 590-600m OS-China, so basically what TDKR got. And this outopened TDKR (and AoU) big way pretty much everywhere or set all time OD records or SH OD records.
  18. It will make over 170m on OW, 400M DOM and 1.1B WW (it's OS is looking huge at this point). Patiently waiting for people to say I'm wrong. But on the list of good news, it looks like this will have one of the biggest OW's ever here (Romania). I don't have daily numbers, but I think Saturday will double Friday. It has double the number of showtimes at least and theaters are cramming shows everywhere for tonight. A lot of sellouts or near-sellouts even in the cities where usually the business is very slow and in Bucharest, where sellouts are rare because there are so many theaters, every show I've checked (at least 50) is close to selling out.
  19. FUCK! I want either RTH or WB to give me something. They are messing with my heart ffs!
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