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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. Damn, since getting a job I've really slowed down my moviewatching. I need to watch more! At least I'm seeing three films in the cinema tomorrow plus a couple more later in the week.
  2. Oh okay, if it's much cheaper than I understand why you'd pay less for a lower quality experience. I didn't realise that, thanks.
  3. $6.50 is the standard price for small popcorn in every cinema here. How cheap is popcorn usually in America?
  4. Wait so you don't even get big expensive high quality Dolby Digital cinema speakers, you have to use your own car speakers? This is sounding worse and worse... it sounds no different (or perhaps even worse) than simply putting a laptop in your car and playing it through the car speakers.
  5. Can someone explain to me the appeal of drive in cinema? I don't understand why you would choose to watch a movie through a car window, plus when you're outside the sound isn't going to be anywhere near as good as a dedicated cinema screen. We don't have this phenomenon in my country so I don't think I quite understand it.
  6. That's virtually impossible to judge because we're talking specifically about opening day of wednesday compared to friday.
  7. Frontloading comes from marketing and sequel excitement, and the following days not quite managing to sustain that.
  8. Disney will be glad that Inside Out gets the whole summer holiday to itself here, with 4 weeks separation from Minions.
  9. Yes, it has no dialogue - as you would know if you have seen the source material which you claim to dislike.
  10. I live in the UK. It's not an Ice Age situation because DM2 made almost 400M in America; Ice Age was always much smaller. The only reason I could possibly see for Minions being more well liked in UK than US, is that the film is set in London.
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