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Everything posted by Avatree

  1. Everyone I know who enjoys lowest common denominator entertainment/humour liked Wolf of Wall Street.
  2. Yeah I know it could, but if it does then clearly Baumer thinks they are at least pretty equal. Crusade = 10/10, I'm happy with that, whether it's higher than Raiders or not. I don't feel crazy for saying one 10/10 film is better than another.
  3. I spent so long looking for this thread when that picture got posted... didn't realise the thread hadn't been made yet. I've been looking forward to the film for a while. Jared Leto did a decent job of playing a trans woman in Dallas Buyers Club but the film largely ignored Rayon. Obviously this will go much more in depth to the trans character. I wish Hollywood would cast more transpeople in trans roles though. How so?
  4. Not a bad list, though I don't agree with Croods, Frozen, Avengers, Toy Story 3, Wolf of Wall Street or Les Mis. (Probably others that I'd disagree with if I'd seen them (e.g. Fury))
  5. Yay! Easily my favourite of the trilogy. When I say Last Crusade is better than Raiders, people think I'm crazy. I feel more sane now.
  6. TDKR is the best of the trilogy... ...but Wolf of Wall Street? urgghhhhh no.
  7. Idk it just looks too mechanical in its emotional pull, and a bit immature. I'm sure I will watch it one day if it comes to netflix or is on tv.
  8. This is the brilliance of the film - those speeches were so powerful and utterly believable... but you wanna know something? MLK didn't say any of those things. Steven Spielberg owns the movie rights to MLK's speeches, so the writers of Selma had to study the composition of his speeches and craft convincing ones from scratch. I've heard a lot of people praise the speeches but it's the writer's responsibility, not MLKs. Exceptional writing combined with Oyelowo's terrific performance = a great on-screen depiction of MLK. I also really appreciated the movie's efforts to display his more human side. We usually think of him as a moral crusader, a speaker, a peaceful activist. But he was also a strategist and a pragmatist, as shown in the film. I don't know why people are complaining about Johnson. I don't know anything about the man irl but in the film he clearly agrees with MLK in terms of ideology, from beginning to end. Great performances by Wilkinson and Tim Roth too, but I really disliked the sheer number of cast members. Very few of the supporting characters had any real relevance, and they were almost all very underdeveloped. Speaking of which, it would be hard to argue that this really explored MLK's life, because it didn't. I don't know if I was expecting it to be more of a biopic than it was - maybe I was just expecting something else. Bradford Young shot the movie beautifully, with a light mix of browns and reds (symbolising racism and blood?) plastered crisply across the film. That being said - the film doesn't actually feel very special. Remove David Oyelowo from the picture and you have a fairly standard, generic, solid film about activism. There were plenty of powerful moments but it felt almost childlike in its blatant attempts to make you feel guilty and sympathetic. Either way, I did cry a little at the end, when Lyndon B. Johnson was giving his speech. Overall a decent but not amazing film, with some truly impressive accomplishments but not much else. 7/10 - B
  9. Yep. First time I saw it I thought it was really great, but upon a second viewing I realised that the only thing I liked was the last 5 minutes. It's not bad, just okay.
  10. I didn't really get Her. It was a well made film but I didn't see the point of it. I didn't care about Phoenixs character and the ending was way too rushed. I know people cried but I didn't feel any emotions at all, I was just a bit bored. I dunno why everyone loves it, I guess it just didn't connect with me.
  11. Ferris Bueller is absolutely brilliant. Great choice in my mind I'm not so keen on Inception. Most of it is pretty strong as far as heist movies go, but the third act is bland and generic. Also, with the exception of its visuals and premise, I don't find it to be anything truly special. And then we have the dull cast of lifeless performances.
  12. I don't think Interstellar is amazing but TDKR is definitely much better than TDK.
  13. Change of cast members and half the important production team leaving... will the sequel even happen at this point?
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