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Everything posted by Rman823

  1. While for the most part embargo times are pretty telling you can't just use them to be like well IT's getting a 45% on RT. Not saying it couldn't but so far I think early reviews show it's at least staying positive.
  2. She's in good with the director so I doubt she's desperate. I wouldn't be surprised if she said that because she knows the fans are wanting Chastain or Adams.
  3. It seems a little eerily fitting that Irma would be hitting during IT's opening weekend given what happens to Derry at the end of the book.
  4. And before those examples was there precedence for similar grosses coming from similar movies (both rated R and same genre).
  5. I've noticed a lot of Facebook friends sharing the local drive-in's post about its double feature of IT and Annabelle:Creation. When it comes to horror WB kills it.
  6. I would have loved if little Starlord got the How Many Guardians of the Galaxy are there at the end of the first one question.
  7. So far everything is pointing to it being a critical and financial success. And not really fair to compare IT to TDT since it did everything wrong while IT seems to be doing everything right. And the clown is supposed to come off as unalarming at first. The book even mentions IT uses this form to bait kids in.
  8. Well they're going to have flashbacks for Part 2 and according to Muschietti they didn't film them during Part 1 which is a big mistake.
  9. Just finished re-reading the book. Plan on watching the miniseries tomorrow evening. I don't think I've ever been so hyped for a movie and I'm a big CBM and Star Wars fan.
  10. There's no way WB would cast all unknowns in the roles. This isn't a low budget production and the first movie's looking to be a BO success. So it's not like she's stealing the role from an up and comer. I could care less whether she's cast or not but given she's the likely choice and as a fan of the book I feel she'd do a great job in the role and you're the only person I've heard speak negatively of her potential casting.
  11. From the promotional material it seems like they're sticking with IT returning every 27 years so no matter when the movie comes out it'll take place in 2016.
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