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Everything posted by Rman823

  1. Not only is the adults returning part of the book's snyopsis but most have seen or are familiar with the miniseries featuring the adults.
  2. I'm not expecting huge names but I'm pretty sure we'll see some familiar faces. Plus while it could just be support for a previous director I'm taking this as a sign that Chastain's at least trying to get involved with the film.
  3. I know you're talking about Chastain but hair color is a small factor in why she'd be cast. She's worked with the director before and has liked some of the posts related to the movie on Instagram. At this point she's a likely choice whether you like her as an actress or not. Plus the original miniseries was filled with known TV actors in the roles and given how huge a movie this is going to be not expecting A listers to want to be on board or for WB to not cast them is a little unrealistic.
  4. Even as an adult that scene gives me goosebumps. After I'm done re-reading IT im thinking of starting The Stand since I've never read it.
  5. When I was a kid the miniseries was the most terrifying thing to me and I was a huge horror fan. When you watch it as an adult, while it's still decent enough (Part 1 is way better) all you can think of is this is the movie that I was so scared of ?
  6. After watching this video I'm sticking with my casting choices for Part 2. Fellow book readers let me know what you think. Bill-Corey Stoll Beverly- Jessica Chastain Richie- Bill Hader Mike- David Oyelowo Ben- Charlie Cox Eddie- Scoot McNairy Stan- Lee Pace Not only do I think all these actors would be great in their respective roles but to me they also share some resemblance to the actors playing the younger counterpart as well as being the perfect age.
  7. At this point worse case scenario on RT would be slightly under Mama. Im expecting it to stay in the 70-80s. Between tracking and early reviews I feel like this is going to end up being not only a horror classic but one of the better King adaptations.
  8. Aboard the HYPE TRAIN ! http://www.thewrap.com/box-office-predictions-balloon-record-bursting-60-million-opening/
  9. I can't remember the last time I was this hyped for a movie. When it comes to Skarsgards. You can keep your V I'll take the P
  10. I'd say the reading the book ship has sailed (its over 1000 pages). Id give the miniseries a shot to familiarize yourself with the characters and story and after you've seen the film if you want pick up the book.
  11. So was looking on the You Tube page for the guys who reviewed IT and some of their other video titles are Why Dunkirk, Spider-Man Homecoming, WFTPOTA, Atomic Blonde, Detroit, etc Actually Sucks and titles like Why The Nut Job 2, The Dark Tower, and Transformers: The Last Knight are Actually Great. Yeah something's not adding up here. Plus watching 2 seconds of one of their other videos they stated it's their mission to disagree with RT so.....
  12. Two guys I've never heard of say it's not good. Movie's going to be a failure confirmed. Under TDT DOM and RT. And did these guys not break an embargo ?
  13. I'm honesty hoping for the best but keeping expectations moderate. Anything over 150 M would have been unbelieveable to me last year so I'd take it as a huge win.
  14. Not too many horror series not bring their series full circle and redeem the previous entry. I feel the same way with Scream 4.
  15. The signs are there. But personally this is one movie where I don't want to be disapointed by what's still a great number because expectations were raised too high. However I'm still hoping for the best. You know Medusa's going to have people going Wonder Woman who ? In all seriousness just seen the price for the closest IMAX's Inhumans tickets and yeah I think I can wait a few weeks and catch it on TV.
  16. In the trailer we see them all gathered in a circle holding hands. I'm sure that's a good G rated way to get the point across (and if memory serves me right is what the miniseries did).
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