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Everything posted by Dbot1800

  1. At this point we really don't have enough information about the reboot for me to have an opinion on whether a full reboot is better than a partial reboot. It's all going to come down to execution. Hopefully, The Flash will shed some light on what the rebooted universe will look like.
  2. I joined and left one of the open clubs and now I can see posts in the DCEU club. @UNDERDOG
  3. It's not just you. I'm having the same issue and opened up a support ticket. If I hear anything back before the problem fixes itself via internet magic, I'll let you know.
  4. Nevermind I see you've already joined. I'm not seeing anything posted in the club, but I don't know if that is an error or not.
  5. Flashpoint is the story were Flash goes back in time to save his mother's live, but it ends up changing the world. For example, Bruce Wayne died in the alley and his father became Batman. DC Comics used it as a reboot in the comics which is leading to people assuming the same thing will happen in the movie universe.
  6. It's not a live stream. That channel uploads the video of the panel after the panels have finished.
  7. The IGN/Twitter livestream is starting in 5 minutes. It's scheduled to last an hour tonight if anyone is interested. https://twitter.com/i/live/882704766052192256
  8. Live stream info that I've been able to find: Twitter has partnered with IGN to broadcast 13 hours from the con. http://variety.com/2017/digital/news/comic-con-2017-twitter-to-live-stream-coverage-from-ign-1202482329/ Marvel is broadcasting all 4 days via the Marvel Youtube channel. Starts at 11 am Pacific time each day. http://www.thenerdelement.com/2017/07/18/marvel-announces-livestream-san-diego-comic-con-2017/ DC is broadcasting hourly updates from the DC booth on Thursday and Friday. Not sure if this is on the DC All Access Youtube or the app or both. http://www.dccomics.com/blog/2017/07/07/sdcc-dc-booth-to-host-first-ever-dc-all-access-live-broadcast-segments-a-countdown-1
  9. Yes, and Marvel owns the trademark to publish a comic called "Captain Marvel" which is why the DC character is usually published under the title of "Shazam". Even though the DC character can be referred to as Captain Marvel inside the book.
  10. We really need to stop with this Easter Monday is a holiday thing. It isn't a federal holiday and most schools are not out on Easter Monday. It's just the day after a holiday.
  11. Everyone knows that statistical analysis only gets better when you leave out important variables.
  12. Yeah I laughed once during the entire movie and it was at the title card that said "Produced by Asshats".
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