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Everything posted by tawasal

  1. DOFP is a succes story already from it's RT score, movie quality to it's BO numbers.
  2. Blank gave me like 60 likes or something in a day or two. Thanks Blank.
  3. So I just watched this one and have heard a lot of good things about it. People even say it's better than the original one, I can see now why they may say that, the force is strong with them. It has a lot of emotion and character development, yeah it has deeper meaning than the first one. I like the big reveal in the end I wasn't sure about that moment I heard very little about it like 5-7 years ago. So it was kinda of wiped out off my memory, which means I wasn't really expecting it to happen and I think that saved me from ruining the movie for myself. I think I found my favorite fictional couple of all time. They were just great together and from that first meeting in ANH I knew there was something special brewing between them. As for Luke, he is really my least favorite character, but I still like him and you see more to him in this one and he reveals his true potential. Yoda speaks funny and why does he seems like he is on crack all the time? :-) The story was perfect and it was pacing perfectly and that 2:00 hours running was short to me. I needed more. Another perfect A+
  4. I am going to watch it now, so hold your spoiler back.
  5. SW 1977-1983 trilogy deserves A+++++++++.

  6. I am watching The Empire Strikes Back now and later Return of the Jedi.

  7. Finally I got the time and push enough to get up from my lazy ass and watch this trilogy. I don’t know many people that have seen these movies and the only place I hear about them are in this forum and the love for it is damn high and its influence it had on the many movies that came after them and I can happily say now that I do understand why it’s so loved and highly thought off. I have only seen the first one now and don’t worry I am going to watch the rest of them and going to put up my own reviews of the movies in their respective threads. I had high expectations as you can see from what I wrote above and I thought there was no way it was going to surprise me and put me in the love group, but it was all I read and heard and I want more after the first viewing. The visual effects might seem outdated for someone who is watching them right now at the age of 23 for the first time, but looking back 5 years ago or just last year I can find movies with more budget and worse visual effects. And this movie is from 1977 and I am sure in that era it looked really great and they look refreshingly awesome now with bluray version. The characters are awesome and I loved them all, but my favorites are the 2 droids, especially 3PO. They take every dark/not so serious moment and give us some little fun to live through them in one piece. I would have loved if they had more scenes and lines of Han Solo, as he was my favorite human character. Luke was just a little off to me in some way and I liked the conversations between the princess and Han. As for the story, it was perfect and kept everything floating as they should and there were some plot holes, but they took nothing out of the movies quality story telling. And Darth lacked more scenes in him as I am in love with him and the voice was just perfectly menacing and it created an iconic character. SO to make this short I loved it and it deserves A+, I just hope that Empire can kick its ass, as it’s said to be the best of the trilogy. Sorry for the bad set up and grammar.
  8. The only thing I don't like about her is her face in the looks department other than that I enjoy her acting.
  9. I mean sat and sun drops for this weekend, because those movie were also very frontloaded in their run and especially in their OW.
  10. what about Sex and the City? I can't find another summer movie?
  11. So should we expect drops like Magic Mike?
  12. when did the argument from clay to her name?
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