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Posts posted by NCsoft

  1. 28 minutes ago, IronJimbo said:

    If A2 doesn't recover from the snowstorm domestically, we could see something ridiculous like a 20/80 Dom/OS split.

    I propose we banish America to Disney+ for Avatar 3 as they're not worthy

    Imagine how crazy that dom\os ratio be if it doesn't have a depressed China market, and with a normal exchange rate...

    • Like 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, GipJo said:

    NA only has 67 IMAX theaters, isn't that incredibly low? China has a whopping 800+ IMAX screens. If Avatar 2 needs premium screens for legs, how much impact the lack of screen have?

    Canada and US has at least 500 IMAX screens, there's also a large number of other branded PLF screens that are not IMAX.

    • Like 4
  3. 5 hours ago, stuart360 said:

    Just saw the film a second time. I have a 3D showing booked for Monday, but my Dad called me earlier and asked me if i wanted to go see the film with his as a friend had reccomended it to him (i reccomeneded it to him as well but he never listens to me ha).


    Anyway i want to revise a few things i said in my earlier review.


    I said in that review how i could see casual movie fans watching this once and be done with it in terms of repeat viewings, due to the film feeling like a middle film in a longer story.

    Well after seing the film a second time i feel i could be wrong.

    The film felt so much better second time, and that final hour is amazing. Combine that final hour with the mesmerizing nature doc style scenes with the kids and animals underwater, and i feel even casual movie fans may see this more than once.


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    I also feel i was being a bit harsh when i said the final battle is short. The part with the sea clan and Jake attacking the ships and boats, yes thats only about 10mins, but combine the startof the battle with the kids being chased underater by the subs, the main battle with the boats and humans, and the last major part of the battle with Jake and Quarritch fight and the boat sinking with characters on board, well put it all together and i feel its actually quite an bit longer than the final battle in the first film.


    I feel my head must of been elsewhere on my first viewing becauae i missed a lot of stuff for some reason. Its pretty funny actually lol.


    I gave the film a 9.2/10 frist time, i'm changing to 9.4/10.


    2.5bil here we come!😇




    Really happy to hear that you enjoyed it even more the second time, I'm planning to go for my second viewing in the next few days but not sure when yet.

    I'm invested in the 2.5B number because I participated in this avatar bet over at resetera which has the threshold of $2.5B, which to be honest, a week ago I thought it would have no problem reaching at all!

    Right now, I'm feeling slightly more optimistic about $2B than yesterday, we'll see how it legs out. I might be dreaming bigger when evidence of good legs start to show. 


    Oops, I completely forgot this is the review thread I thought it's the Avatar thread

    Anyway just adding in my score then:

    It is a 8.5/10 (A-) for me.

    Visually stunning, part of it felt like an out of body experience, the under water scenery was so beautiful that even as I realized that it was a little indulgent, I was still perfectly fine with it dragging on. But narratively it is messier than I imagined and I wished it was just a bit more neatly executed; I wasn't the biggest fan of a certain character but I loved all of the Sully kids and I thought they were all distinct and memorable. I loved the last hour of non-stop action, thought the final scene with the ship could have been shorter.

    The ending scene brought me to tears and it was very emotionally effective.

    I'm invested in the sequels and immediately want to do a second viewing, might like it even better the second time.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, cookie said:

    I'd argue Gravity and Life of Pi are closer to RotK's successors than something like Argo even though they didn't win. Large budgets, filled with stellar VFX, big name leads for the former, huge international grosses, etc.

    If we count Gravity as a blockbuster (definitely should)

    It's the closest to BP win for a blockbuster since ROTK, it has the PGA+DGA combo with a locked director win and a sweep of the tech categories.


    • Like 1
  5. 11 minutes ago, MovieMan89 said:

    We are approaching a full 20 years since the Academy has given an actual blockbuster the award. I think the timing was right and the weak competition was right, but Cameron’s trademark stubbornness likely shot him in the foot a bit this time (I’m sure there were people around him who would have liked to chop off another 25 mins and iron out the dialogue a bit, etc) 


    I kind of want to see a Top Gun BP, Cameron BD (since Kosinski is certainly not winning BD) scenario, making this academy awards one of the most populist in decades.

    • Like 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, Mulder said:

    Baffling to say Fabelmans and Belfast lacked passion. You can just not connect to either but it's obvious that both Spielberg and Brannagh poured their souls into their autobiographical films.


    I'm not talking about the films lacking passion, I am saying the award circle, the critics, the film twitter circle and eventually the industry are collectively showing a lack of enthusiasm toward this movie, to an extent that surprised me. I have not actually seen the film yet, but these type of movies never become the ultimate winner. 

    • Like 1
  7. 7 minutes ago, CoolioD1 said:

    fabelmans is so not winning best picture exactly the type of movie that gets hyped up as an easy favourite and falls short it happens every year and it's like, super obvious that's what's going to happen there.

    The Fabelmans seems to have even less passion toward it than Belfast and I didn't think that was possible.  Despite the strong narrative, I'm not sure about Spielberg in director either; I have the Daniels winning, and Cameron might have a shot as well (but could also be snubbed Villenueve style).

    BP is most definitely between EEAAO and Banshees 

    • ...wtf 1
  8. 16 minutes ago, ThomasNicole said:

    The only thing baffling to me is how they'll be able to simply ignore Joseph Kosinski as director while giving so much love for the movie he made. 


    Same goes for Dune last year.


    I agree, but difference is Dune was a surprising snub that most were predicting a directing nomination while Kosinski is most definitely not getting nominated, he's not nominated even in precursors that nominates like 10 directors.. 

    • Like 1
  9. 30 minutes ago, Porthos said:

    BTW, More Real Talk.


    I have no idea if IronJimbo really is taking a break or not (intentionally not gonna tag him coz I hated it when I got tagged on... certain OWs).  If he is, it's possible due to international numbers and not the domestic.


    But if he is, I truly hope he is taking time to relax, unplug, and ***stay the fuck away from the discussion here***.


    Because I know better than many just how utterly.... I'll be nice and say "irksome" such discussions like this WE thread can be in situations like this.  Especially since the jury is still out when it comes to legs (has barely been more than 24 hours since the first showtimes got out on the East Coast you know).  While we have pretty strong indicators in other markets, they're still just that: Indicators.   


    Mostly of course, I hope he is enjoying his movie and the fact that A3 is certain to happen and A4 is all-but-certain to (and if A4 is made, I'll also place a heavy bet on A5).   That is, after all, the important thing here.


    Thank you for this post.

    Speaking for myself only, while over the years I've placed a lot of interest in A2's box office performance, and there's reason for me to feel a little down this weekend.

    Ultimately, what I want the most is to see Cameron's vision realized and see all five films get made with no compromises; even if their box office performance isn't as lofty as the goal we set all those years ago. Getting such a unique stand alone Pentalogy of films made with such passion and all have something to say is rewarding enough. And perhaps, with exchange rate improving a bit, strong WOM and China market becoming normal again, there could be reason to hope for an outstanding box office performance from A3. Also A2's box office story has only just started anyway.



    • Like 7
  10. 6 minutes ago, stephanos13 said:


    I agree with this reasoning in China. They know if they get Covid they would have to isolate and miss the New Years holidays. Unfortunately in China it seems is December 2020 and not December 2022.


    Although it's like almost 2023, their current mentality toward Covid is about at the stage of summer 2020 in North America I'd say, probably worse even. With time, the mental adjustment toward "coexisting with Covid" will happen, but unclear if that comes fast enough that A2 would reap any benefit.


  11. I'd argue the China range is still pretty wide at $250M - $500M, just because while there's definitely a more pessimistic outlook, but there is  also a (albeit optimistic) scenario where as people get more used to Covid, and the fear subsides, as we go into Christmas, New Year, and then maybe get an extension to get at least some showings during CNY (due to light slate this year), suddenly we're looking at a very persistent stream of box office coming in for a long time, with large amount of showing and limited competition ( at least for the first 4-5 weeks or so). 


    This current time is such a peculiar situation it's hard to make conclusions. 

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