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Everything posted by tonytr87

  1. Agreed. Atlantis not only looked boring and unimaginative, it was treated as such, like an afterthought. It was treated like we'd been there already. No epic intro or visual of any kind.
  2. The sad thing about Snyder is he's losing his touch visually. He was never a master filmmaker or anything but with Dawn of the Dead, 300, and Watchmen he was a competent storyteller with an excellent eye for visuals. He lost the former a couple movies ago, and now he doesn't even have the latter.
  3. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Get Bale back and do a Batman Beyond set in Nolan's verse. Remember the Joker gang? Show the cult status of Ledger's Joker all these years later in Gotham.
  4. Sometimes I bitch about the fact that I live in DFW where most indies come here about 2-3 weeks after they debut on the coasts. Then I realize it could be much worse when I read stuff like this.
  5. When the release schedule was announced I kept wondering this myself and telling everyone that would listen it was a mistake, but most people's response was "there's nothing wrong with DC trying to do things a little different from Marvel." It's not about whether they're doing it like Marvel. It's common fucking sense that if you want an audience to give a shit about these characters coming together you need to introduce them all separately beforehand.
  6. I believe Feige when it comes to Thanos. From the outset he seems like a potentially horrible villain, like a Ronan the Accuser on steroids. But if they're serious about truly giving him plenty of screen time then maybe they're serious about developing him like a proper villain should be. For example, everyone was raving about Hela in Ragnarok and then it turns out she's barely in it...these films should be more or less half hero, half villain.
  7. I'm only bummed that so far it doesn't seem to bear the mark of Coogler's style. Stylistically it doesn't look much different from a Thor or Guardians film. Would it kill Marvel to let these filmmakers inject a little of themselves?
  8. Lets be honest...when the film was planned, written, and greenlit for production, Justice League was supposed to be the event movie of the year money-wise. AT LEAST 150 mil OW, as high as 200 mil maybe even more. Even if it cracks 100 mil that's a failure. That's 20 mil below the LOW-END of what a movie like this (with this budget, with the DC fan base, with this kind of built-in appeal) should be making out of the gate. It's disastrous. I don't doubt it's possible that overseas grosses could save it in terms of WB's actual number-crunching, but perception? Perception is everything. Below 300 mil total domestic or even just over is going to be percieved as a huge disappointment.
  9. You guys are hysterical. Get out of your bubble. Spider-man is doing fine. I'll say this, though...it feels like word of mouth doesn't mean a whole lot anymore. Everybody seems to love Baby Driver, yet it can't leg its way to 100mil. Everybody seems to love Big Sick, yet it can't get above 10mil for its big expansion. Everybody seems to love Spider-man, yet it still drops over 60% Wonder Woman is the exception, it captured the zeitgeist, which is a more intangible thing.
  10. Between this, Baby Driver, A Ghost Story (people are calling it a masterpiece), and Dunkirk, plus the gonzo scifi of Valerian, rest of the summer is looking great quality-wise.
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