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Everything posted by tonytr87

  1. Not sure if you're being sarcastic but these accusations are basically completed unfounded. Also, it's nothing but a niche discussion amongst Film Twitter people i.e. not real world moviegoers.
  2. Not a good hold for TLJ. Banking on it barely crossing 600mil. Obviously nothing to complain about, but it'd be a fairly big drop from Force Awakens.
  3. I actually think platform releases sometimes do more harm than good. The Shape of Water is something you could sell to the masses and yet they've been burning off demand for it for what feels like a month now. Also, what's up with The Post starting limited. Unless they were just trying to avoid the Christmas glut (while still qualifying for awards), there's no reason to platform a Spielberg movie starring Streep and Hanks.
  4. What's supposed to be so bad about Downsizing? That it's more of a drama than the trailer suggests? Anyone who's seen a fucking Alexander Payne movie should know it's not going to be cheery little romp about shrinking people.
  5. I feel like the moderators here have the worst taste.
  6. After that trailer I'm curious why Jackson didn't just direct it himself. My only hesitation with this is that it's NOT him helming but this new guy who's completely untested.
  7. Got it with mine. I'm all in. Yes it's based on something, but I had never heard of it, so for me this is an original science fiction epic with Peter Jacking overseeing it. YES. Great trailer.
  8. Seeing it tonight and so confused by the response so far. So it's the most entertaining Star Wars movie ever but...wait, no, it's the most boring Star Wars movie ever. So it's the best written/directed Star Wars since Empire but...wait, no, there's bad green screen and childish humor left and right. So it wipes away the nostalgia and moves the franchise forward in daring and exciting ways but...wait, no, it's the same old same old and every twist is very predictable. I'm looking forward to deciding for myself but I'll be damned if I've ever seen such opposite reactions from so many people.
  9. That trailer is cut really well. That VO speech is pretty powerful. I don't have much interest in the subject matter but...that's a good trailer.
  10. Biggest problem is there were no revelations or surprises. The film is exactly what you expect it to be, right down to the standard indie cinematography and unmemorable score. These aren't nitpicks, these are the differences between good movies and great ones.
  11. If Spielberg subverts the idea of the book in order to run a commentary on the problems with nostalgia and "escaping" into a virtual world I'll dig it. It just doesn't seem that way based on the trailer and, obviously, the book.
  12. It's a good movie but did anyone else watch this and wonder where the ECSTATIC praise is coming from? It's a very sweet coming-of age story with some good performances. Now tell me...does that sentence scream "best film of the year?"
  13. It's just not appealing watching a live action film that's half video game. Maybe if the Oasis scenes were Pandora quality but they're not. They're close, but it's just not good enough.
  14. That's an option with a movie that's not Star Wars. I'm picky about seats and everything in our area is reserved seating.
  15. I have MoviePass and when it comes to something like Star Wars you gotta forgo your pass in order to buy advance tickets...unless you want to wait three weeks for the crowds to die down. This is especially true if you want to see it in IMAX. MoviePass only allows standard 2d screenings.
  16. Decent trailer but I'm more excited for Alita. People can rag on the latter's CGI all they want, the trailer for Alita got me excited for a movie I had no interest in before. RPO looks nice but it also looks like Spielberg passing the time in between prestige projects. The book sucks so the only way this will be any good is if they added some things to make it more than just a nostalgia-fest.
  17. Unfortunately he hasn't parlayed his stardom into taking interesting roles or doing anything to expand his range beyond the snarky but lovable working-class hunk trope.
  18. This is why we need directing titans to pull their weight and make original blockbusters. Nolan does a good job of it. Abrams does not. The issue isn't so much franchises (which have always been around), but old franchises that keep coming back. We need fresh blood in the franchise game.
  19. Could be fun, not saying it LOOKS bad, but that was a poor trailer. Pacing was shit and they treated Goldblum as an afterthought. But worst of all they basically spoiled the entire movie. The hook of the film is that they're going back to save these dinosaurs. It's a will they or won't they situation, and the big money shots at the end of this trailer essentially spoil the answer to that question. They don't save them. How fucking depressing. PLUS, a bonus spoiler! The T-Rex saves Pratt from a Carnosaurus in the third act! The only way this can be redeemed is if the volcano explosion actually occurs in the first act to set up the rest of the movie.
  20. Quite a few people here (and apparently all over the internet) are brand followers and nothing more. How else do you explain the crazed conspiratorial defenses of some shitty comic book movies?
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