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Everything posted by Hermia

  1. I know all the backlash this movie got, people didn't like it at all and most don't even care I said i wouldn't bother again...but i recently watched those old Proyas' film, and there is still some fangirl on me. I don't have any hope for this movie anymore though.... So he posted on his fb accounts some concept art of the movie, and his opinion.. here is his account if you want to see more art... https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100010704046009&fref=ts THOSE CHARACTER POSTERS... ...were an embarrassment. They managed to make the colors of the movie look unbelievably gaudy and tacky. Trust me, the movie will look nothing like that. So please ignore until the new posters come out -- any day now. New ones look a lot better and are a much better indication of what to expect, as is all the art I have been posting here. If you don't know what I am talking about re "character posters" that's good -- I hope you never do. He also said that the film is not set in Ancient Egypt at all. Horus prepares to fly to the sun to seek help from his grandfather -- the sun god, RA. https://scontent-frt3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xta1/v/t1.0-9/12359949_138140619886072_8279529295753204228_n.jpg?oh=ca8c84dbd0e1c7827406ca0dcecfdaf9&oe=56E87384 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=138339866532814&set=a.135157180184416.1073741828.100010704046009&type=3&theater
  2. I don't believe she is the greatest actress in the world... but she is 25 and in her age there isn't any other actor who has what she has. She already had two big franchises, critical acclaimed roles and media love her as role model. Even X-men changed their story to give her character the leadership...it's obvious she is very very successful...
  3. Jesus was born in Bethlehem, Bethlehem is in Asia, China is in Asia... so Jesus was Chinese....there are billions of them. Everytime someone does a shit movie, we should get a public apology though... Like it's my fault i didn't see that my movie was that bad before, sorry i gave it to cinemas and made you watch it. That's fair.
  4. Chiwetel Ejiofor and Kate Winslet are enough for me! Great actors! I can't wait to watch Ejiofor on Doctor Strange
  5. I think Jennifer Lawrence has a career than every actor male or female can envy, if in fact gets a nomination again.... i don't think there is something left for her to achieve
  6. Look Exodus and Noah will still be banned in Egypt and all Muslim countries even if the president of the country acted in them. The same with all the Jesus films, all these figures are prophets of Islam and you can go to jail if you try to portay or give face to them ( or you can die... ). Some things are facts, any color you give to Noah European,Black or Japanese it's the same for them. Sometimes it's good to know what you talk about. Also every American movie that comes to Middle East and North Africa is really really cut. I know a person who used to do this job ( they do this in Europe) and they cut every single kiss,word, affection that doesn't fit their ethics e.t.c Current Egyptians wouldn't find accurate a whole black cast either.....but what i am sure about is that current Egyptians actors have much more problems than an American movie.. there are Egyptians actors who can't act in any movie because of the political beliefs, if an actor doesn't support the government, he/she gets banned from every work in Egypt. I have no idea how they will treat this movie, there was an advertisment on MBC4 (which is the biggest network for Arab countries) but i am not sure the word God will make a pass... Europe and everywhere else doesn't have the race issue Americans have. The one in three words about a movie is what color or gender the actors are. I thought this movie was fun, but i will not even give it a chance now, all this drama is too much. I can't wait for it to flop so people can stop talking about it...
  7. There are minority actors in this movie and it's already a failure, i don't know what else to expect. I don't think they will take the actors head after after the screening and some of them have some goods roles coming for them. Since the first day i came in this forum in every movie i thread i go i read about gender and race of actors, it's really tiring. Woman,man, fat, skinny,,black, white...
  8. Lol at some people bashing the actor just because i said he is good, if you don't watch any movie that has less than 100.000 as budget, or USA as production is noT my problem. But the man has been GOOD.! Well that's sad because Wonder Woman and Doctor Strange are the movies i wait the most but this movie was shot in 2014 maybe no better option then...pluss it might be a schedule thing Butler is filming a movie now and Waldau has Game of Thrones till January....WW films now as well. I've read that Waldau has passed a role in comic movie recently but people said it was Marvel and i thought i was Nicodemus West.. anyway big lost chance... I also 97% sure i read somewhere that GODS OF CHINA is coming....
  9. I just saw the trailer and it has nothing to do with the atmosphere of the original which is one of my most favorite movies ever I didn't know they made a remake, the actresses are great but even the trailer of original was art, this looks like a CSI episode...
  10. So he already gets crapy casting from USA?? Long Live The Europe With the power of google this film made four time it's money In A Second Chance last year he was amazing, he propably wants to take any money he can from Game Of Thrones success and then leave you , like Harrigton Harrington who does quality now Hahahaha
  11. So i went on sites and the main comments are white, 1995 CGI, i hope this is the last movie for the actors, Razzie awards e.t.c Not a single good one... I feel bad of Nikolaj...if you watch European films like Headhunters, A thousand times good night or Second Chance you can see a really talented actor In USA he is destroyed... nobody will cast him on a good film after that.. The other actors has Black Panther, Pirates of Carribean they will be save anyway.
  12. It's almost what i was waiting for I don't have so much knownledge as most of the people here...but i don't understand the quality difference from warcraft or the huntsman. For me these movies have the same purpose...... for sure watching them or not don't make you a better person
  13. Three women in lead and a hot man... I think Chastain is sooo boring though
  14. First of all hello to everyone, i am new here. I don't know why i choose my first comment to be for this movie, when everyone has it a sure flop because of the casting (I don't know much about American box office) , but after i read some posts from people who watched this on an early screening one day before the posters release, i got silghty interested and i thought it could be information for a forum like this one that does box office predictions.. Nothing of the above is my opinion...i guess i will have to wait till it comes to my country to have one It's the posters who seemed so flashy and the rage against it made me search about the movie...so i guess they had their job done... they gained some attention....
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