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Everything posted by Hermia

  1. Oh thats impressive! This may be the first success on box office for Emilia. I read a lot of comments and everyone seems to cry over the trailer, i think it's because they read the book. I am really honest, i don't get the feels...i think the guy is going to have euthanasia.
  2. Right now this has 40% at RT and 5.3/10 http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/pride_and_prejudice_and_zombies/
  3. Is this really from a best seller? The story feels so old, like i have watched this before. Emilia and her co-star are both cute, so i guess people can like it.
  4. That's a lot of money. To be honest i still don't understand how Lucy made so much money.. i don't think it's a movie that everyone remembers.
  5. I agree especially since i believe he will be Euron and Victarion the same time. I just can't call him lead character..he is secondary. He will be the new Oberyn Martell. I just don't think they casted him here to bring the people. He has an amazing manager though...out of no where. Two good roles in big movie/series. You are right but she has been very lucky with her work lately. I think i read she will take 10 million for this...they definitely will put everything on her.
  6. They already started shooting this, the actor who will play Batou wrote they will shoot it in USA, China, London and Prague and the next 6 months. Only Johansson is known from the cast, for example her co-star is Pilou Asbaek a Danish actor who will play a second role in GoT ( i don't think he has been in anything before this only Lucy with Johansson again) and the Villain Sam Riley. It's all on her like Lucy.
  7. Oscar Isaac is indeed a great actor, and soon he will get his Oscar with all it's glory and an amazing performance. Ex-Machina wasn't it, i agree with the fact that Vikander didn't get an Oscar nomination for her role there too. IMO Very overrated movie. I don't know if they will do this for 2 years in a row but 2015 best movie (again IMO) was the revenant and Inarritu deserves it for a second time.
  8. Because Poe was the best part of TFA By the way i thought Oscar Isaac was Spanish before i googled him, so i couldn't understand the mention of his name... i was like Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz won Oscars not a long ago why they mention him
  9. The problem is they report a lot of money as budget of this, and i can't see where they went. If it had smaller budget, i would be more positive... but people especially in USA consider it culturally offensive, while people were positive about Jupiter Ascending before it was on cinemas . Something called racist is a really big deal, even if it's fun people will not watch it in order to not support a racist movie, as it widely reported as in most of the media. I would honestly consider a success if it doesn't enter this list https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_box_office_bombs Seriously.
  10. Thanks for the explanation! So this needs to get around 40- 50 million in USA to get even, and 180 WW? You think it can make that money?
  11. And those who bought it, from where they are supposed to take their money ? Sorry i am not familiar with all this.. I just googled anf got this http://pro.boxoffice.com/statistics/long_term_predictions So this movie is supposed to get 34 milion from the USA release. These are the only money lionsgate will take, since they sold the movie?
  12. It's too early for you guys to make prediction on this? I wonder if this can make even it's money wordwilde. If the " In the heart of the sea" with lower budget much more known actor and quality couldn't make it's money, i really doupt this can. 99% of the comments are negative. I guess Lionsgate just want the 10 million back, but others will loose their money
  13. I didn't like some things, but it wasn't a bad movie....it was an ok movie, nothing much..i could watch this on tv in some years again.. Some scenes in the movie were very expected and cliche, i mean Joy doesn't change clothes because Joy is Joy and people just love Joy as she talks because she convince them she has the same problems with them or woman succeed = woman now help other woman to make it and she is soooo good and understands everything. e.t.c
  14. I really like him but agree, none of the acting in this movie impressed me, and most of all i really hated the how they dealt with his revenge on Hardy's role. I really didn't feel anything. By that point i should have really hated Hardy's role and have a tone of sympathy for Leo's..... but nothing. The story was nice though...and the cinematography.
  15. I watched this, i have watched all inarritu films.. this is not his best one. I am not sure if we can post reviews here. First don't believe that "this is not for girls" movie, i am a girl and i had no problem with any scene.plus there was a really romantic story in the background of this movie. I feel people over reacted with the bear scene, yes it's not pleasure to look at it but there have been violent things in the cinema before. The cinematography is one of the most beautiful i have seen. The end wasn't satisfying, despite they had a so emotional story to end there...i didn't feel anything. That's all. I will understand if Leo gets his Oscar this year( and i want this) but i wasn't impressed with any of the acting despite the fact i like both lead actors. I sometimes wonder when Hardy will get the chance to lead a movie.
  16. Nah, i like GOT so much i want every actor there to succeed Plus most of the movies have a GOT alumni now, Star Wars only had 6 of them
  17. I second that,We are officially going from the book to movie era to let's remake everything with some changes in the roles era.
  18. Can't the crazy numbers this gets in USA cover the loss of the other markets and reach Avatar?
  19. Yes you may be right on this one, i have never watched him act so i don't know. (I don't really know who he is) He is the main hero from what i understand , and if he is so bad...another turn off.
  20. None of these actors is horrible I haven't watched only Brenton Thwaites in a film, all the others can do a decent job. This doesn't look good is true, but it's not the actors fault.
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