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Everything posted by IronJimbo

  1. El Trafico, that's pretty funny Zlatan is a weird one, he can be quite all game and pull out the most amazing skill out of seemingly no where.
  2. I have to say the lack of weird shit as Avatar's is probably the least realistic thing about the movie. Also the lack as men pretending to be little girls.
  3. ONE DUDE! 80m opening weekend is misguided! How can an original film make that much... even Avatar didn't make that much. Off the top of my head only Inside Out and Secret Pets made more than a $80m opening weekend for an original film *NOTE* RP1 is as original as the first Shrek... it may be based on a book... but it was a book no one read However you may have got lucky on the total of over $200m.. i believe
  4. If someone was truly woke would they call themselves woke? It makes them sound conformist and absolutely not woke for instance i wouldnt say i'm woke
  5. I know first-hand, I get called the most annoying user presumably because I talk down Star Wars and Marvel.
  6. Scott is the one who brought us the infamous cultural impact line, that everyone parrots and repeats.
  7. Don't tell me you think fastest to X is more important than overall gross, you're going to have to explain what you mean
  8. Don't get me wrong I agree these milestones and records are fun to look at to see the type of beast the movie was. I'm just all when someone says TFA has the most box office records when it's so damn arbitrary.
  9. If I had to list box office records in order of importance. Highest gross Worldwide Highest gross Overseas Highest gross in country A-Z (sorted by size biggest market to smallest) Highest gross Worldwide - (single release) Highest gross Overseas - (single release) Highest gross in country A-Z (sorted by size biggest market to smallest) - (single release) Highest gross Worldwide - (adjusted inflation) Highest gross Overseas - (adjusted inflation) Highest gross in country A-Z (sorted by size biggest market to smallest) - (adjusted inflation) // less important // highest weekend gross week 1 to 8 fastest to X // not important // weekends at #1 days at #1 highest weekend week 9 to infinity weekends at #1 record sucks compared to "highest weekend gross"
  10. Alright I'm talking about front loaded films here, front loaded films rely less on quality and more on hype and franchise power. It's as though these records don't account for whether or not people actually liked the film. First to 100,150,200,250... Disney would have got these records with TFA no matter the quality.
  11. Typically being the fastest to something means you've made it there on hype alone. Also anyone can make wiki entries, I don't agree with this many milestones I think it's ridiculous (No offence ak2net i like you)
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