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Posts posted by RandomCat

  1. 2 minutes ago, Barnack said:

    Illegal Gun possession, entering is neighbor house and fell asleep in there bed, stuff like that, all non-violent charge I think.


    Now is taking heroin worst or less worst than a bad Joke when you had no audience for it on twitter in american society ?, could not tell you.

    That was a 90s thing, while he had all the drug problems? Not a recent thing I missed? 


  2. 2 minutes ago, Blaze Heatnix said:


    I'm not trying to normalize anything. I'm just saying how it works, according to the Law.  Hell, that doesn't mean I agree with the Law.


    Roseanne not only deserved to be fired, she also should have and could have been prosecuted for what she said ( in fact, according to our Law, she could have been prosecuted twice, by the studio for damaging their reputation, and by the victim of her tweet ).


    I'm not saying that calling someone an Ape isn't a serious thing. I don't agree with being only considered just some "insult". in fact, it should have been racism, but unfortunately our politicians don't make good Laws here. 





    I understand it isn't your intent, but doesn't mean it doesn't trivialize or normalize what Roseanne did by pointing out there are white apes. So I can understand you mean well, but it's also not a law thing here. Roseanne didn't commit a crime. She has every right to say what she said. So that's why none of us are talking about Laws.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Blaze Heatnix said:

    I can't find my last post. It seems to have been deleted, and that's very odd, considering there wasn't anything wrong with it ( at least in my view ). 


    Anyway, why does Disney have to complicate things? They could have avoided all of that, if they haven't hired Gunn, to begin with.  They fire Gunn, but people will ask about Downey Jr, then they'll ask about Victor Salva ( a convict rapist ), then about Josh Brolin ( a woman beater ). 



    What about Downey Jr? Did he do anything besides drugs that I'm not aware of?

  4. 2 minutes ago, Blaze Heatnix said:


    Aren't there White Apes too? I mean, I hope people stop associating apes to black people. I don't know how does the Law work in USA, but here where I live, Roseanne's tweet ( if she really wrote that ) wouldn't be considered racism, but insult. In order to be considered racism, she would have to say all black people are apes, because that would be a generalization of the entire race. Then again, there are white apes, so she would have been racist to white people too?



    This is a very comple issue. That's not to justify what she said. I think she deserved being fired, just like I think Gunn deserved to be fired, being irrelevant when he made those jokes. Even if Roseanne apologised, she still deserved to be fired.


    Gunn shouldn't have been hired. Brolin ( didn't he beat Diane Lane? ) shouldn't have been fired. Victor Salva ( a convicted rapost ) shouldn't have been hired to work after what happened? Same thing with Polanski and many others. Firing Gunn and keeping others, this is my problem with the whole thing. However, that doesn't mean I think they should have been fired ( or not hired ) first and then Gunn.


    Disney already fired Gunn, so I guess he won't be called back. He'll still find work in Hollywood. If Victor Salva still works, then anybody else does. 

    Okay, racism isn't defined by law here. What matters is that a black person being compared to an ape is systemically a racist comment made in this country, it doesn't matter the color of the fur, Black people have been called apes for a very long time, so comparing even a singular black person to an ape is racist by the way the language is coded in our society.


    And yes it does matter when Gunn said it. Otherwise you could be fired because of something stupid you did 10 years ago, doesn't matter what you've done since, how you've grown. Trying to act like it doesn't matter WHEN these comments are made is disingenuous, and flies against everything we know about human beings in their ability to change. You're punishing a man for behavior he openly apologized for, years ago, now because...why? He stopped the behavior. Why is he being punished now? You can't ignore that kind of time frame by calling it "Irrelevant" when he stopped doing that. He actively stopped the behavior.


    That's the thing Barr said those things, and more, while employed by Disney. Gunn did not. That's one reason why it's relevant. The other one being we've had 6+ years to see that he stopped and did grow. You're literally now punishing someone, saying "You're personal growth doesn't matter, you said something offensive once, therefore you must always be punished" is a fucking stupid way to do things.


    (Side note: super creepy you're trying to normalize the comment by saying their are white Apes when you don't understand how it's used in America or our history with it. Like seriously, calling a Black person an Ape is a serious thing in this country and has systemically racist connotations for a very long time. You don't know, as you admit, what it's like in this country and how being compared to an ape is done here, so while you may mean well, it's like super creepy.)

    • Like 3
  5. 2 minutes ago, Blaze Heatnix said:


    I think he was talking about the subject. Rape, pedophilia and racism are all subjects being discussed nowadays.


    If you can make a joke about anything, then you can make a joke about racism. I mean, how the hell can you make jokes about rape, pedophilia and NOT a joke about racism? 


    If making a joke about rape doesn't make you a rapist, then making a joke about racism doesn't make you a racist. Let's be fair. What was Roseanne Barr's tweet that got her fired?  If so, I'm pretty sure she can apologise ( if she still hasn't ) and be a better person just like Gunn probably "changed" after 10 years, right?



    Well, the difference of course being it wasn't a joke about racism, but a racist joke. Comparing a Black woman to an Ape is racist, and it is a joke. being a joke doesn't make it less racist. Because the inherent humor in the joke being "black people look like Apes" only works by the joke dehumanizing a group of people and equating them to animals. It doesn't help that instead of owning up to it, and acknowledging it was wrong, she blamed Ambien, and has continued to defend herself and refusing to take responsibility.


    There is a clear and distinct contrast here. Gunn did apologize, and has shown he changed. Barr complained and moaned and blamed everyone besides herself for what happened and clearly doesn't want to grow from this.

    • Like 4
  6. 2 minutes ago, AndyK said:

    Sucks, but you don't get to pick and choose, who to defend and who to condemn here, what they said was equivalently stupid and people are just trying to justify their stance based on nothing more than equivalent dumbness.

    If only one of them said those things years ago before hired by the company that fired them, and the other said stupid things while employed by that company and got fired.


    Nope no difference whatsoever and I must take a hard line and be damned the nuance of it all, because I'm better than everyone here.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Premium George said:

    It's a simple answer. Disney is a multi billion dollars corporation, that take decision based on money and not morality. They are currently going through biggest deal ever and are very cautious.

    People are more upset by someone like Cernovich's clearly political involvement that is in no way invested in any sense of morality being the cause, than actually saying the tweets are ok (or even Disney firing him over the tweets.) It really is circumstance, that isn't helped that the issue was already addressed by Gunn several years ago.

  8. 1 minute ago, StevenG said:

    I have words.

    Trash, despicable, revolting, indefensible, disgusting.

    And yet people keep calling these "edgy, silly immature" jokes and saying that people should be allowed to grow and mature.

    I mean, he made these jokes when he was just a young, immature kid in his early-to-mid forties, people!!

    Just a kid!!!



    Yeah...I get that, but he did grow and mature. That's kind of the part you're leaving out. That he stopped doing those things, and has noticeably grown as a human being. You'd have a point at hypocrisy, if Gunn hadn't matured.

  9. Just now, Nova said:

    At my orientation for medical school, they actually gave us an app to download (it was $6 but they paid for it) and actually asked us to use it in order to purge any social media accounts we had. They didn’t want anything to pop up from any of our accounts that would look bad on the school or force them to make a decision in terms of whether they’d have to dismiss us or not. It’s never happened but they said it’s a pre-caution thing. 


    They told us to do it every single year before starting school again for the year but to also keep doing it well into our careers because while social media can be great, it can also come back and bite you in the ass. 


    So while I don’t think the punishment fits the crime in Gunn’s situation, I’m shocked that people in his position or any celeb for that matter hasn’t been advised/told to do the same thing. 

    Really, Gunn was fired more for incompetence than what he actually said. That stuff should have been cleared up a long time ago, like when he was hired by Disney.

    • Like 8
  10. 3 minutes ago, Nova said:

    Just cancel it. 


    The MCU is over. Ant-Man opened to “only” $75M. GOTG3 doesn’t have a director. Kathleen Kennedy hasn’t been fired yet. The franchise is a mess. They should just quit while they’re still ahead before it comes crumbling down on them skyscraper style. 



    Just throw Captain Marvel and IW2 in the can. No one cares. Marvel is dead.

    • Haha 1
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