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Gavin Feng

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Everything posted by Gavin Feng

  1. Brie Larson should john Barbie sequel and give executives in Marvel & Disney big punches and yell "fuck all of you."
  2. low MCU THU previews Thor - 3.2M Cap 1 - 4M Thor 2 - 7.1M Ant-Man - 6.4M Shang-Chi - 8.8M
  3. I think Star Wars is a good reference. They may speed down like how Disney did for those Jedi after Solo flopped (now, only Deadpool 3 in 2024), but the question is we all know Marvel have no idea about Multiverse saga or new Avengers movies except many many cameos would happen. Pretty much the same happened on Rise of the Skywalker -- Lucasfilms didn't know how to treat it after TLJ expect being sure it's the last chapter.
  4. I think the problem is, they're fixing mistakes they already made instead of the deep-seated contradiction. Marvel production mode is unhealthy. They just refuse to make movies with shaped scripts and are willing to spend hundred millions to fix a already hundred millions-budgeted project. And I'm sure there would be more extensive reshoots for many of their projects under this mode. They might save New World this time, but they can't do it every time.
  5. People just overestimate the manage ability of Kevin Feige. He was a producer and should never every suppose to be the man in the chair. Since Civil War, Marvel Studios under his regime really enjoy the sick production model.
  6. No best MCU ever or best MCU of the year comments? Then I guess these are real reactions.
  7. In Chinese social media, many fans and moviegoers thought they saw a parody or fan-made thing due to those Infinity Saga footage.
  8. Rolling Stone tomorrow headline: Marvel Studios Boss Keven Feige Used ‘Secret’ Fake Accounts to Troll Box Office Forum Users
  9. I didn't see the series, but I really think the strategy of putting all things in a basket shows how wrong studios nowadays are. They want all those attentions for their universe, but all they can do is to delete anything else. It makes me feel they have no confidence in their own plan. The reason MCU works and come true is that Marvel Studios delivered great things like The Avengers instead of controlling all those characters incl Spider-Man. Greater power don't always come with great attention or reputation. But great works can make it. Now MCU is suffering from the same bad situation. People are losing their attention and interest, even though Marvel now control almost everything and have the power to do whatever they want except delivering great movies.
  10. Well, nothing really amazing in the trailer, but it doesn't feel old or stale. I think this is the way in terms of sequels these days. Move on from past era and stand with new characters.
  11. Rome was not destroyed in a day. If DCEU could somehow survive from BVS & JL for a while, just one single mixed or bad work like MOM, Thor 4 couldn't hurt MCU fundamentally. The problem is Marvel Studios haven't deliver something excellent for a long time. You can argue No Way Home is pretty decent, but everybody know it's based on the characters we loved and not the norm of this franchise. GOTG3 performed good, but it worked more like Wonder Woman or Aquaman, earning studios more time of fixing. The Marvels is unlucky to be released at this point. Many haters, maybe even some presses, will blame Brie Larson and ignore the real problem inside the current Marvel production mode. I wish later MCU films also flop hard so people would know it's not her fault.
  12. This buddy definitely wouldn't break the rule cuz nobody know he's RP.
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