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Gavin Feng

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Everything posted by Gavin Feng

  1. Sacrifice is a project directly asked by president Xi. Maoyan may wanna be alive.
  2. 10B confirmed 劇場版・鬼滅の刃、本日で興行収入100億円超え確実 朝9時前に5万人動員 https://kasegeru.blog.jp/archives/84238998.html
  3. My fault. I just wanted to observe how studios make their the business strategy but it's now becoming a fan war. I'm gonna be silent on the topic I started. To be clear - I didn't mean MCU want to do multi-universe thing because of DC's The Flash. I said they already introduced the concept years ago. The question is when and how they are really gonna play with it. They could do it 10 years later, but I think part of the reasons they chose to make it at this point is that DC is also moving forward on the same thing now. Similarly, I believed MCU was gonna make big event like Civil War at some point, but we could see it in 2016 instead of 2026 because DC decided to do Batman v Superman in that year. At this point, I believe MCU will do Secret Wars, but when and how? I don't know, and Marvel Studios might not even think about it carefully. But if DC announce they are gonna do a big event in 2025, I would speculate Avengers: Secret Wars would come at the same period.
  4. depend on how you define copies. MCU have been leading pop film culture since the first Avengers movie. The last thing they want to see is other people steal their show. So they made Civil War, which was immediately behind Batman v Superman. They made Black Panther, a territory where other studios didn't really go. Sony made Spider-Verse and got incredible responses. Marvel Studios definitely want to be the one who make the first live-action multi-universe superhero movie. The Flash is scheduled to launch in Nov 2022. Marvel will show audience the storyline before that time.
  5. I actually think Marvel Studios do these things for making multi-universe stuff before DC with their Flash. They introduced the concept years ago but have not really used it. They probably don't want DC to be the first one who make huge benefits from it. It's not the first time Marvel Studios adjust their creative plan with the pressure from DC. Civil War could happen in 2016 because of the release situation between Batman v Superman & untitled Marvel movie. For whatever reason, Captain Marvel didn't come before Wonder Woman. CM did higher in box office, but the result definitely didn't hit their goal since we knew they didn't want directors of first one be back. I'm glad Marvel Studios still take DC serious with that kind of achievement. They know they can't be self-important. But I also want a MCU Spidy movie without any other superhero so I can see a totally friendly neighborhood movie.
  6. Detective Chinatown 3 could have ruled 2020 CNY. Other titles at same period are weak in both buzz & WOM. DC3 was bigger than them combined in pre-sale. CBO on the 1st day of 2019 CNY gained ¥1,458M($216M). It's not exaggerated to expect DC3 could have done 50% if 2020 is normal.
  7. Studios behind it expect ¥3 billion-plus. I expect ¥4 billion-plus. If COVID-19 didn't destroy everything, it could have make $100M opening day without any preview or midnight screening.
  8. Detective Chinatown have 2.8 million want-to-see on Maoyan. It's higher than Endgame by one million. Astonishing buzz.
  9. yes here, from their own team who saw it. but I'm not sure how reliable their judge could be considering they thought MIB 4 & Dark Fate were great and could be big hits.
  10. https://www.thewrap.com/will-the-new-james-bond-no-time-to-die-still-open-in-november-look-to-the-uk/
  11. Leap might keep being the best movie in holidays with 9.1/10 on Maoyan, but it probably only have 8.6/10-level legs. Jiang Ziya could be under 8.0/10 in my view. Homeland sound so-so from press screenings. It's said 2 out of 5 parts were fine. Unclear if they would lock score like Country last year with 9.7/10.
  12. Jiang Ziya is going to die. It has a very great idea, but seldom filmmakers can hold and express it in a great way. All new titles in National Day holidays might be bad or average.
  13. please Disney, let Chinese audience see BW for free, just like what you did on Mulan!
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