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Gavin Feng

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Everything posted by Gavin Feng

  1. Hours later, Christopher Nolan announce he will not let any of his film play in AMC theaters.
  2. Vin Diesel: That would be the very last thing Paul want to see. For my dear brother, Chinese audience could not let that happen.
  3. AMC: you don't respect cinema, Disney. Disney: Marvel is not cinema. Martin: Bingo
  4. It got 6.7/10 on Chinese Douban film site, which is incredible low in terms of Korean movies...Train to Busan made 8.6/10. Most SK blockbusters easily get 7-plus.
  5. Parasite could have made that much even without any Oscar buzz if it was released any day of last year. It was one of the most discussed films in Chinese social media. Joker and Parasite got lots of conversations right after the films went online. But both of them are talking about class polarization, a topic that made them be stuck in censorship process. Because of the HK demonstrations, Joker got killed. Parasite finally got approved in recent, but it probably couldn't have a wide release plan. Richard Jewell was released in the beginning of this year. It actually shows some sensitive plots. Film Bureau only gave it a limited release show.
  6. Some Chinese moviegoers on social media said they saw the movie in foreign and thought the sequel is really weak and poor.
  7. The 1st wave might not even end in most of the world at that time.
  8. I'm really curious how audience and industry would treat this movie later. According to current situation, it looks like a PR victory(no matter the statement is real or not). Marketing team might face a tough war or nothing.
  9. But it also would not be easy for Disney's executives to say no to Spielberg. If the latter insist to reshoot, it could be very dramatic thing
  10. Considering how Spielberg view streaming(like the period when Green Book vs Roma), I think he would rather spend more money to recast and reshoot.
  11. joke? I don't think so. Men in power positions especially a big studio can turn the story and make things look like everything is not wrong. And I'm not optimistic with the result(unless they can prove what she said was lie)
  12. here is how things will go: Disney suddenly announce they just fired Ansel Elgort and will recast him in West Side Story. Ansel Elgort apologize on social media, say he did nothing really about crime but did hurt a girl's feeling because he is a asshole. Everybody being quiet for a while. Amblin tell Disney that Ansel Elgort is a member of big family and hope his parts don't get removed. Every friend of Ansel Elgort prove he is a good person and hope he can still be in West Side Story. Warner Bros. employ Ansel Elgort to play East Side Story. Disney finally admit they were wrong and allow Ansel Elgort to be kept in West Side Story. Family Forever. (Sound familiar?)
  13. According to local reports, more than 40 new coronavirus cases in Beijing have been confirmed.
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