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Posts posted by Brainiac5

  1. Just now, YourMother said:

    I'm thinking $240M-$275M for domestic currently. I was saying in a barren August a triple teamup with Thor, Hulk, and Strange could have done big business maybe not $325M-$350M range which was a bold prediction. But maybe $300M.

    I think the misunderstood what we were talking about.

  2. 1 minute ago, JohnnyGossamer said:

    It's important to note that The Dark World dropped 58% from its opening weekend to its second weekend. That's pretty steep, especially in November. Followed that up with another 61% drop when Catching Fire opened. Again, WOM played a part. General audience didn't really like that movie much.

    Your statement is precisely why I said Disney should move Thor as the drops for T3 could follow the same trends.

  3. 3 minutes ago, JohnnyGossamer said:

    Why? Why would a greater increase than Iron Man 3 did over Iron Man 2? Remember, Iron Man 3 was first post-Avengers MCU flick and, while Iron Man 2 did not have 3D, Iron Man 3 has the benefit of 3D. I guess I just don't get this at all. That's what? 70% increase overall DOM from Thor 2 to Thor 3?

    It really depended on Thors opening does it.

    Lets not act like CW didn't open to almost 100mil more than TWS. And also added about 70% on its world wide boxoffice from TWS.

  4. 2 minutes ago, JohnnyGossamer said:

    Catching Fire was huge. Tons of people saw it. I was a phenomenon. It's possible that Justice League will not match it's number unadjusted DOM, let alone adjusted. Catching Fire is an action sci-fi blockbuster that was greeted with overwhelming critical acclaim. It's wasn't Beauty and the Beast. There was definitely overlap in the audience for Dark World and Catching Fire.

    Maybe that why Dark world only did a 2.4x now you add all of what you just said and then understand that both films are CBM'S.

    from my understanding a film doing 2.4x in November is actully horrible.

  5. 4 minutes ago, JohnnyGossamer said:

    Holy shit. I think Ragnarok will do very well. And, I'm generally pretty bullish on most MCU stuff. But, what the? Why? The last one did $206M DOM. $325M+ to $350M DOM? I guess I just don't buy that at all. Well, at least until proven otherwise.

    350 dom is totally possible with a more favorable release date.

  6. 6 minutes ago, YourMother said:

    Thor 3 might have done SS numbers to $350M domestically in August and have a relatively leggy run too. But it's too early to judge now. For all we know Disney might fire all canisters and Thor opens like IM2 ($125M+ OW but that's the maximum). Still Thor is at least guaranteed for DS numbers, if Black Panther stayed in November it would have done TIH numbers.

    I'm sorry but maybe it's the 117 SM:Hc opened to that has me concerned about Thor.

  7. 8 minutes ago, JohnnyGossamer said:

    Dark World had to face Catching Fire, $167M+ OW DOM adjusted for inflation. And, again, if it wasn't a dud - generally considered one of the least liked MCU films by casual moviegoers - it would've easily grossed $225M+ DOM.

    JL,Thor ,HG:CF .... What does two of these three films have in common?

  8. 2 minutes ago, YourMother said:

    Thor 2 would be a solid comparison though since CF did near $160M on its OW but that was way more female skewing than most CBMs. This is true though.

    I don't want to get a fanboy war charge on here but Thor is my favorite of the Marvel series.

    Im just upset that he doesn't have a favorable release date as Marvel pushed Spider-Man more than Thor for the Sony deal.

    Thor 3 Should've been a August release since its considered the weakest in the MCU 

    • Like 1
  9. 1 minute ago, JohnnyGossamer said:

    I'm looking directly at how Doctor Strange and The Dark Word performed. MCU flicks are frontloaded now regardless. If Dark World wasn't a dud, it would've done around $225M+. Doctor Strange did $230M+. Ragnarok will likely opened about $20M+ bigger than both and do about $250M+ DOM. Both Dark World and Strange did very, very well OS. I see no real issue here.

    None of these films had a film open in the same month that targets the same audience

  10. 1 minute ago, YourMother said:

    Having an Disney animated movie in Thanksgiving is their tradition now, recently they like to have a November kicker (next year is Nutcracker and the year after an untitled fairy tale) a holiday family movie (WIR2 next year, Frozen 2 in 2019, and Gigantic in 2020) and a holiday sweeper (2018 is Mary Poppins, 2019 might be Episode IX and an additional film, and 2020 has an untitled film too if I am correct). Moana, Frozen, and TS2 did $80M+ during the holiday stretch. Even TGD did $55M+. I'm expecting 2.3x to 2.5x legs for Thor 3.

    Which is why I said so much pressure is on Thors opening.

    • Like 1
  11. 4 minutes ago, YourMother said:

    School days aren't to much of an issue just ask Strange. Thor can rebound since Disney will likely put in double screenings for it with Coco. But the screen loss thing might be an issue due to 9 wide releases. In fact a lot of November films may suffer from that some losing a lot screens while others are leaving theaters entirely.

    Doctor Strange didn't face a film that targets the same auidiance and also has a chance t be an 170+ opener.

  12. 2 minutes ago, YourMother said:

    Disney likes to kick off holidays, I mean worse case scenario they'll put in Thor and Coco double features to help and does $240M domestic. However Thor has family competition in The Star and Daddy's Home 2 the next weekend but It'll probably drop around 50% due to Veterans Day helping it. I think the weekend of JL it'll drop 55%-60% like other November movies against the big mid November tentpole. But I wonder if it'll drop 65% though.

    I know they like to kick off the holidays but it would have made more sense to put Co-Co in that spot rather than a big budget film like Thor .


    I hate to say it but I feel the film legs could get cut short due to the later competition

  13. Just now, JohnnyGossamer said:

    I don't think Disney's moving anything. Ragnarok will make a killing before Justice League. Take a major hit with the release of Justice League but then hold rather well after initial hit over the Thanksgiving holiday week.

    You do realize Thor have schools days to deal with right?

    Then after dealing with two weeks of school days The film then hav to deal with JL and then 5 days after JL opens there's Co-Co.


    Theres so much pressure on Thors Opening Weekend as it will almost have to have something over 120mil Weekend.

    Not too mention all the other Christmas films that will come out as well.


    • Like 1
  14. 3 minutes ago, JohnnyGossamer said:

    You mean Ragnarok's overall DOM run and not its OW DOM, no?

    Yes ,I wouldn't be surprised if Disney actually move him up a week or two.

    I have no clue why Disney insist on keeping Thor at the beginning of November as the film might not even feel the holiday season.

    After loookg carefully Thor is actually in a bad spot as JL isn't it's only competition.

  15. 11 minutes ago, YourMother said:

    I have a question: have we ever had two $100M+ openers in a two week span? (EX. Movie A opens March 2nd and Movie B opens March 16th). Would they effect each other somewhat?

    Don't know but November will be the perfect test However I believe the one that's first will naturally be effected.

    • Like 2
  16. 1 hour ago, Eevin said:

    That's true, but (from what I remember as a lurker) a lot of people were predicting $200m+ ow and 3x multi (boxoffice.com had it at something like $660m dom at one point, iirc). Now just because Wonder Woman scored a 4x and $400m+ people assume Homecoming has to do the same thing because of its RT score.

    That's Envy.

    • Like 3
  17. 7 minutes ago, TheDarkKnightOfSteel said:

    I just realised that one point that fanboys always seem to bring up against MOS is about to be debunked.So far MOS and SMH have performed very similarly(MOS with a tad tougher competition and a percentage of school open).SM should still clear 300M though


    Don't forget inflation .

  18. 10 minutes ago, YourMother said:

    What name does your wife want?

    Enzo she gets it from Vampire Diaries.

    She also said something today about

    Just naming Micheal which is my Middle name so it will be almost like having two Juniors.

    Octave  Aaron Phillips Jr &  Micheal Enzo Phillips

    My name is Octave Micheal Phillips.In LA your Jr  can have a different middle name.

    • Like 3
  19. 11 minutes ago, Eevin said:

    I'm getting shades of Civil War here with SM:H. Opened big (but not nearly as big as some people expected), was pretty frontloaded (despite everyone saying it wouldn't be because of great WoM), and became a "disappointing" result when in reality the numbers themselves were pretty good.


    4 minutes ago, Zakiyyah6 said:

    I think Civil War's legs were a little disappointing. It was a 3rd movie and a sort of Avengers movie so maybe nobody should have been expecting a 2.6-2.7 but I do think that it was reasonable to expect more than a 2.28  (like a 2.4) though. It's overall gross was great though.


    5 minutes ago, PRESIDENT BKB said:


    Pretty much this.. CIVIL WAR is where #BKCrumbling was born just cause of this.. :sadben:

    This conversation is gonna get a few triggered and worried at the same time.

    • Like 2
  20. 4 minutes ago, Eevin said:

    I'm getting shades of Civil War here with SM:H. Opened big (but not nearly as big as some people expected), was pretty frontloaded (despite everyone saying it wouldn't be because of great WoM), and became a "disappointing" result when in reality the numbers themselves were pretty good.

    I hope the film just keep enough steam going forward to keep its path to 300 domestic alive.

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