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Posts posted by Brainiac5

  1. 3 hours ago, Krissykins said:

    Aquaman will unfortunately break DCEU's record of consecutive $100m OW's. 


    He's lesser known and it's Christmas. 


    I'm sure the movie will be good with Wan though. 

    He still has a chance to keep that 300 dom trend going,However I don't believe Aquaman is opening no less than 100mil even as a Holiday release.

    • Like 1
  2. 19 minutes ago, titanic2187 said:

    who in the right mind, would ever set a bar that high for DCEU by looking at just TDK's performance?

    Even they set the bar that high, it's justifiable for BvS, (although too harsh for SS or WW); They were all still a success especially MOS and SS. either way, the main thing is that I like to emphasis how "potential" matters, whether it's exaggerated, it's another issue. 

    I do accept the term of "successful failure" especially in the case of BvS, where it made profit clearly, but does it live up to its potential? 

    Again, everything come to potential, every decision, from casting, shooting, budget allocation to marketing strategy, studio must recognise their film potential or the potential of their competitor.

    I'm just completely disagree we take movie business that simple, world doesn't works in this way.......       

    Everyone is setting the bar too high ,This is why there's  a few who are saying WW opening to 100mil was kinda a disappointment when MoS,BVS,SS opened to 115,166,133.

    This is a perfect example of too high of standards.



    Im not calling it simple but its dumb to keep dwelling over the fact the BVS didn't make a Billion ,especially Now that The Dceu is on its way to four 300+dom grossers in a row.

    Damn the fact that one of those films didn't make a Billion this is a very big accomplishment for a Any Shared Universe .


    • Like 1
  3. 23 minutes ago, titanic2187 said:

    "Potential" is a key thing when studio determine a movie project, just seeing a film being successful or not, is simply too simple, even a simple math will do, we don't need then the marketing arm inside the studio, then studio don't need to spend hundreds of million for P&A.

    Everything come to whether it live up "Potential", ignore that would devastating to studio especially in long term.



    As far as I see it ,The Dceu Phase one is averaging 311dom a film if that isn't potential then this Dceu will never live up to The standards most of you set for them.

    TDk made 500+dom that doesn't mean every Batman film has to hit the same number.

    If Reeves Batman makes 800ww on a 140mil budget The talk will be about more about how it didn't make a Billion rather than its success 

  4. 13 minutes ago, dudalb said:

    It's about potential. The DCU was not living up to it's box office potential. A movie with Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman should have done a lot more then what B V S did. The term "SUcessful failure" comes to mind.That was why after BvS there Warners made a major shake up in the DC film division.


    It all comes down to if it was Successful or not.

    You all really need to get off of this "potential " thing and understand that These Dceu films are very successful rather they are hitting a Billion or not.

    • Like 1
  5. 13 minutes ago, Johnny Tran said:


    Over $3 billion with 4 movies...   It has to be said because I read literally hundreds of posts on here and elsewhere about the DCEU being dead or having to reboot and all this nonsense,  I'm not even factoring in what the movies have done for WB's merchandise sales which are through the roof.  


    Maybe those posts will stop now but probably not.  :lol:

    This will still be overlooked.

    And no they are not.

    • Like 1
  6. 8 minutes ago, John Marston said:



    Wonder Woman has opened in its major markets. It is doing decent but not spectacular. We are looking at 50/50 domestic overseas Split it looks like 

    No,It didn't open in all of its Markets last week.

    Someone said something about TM having a bigger o.S opening than WW but I didn't think all of the films major markets were open last week.

  7. 10 hours ago, Johnny Tran said:

    The DCEU. I'm not speaking on anything in terms of whether you like what they are doing or not but they are certainly connecting on a level that few thought they would.  Man of Steel and even Batman v Superman were a given but what they've done with Suicide Squad at the box office and now Wonder Woman...  quite amazing really. 

    No need to give them credit ,Nobody is gonna recognize it.

    People are more interested in WW out grossing BVS than they are with the Dceu basically having five 300+ domestic grossers  and five 100+ openings.


    • Like 3
  8. 40 minutes ago, Nova said:

    Wonder Woman is here to show all those who like to argue mercilessly that BvS and SS were well received, how a well received DC movie behaves. 


    $300M+ confirmed now and a 3x+ confirmed as well 

    I knew many were gonna say this when WW having a 3x is great for the entire Universe.

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with WW either out grossing  BVS/SS or having better legs .

  9. 2 minutes ago, MrGlass2 said:


    Everything you say is true and would explain, say, $280M. That would already be a wonderful multiplier. Very few movies have replicated the success of Iron Man since 2008 (not counting GOTG because it opened in August). But working against Wonder Woman is that it is part of a franchise. Many DC fans made sure to watch it the first weekend, and in this respect it could be more frontloaded than Iron Man - that was just another superhero film at the time.


    Don't get me wrong, I loved the movie and would be thrilled if it reached $300M. It just seems very unlikely and many people are setting themselves up for disappointment (again).

    The Films first week seem to be on a path to The status of 'Massive'.

    • Like 1
  10. 4 minutes ago, baumer said:


    I would have agreed with you prior to this weekend....well, not agreed with you but said that you have a chance to be right.  But at this point, everything is pointing to WW having an Iron Man type run.  


    Big Saturday increase

    Small Sunday decrease

    Critical adoration

    Fans love it

    regular audiences love it

    Hence wom is outstanding

    Looks like it could fall 50% or less this weekend.


    300 isn't locked, but it's a lot more likely than it was last week.

    I'm gonna be honest,I didn't enjoy WW but as a Dceu supporter it literally brings tears to my eyes to see a Twitter Ratio like this.

    Twitter Index

    June 06, 2017 151,969 25 : 1
    June 05, 2017 290,289 38 : 1
    June 04, 2017 350,125 29 : 1
    • Like 1
  11. 6 minutes ago, MrGlass2 said:

    There is no reason to believe WW will reach $300M, just like there was no reason to believe it would open above Suicide Squad. $250M+ would be great, and above (reasonable) predictions.

    The reason being ,The film could be on the plus side of 200 domestic on Monday.

    Thats 200mil in the first 10days of release and most likely coming out of its third with 245+.

  12. 8 minutes ago, TwoMisfits said:


    I agree, but...

    To really hit this holiday season, it's gonna have to back off the darkness (BvS part 2 will crash and burn) and be willing to snare some of the family audience that I think the mistiming of Coco and the lack of great holiday releases (sans Star Wars) could give them.  They want to win the battle of staying in theaters through the new year over Thor and other non-animated November movies to get the chance at sexy, sexy legs...they'll have a 2 week advantage over Thor coming out later, but they need to show better staying power than all those Nov movies if they wanna keep screens when Star8 opens...


    People watch movies at Christmas, and they watch more than 1...Star8 is one, so JL should want to be 2:)...


    I think the awful releases planned around Christmas can only help:)...

    We can see from the Trailers that the Darkness has been put in check.

    Not one time looking at anything from JL ,I never got anywhere near the feeling I had for BVS as far as Darkness goes.

    Many may not see  it but there was a lot of color In JL.

    The key to the films Victory really depends on its Opening.

    • Like 1
  13. 4 minutes ago, cannastop said:

    This. People aren't going to remember BvS by the time Justice League comes.

    They will remember it but also They loved SS and WW and also MOS had Decent reception amongst the G.A dispite what many think.

    JL will basically be following A well Liked by THe  general audience SS and A well loved WW film.

    This is steam and it's very Hot.

  14. 1 minute ago, WrathOfHan said:

    Audiences aren't suddenly going to forget BVS, the film which JL is a sequel to.

    I think many need to get over the logic that people are actually looking for more than just fun.

    The new Hollywood formula is basically Mediocre story and a few Laughs,Average a 6.0+ with the Critics and you'll get a 90+% approval rating.

    If the film is fresh the Skies are truly the limit .Proof is with WW as it followed 3 Subjectively bad Movies.

    No way this film should be a front runner for a 3x  multiplier but yet here we are.

    • Like 1
  15. 49 minutes ago, WrathOfHan said:

     movies beautiful mila kunis flawless black swan GIF

    Nope, the biggest Question about JL Release was

    "Is WW gonna be any good?"

    or the Famous "If Ww is well received then JL could explode"

    Mission  accomplished.

    Being Next in Your universe following a film  with a 3x is certainly  momentum.

    Sure we will never forget BVS but WW Just erased basically everything bad in the past and have Giving the Dceu a very Fresh start with the G.A.

    This is something that can't be simply overlooked.



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