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About Brainiac5

  • Birthday 05/29/1984

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    New Orleans

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Box Office Gold

Box Office Gold (6/10)



  1. The Bar is constantly move everytime DC achieve a great threshold.
  2. I’ll reply to you my rating after my viewing. I hope those “not very good things “ doesn’t put weight the very good things. If this film has done what I think it did then I can see why it would be hated.
  3. JL is having better drops than FB last year at the same point in its run. -2% for JL -3.2% for FB -6.9% for MJ. Its dailies are also $10000 away from BVS on its 21st day.
  4. That’s not much further from JL ya’know
  5. JL stabilized it’s 3rd weeend Which is critical for the film.
  6. I even gave JL a 7.5/10 as I felt it Could’ve been much better. BVS & Cap2 are much better films then anything we got this year imho.
  7. Look I get everything in that message but it can be dismissed as we have no clue to the truth. I do know JL is having much better reception than BVS and there’s no way to dismiss that. A low opening Weekend doesn’t mean a film is bad ,However most here explanation will tell you otherwise. A film can have a bad internal multipier but we don’t know how it’s overall multipier will be effected by that. so far there’s nothing in the film drops that says its being badly received. Now it didn’t do to well against the comps for its first two weeks but things are looking much better 3rd weekend and beyond.
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