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Jake Gittes

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Everything posted by Jake Gittes

  1. Superhero movies are probably less comparable to westerns than they are to lavish historical epics, the biggest sources of spectacle in their day. On the other hand, westerns could afford having genuine antiheroes and moral ambiguity, and they weren't constrained by the producers looking to sequelize or build a cinematic universe around them. Superhero movies may look different on the surface but in the end you still get a hero, a villain, and a conflict resolved via lots of punching and/or CGI, and too often it somehow takes these movies an hour more to tell this story than it took westerns to tell theirs.
  2. I've thought for a few years that 2018-19 would be the peak of superhero movies, and I see no reason not to stick to that. They won't disappear obviously but I certainly hope the new decade will be defined by something different (and more interesting).
  3. The industry wouldn't collapse if people's tastes changed, it'd just adapt. Wouldn't necessarily be bad, either. Last time it happened we got New Hollywood.
  4. Both this and The Witch will have ended up with near 3x multis and solid grosses. Only It Comes at Night was rejected really.
  5. Again, never read the novel. As for the movie, Wendy's strength does come through better on repeated viewings when Nicholson no longer dominates your attention as thoroughly as he does at first, but it's there. At the end of the day, she overpowers her insane violent abuser of a husband, saves her son's life, and then her own by escaping the ghost-infested malevolent maze of a hotel. And all through it, she's completely fucking terrified, but her actual actions tell both herself and the audience that she's stronger than she knows. It's all right there on the screen. And yes, I am a Kubrick fan, but I neither love all of his films nor have I ever been in the habit of projecting what I want to see onto the screen instead of responding to what's already there.
  6. PTA wanted to be the first in line to work with her, he should hurry up and write that movie whatever it might be.
  7. "All the time" is an exaggeration, this decade the only summer releases that pulled it off have been DM1 and Inside Out. (And DM2, but with a Wed opening - take that out and it likely misses.)
  8. my prediction regarding the lion king numbers next year is that they're gonna drive me into depression.
  9. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but Domestic Total Gross: $59,839,515 Close Date: June 14, 2018
  10. That's just one, uh, person really and it should be a given that anyone who says a $20m budgeted period biopic with a huge cast is something any film student could make is not worth listening to.
  11. Me and JJ-8. Still shocks me a little tbh. I've long held that people submitting their answers before they look at the coming weekend's theater counts on Thursday is the main reason they don't get as many points as they could. That page is your friend you guys!
  12. Not those who took a look at its theater count drop and easily figured it wouldn't have the juice to get to 50m Ocean's 8 did fuck me though, but thankfully I only used 2,000 points on it
  13. Thing is they probably will. It has zero reason to drop 15% on Sunday being a female-led movie. Between this, Book Club officially saying goodbye to 68m, and Tag opening $1.4m lower than my sotm 7 prediction my summer game took a real hit this weekend
  14. Shouldn't forget that the only previous summer Pixar joint that had JW-sized competition in its second weekend was Cars 2, which dropped 60% against Transformers 3. I doubt the entirety of that collapse was due to bad WOM. So yeah a drop over 50% next weekend shouldn't be entirely ruled out.
  15. With TS3/Dory weekdays adjusted for a $180m OW it should post the 6th biggest first week (under BP's 292m and over TA's 270m) and will fight for the 5th biggest 10-day run with TA's 373m.
  16. Sub 3x would mean Cars 2 legs (a 60% second weekend drop, little staying power afterwards) which naaah. I think movieman is letting every new update carry him off further into loonie land but this isn't going below 3x.
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