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Jake Gittes

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Everything posted by Jake Gittes

  1. Mad Men, good finale. Deadwood had a strong finale that was perversely powerful *because* it wasn't actually intended to be one.
  2. Thanks again to all participants. I'm about to start doing the calculations and will do my best to get the countdown going over the weekend. On the off chance anyone who hasn't submitted a list sees this and wants to contribute, you can do so today and tomorrow (basically while the thread title is what it is).
  3. Too soon to say maybe but the new Jumanji movies. Granted they've never aspired to THG's air of self-importance.
  4. I won't start calculating everything until tomorrow afternoon, and it'll certainly take me more than one day, so if you send your list in tomorrow I'll accept it, no problem. I've already received plenty I'll need to go through before I even get to yours.
  5. A couple of PSAs as we approach the deadline 1) A few posters have submitted lists with exactly 50 films on them and I've felt obligated to point out that adding just one more makes a big difference. @Amadeus I just remembered that this concerns you as well. 2) If you try to PM me a list but it says that my inbox is full, you can post it in the thread and it'll be counted. If you really don't want to make your list public, I'll be checking in on my PMs every couple hours when I'm awake so I'll clear out some space if/when it becomes necessary and you can try again a little later. And if you're in the Telegram chat, I strongly encourage you to DM me your list there. Much thanks to everyone who sent their lists in already, this promises to be fun based on what I've looked at.
  6. I'm more surprised anyone still remembers/cares about Prisoners.
  7. I have also seen this movie and I can tell you that what you get in the first 40 minutes you then get over and over and over again. So if you weren't onboard early on, you almost certainly aren't going to be.
  8. I most likely already know the answer, but just to be completely clear: this is the Fincher, right? And this... is the Zac Efron EDM movie?
  9. My list. Not entirely final, there are a few movies I've only seen once years ago that I wanna give another look before time comes to do the counting (big ones are Zero Dark Thirty, Boyhood, mother!), but besides those everything's in place.
  10. Lock Stock and Snatch are big cult favorites here. I recall them being on TV all the time when I was growing up. I guess I'd say the combo of laddish profane non-PC humor, violence and tricky plotting hit the audience at the right time, and still holds a special appeal, especially since no one else is doing this particular kind of movie this way. Then Ritchie got a second wind with his blockbuster career and retained just enough of his sensibility for people to show up to them, in part, because of his name. And when he made a throwback to those early classics in The Gentlemen, it both promised a good time *and* hit the nostalgia spot.
  11. Guy Ritchie is a household-name director over here, or at least close. It's kind of nuts how popular he is. Plus The Gentlemen got released the week before a holiday weekend, so everything lined up just right for it.
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