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Everything posted by LaughingEvans

  1. Aquaman used to be the laughing stock of DC, but now that he's getting his own movie this id no longer true. Nowadays, the entirety of DCEU Justice League is a laughing stock, finally some sort of justice for Arthur.
  2. I always knew that big companies don't spend more than £20 for their official posters.
  3. Also, if DC wants to succeed they need to stop focusing on the big 3 that much. They have Booster Gold & Blue Beetle. They have goddamn Plastic Man. The Question. Swamp Thing. A dozen great characters they have forgotten about. For me, DC's huge mistake will always be killing the legion of superheroes.
  4. Very wrong. DC was better until Kirby created F4. Then Ditko came up with Spider-man and Marvel was way ahead. DC caught up in the 70s with Kirby's 4th World and O'Neil's Batman. In the 80s Miller and Moore kept the balances. The real difference is that Marvel had Mark Gruenwald. Can't beat that shit, there's a reason he was the most beloved person in the industry.
  5. What did you think it was before? I was under the impression that this thread existed for the sole reason that certain fandoms could not handle the banter.
  6. A time will come when the mcu will be unsuccessful and Liverpool will win the league. In the meantime, disgruntled DCEU stans could be less vocal, since they do not offer anything of value in the discussion. I promise I will not be as obnoxious as they are when the time comes. I don't have any personal stakes here anyway. Cameron is top and the mcu will have a hard time topping what he's done and I'm okay with it. I'm a dan if his as a director and as a person anyway. The only mcu person that I admire as a person would be A.Mackie.
  7. First you need to assess why there is an imbalance, if it's a problem or not, and last but most important, not to fall to the same patterns that you are supposed to oppose. For example, you can't be against discrimination, but deliberately discriminate against whites etc. Beats the purpose.
  8. It's funny that the people supposedly pushing for equality, equity and diversity, are the ones most obsessed with race, gender et cetera.
  9. Levity and gravity have nothing to do with being sincere/insincere. Get your shit together. Groundhog day is frivolous, but you will have a hard time finding a more sincere movie.
  10. Btw, how fitting is your post if you are indeed a Liverpool/Gerrard fan. It's been 20 years now that we've been getting this "it's our year" attitude every start of the season.
  11. For the time being you have to resort to Black Panther having almost 3 times a better domestic BO and more than 2 times WW.
  12. Only an idiot would jump into a discussion with no meaningful input whatsoever to offer, just to throw insults. I don't mean to generalize here, @ChipMunky you are the idiot here.
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