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Everything posted by aabattery

  1. Should also note that the adjuster assigns a blanket value to ticket prices across the whole year, which doesn't account for how ticket prices can fluctuate a bit in each quarter. You see it get fucky sometimes with stuff like Thor: Ragnarok, which adjusts down when you give it 2017 or 2018 ticket prices where the average ticket price got all screwy in the middle of it's run. Plus you see bigger increases with bigger numbers because that's how percentages work lol.
  2. And they refused to add the Best Glen Powell category, despite my relentless barrage of personal messages.
  3. https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2019/02/steven-soderbergh-high-flying-bird-oscars-netflix-interview/582547/ Fun lil' interview with The Bergh. Ever so closer to your dream of one Bergher every month @RichWS.
  4. If I were in his situation I'd be fucked because I don't think I can recall the lyrics of any song in it's entirety, let alone every single Beatles song. Hell, even if I did know all the lyrics and the notes and whatever, I'm not sure my shitty, out of rhythm, off key renditions of the Beatles greatest hits would do anything but get laughed at.
  5. The audacity of what Disney has done here is definitely hard to handle. They probably should have revealed the design six months ago so the audience had more time to accept their new, post-WillSmithGenie reality. Thrusting it upon them like this, with only a couple of months before release seems... cruel.
  6. Casting one of the most famous actors in the world and turning him into a demented monstrosity that will strike absolute terror into the hearts of millions of children around the globe is BOLD. Not smart. But bold.
  7. Y'all get all mad about Disney not taking risks, but when they finally do something truly bold, truly extraordinary and this is how you react?
  8. The movie is set in 1995, while Space Jam was released in 1996. So the likely answer is that she couldn't believe she could fly yet.
  9. @CoolioD1 Are you ready? https://www.flicks.co.nz/news/become-the-2019-oscar-tipping-champion-of-new-zealand/ You gotta get me the mug this year.
  10. You've made an enemy today. Watch your back, the Roman J. Israelites are out there.
  11. Cold Pursuit is cool. Green Book was decent. That's my problematic double header done for the day.
  12. Had a sucker ever been punched before 2011?
  13. I suspect you are overestimating the size of the fandom, the number of people who care about the wig and how much the GA cares about reshoots. Of course it could still bomb, but it's way too early to say. You gotta stop shining a spotlight on such tiny samples of the audience for these things.
  14. Kinda sad that in a year with so many strong docos, we've done away with the documentary category. I only managed to squeeze Free Solo into cinematography. Kinda feel bad about giving nothing to They Shall Not Grow Old. Still, don't mean to be all critical. Really good work putting this together, @The Panda and @Spagspiria.
  15. Beale Street comes out in March here so I suggest a month-and-a-bit long voting process. Leaves more time for the Leave No Trace gang to drum up some votes as well.
  16. I don't think anyone ever really recognised/believed that I won and just kept ragging on Pink so I've gotten through pretty unscathed. Stay strong, Pink. I appreciate your struggles.
  17. L E A V E N O T R A C E G A N G E A V E N O T R A C E G A N G
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