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Johnny Tran

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Everything posted by Johnny Tran

  1. Nobody should be grieving about it. It will do what it does and it means nothing towards future DC projects. James Gunn has a clean slate. That's what they wanted and that's what DC fans should want.
  2. You're disagreeing with me but you're not posting any factual information other than it got around 64% of whatever it was on RT. Many of those critics from the U.S. took some sort of political stance. It went far above those numbers from overseas critics who don't care about U.S. politics. Box office indicates are huge, popular movie. WOM and legs were great. Audience scores were great. And yes, it was nominated for 11 Oscars combined with countless other nominations at other awards shows. And also won the Golden Lion. If you show me more comic book movies that have all of those accolades then maybe it's more of a discussion.
  3. If you're talking 'The Batman' box office gross you should probably start with the fact it was only in theaters for 45 days before landing on HBO Max. So the $770M that it did make would have been a lot more if the previous regime hadn't made the decision to put it on Max early to net subs.
  4. That's simply untrue. The movie was nominated for 11 Oscars and had nominations at the SAGs, Producers guild and Directors guild and also won the Golden Lion. That's just facts. It also had crazy legs, crazy WOM, made over a billion, has a great score on IMDB or whatever other audience reaction metrics you want to use etc.. I understand you said "your opinion" but I'm not taking opinions. I'm dealing in facts.
  5. That's going to happen because it's an origin movie. (I know he said it isn't an origin but it sounds like it'll be close) vs. the 3rd part of a much beloved trilogy. WBD should be viewing the new Superman through the Batman Begins lens. A good movie that sets the table for the rest.
  6. It's still unfair to him. WB back then meddled with his and Ayer's projects. ZSJL was very well received. When WB steps out of the way like with James Wan, Todd Phillips and Matt Reeves the movies print money. The lesson here is let the directors create their vision.
  7. Joker has a worse score and literally by every other metric (audience reactions, legs, box office, awards season) is one of the better comic movies ever. RT doesn't always tell the whole story.
  8. What is a whole new team of executives that had nothing to do with this movie supposed to "learn" from whatever happens with The Flash? Maybe some posters aren't up to speed on the business side here. They literally have nothing to do with this. They are trying to put these movies out to make some money back but they were already made before the merger. The first movie that they have anything to do with on the DC side isn't coming out until 2025. You're basically blaming a new GM for the past GM's screw ups.
  9. What do you want them to do? Terry said Ezra went away and said he was seeking help and that's exactly what he did. She stated that Warner Bros. sought out whatever help it was that he needed and that's all there is to it. Terry and Matt both suggested that focusing on The Flash and Batman as characters and not parading around Ezra Miller, making the characters the "stars" ended up saving Warner Bros. A LOT of money because this all could have ended up being far worse. It was a good listen, I think people are quick to get on the new executives but they've come in and saved this situation, they signed James Gunn to put a positive spin on DC moving forward and apart from the DC stuff, the stock is doing much better, Max has now turned a profit, they are saving money, they are literally doing everything they said they would do.
  10. When I'm right, I'm right. You have Matt Belloni and Terry Press shrugging their shoulders at all of this but on here people want to act like the sky is falling because The Flash is going to barely break even or take a minor loss. This isn't Waterworld. This isn't even going to be one of the biggest bombs of the post-pandemic era. It's just a 'whatever'.
  11. Matt suggests that most people don't even know about the Ezra Miller story. He and his guest say that WBD has handled the whole situation extremely well. He says the tracking looks a bit soft at $70M but all in all they are saying a lot of what I was just saying, is that this movie really doesn't affect much moving forward. ‘The Flash’ and Marketing a Movie With a Controversial Star - The Ringer
  12. I agree. A lot of these posters are out to lunch. It does not MATTER really what this movie does in the grand scheme.. This movie was very close to not even coming out. And for everyone who says "DC is doomed" HOW?! The Batman 2 is doing to make money. Joker 2 is going to make money. They are doing the reboot with Superman. This movie has nothing to do with anything that's coming down the pipeline. So what I feel we have on here is called concern trolling and there's a lot of it.
  13. Yes and BvS extended cut is perfectly fine. It was reviewed much better and audiences seemed to like it. It did very well for home media. WB execs at the time panicked. BvS made $875M. If it makes $125M more and hits the magical "billion" they probably don't attempt to make any real changes. But this was all those execs fault to begin with, The whole DCEU (despite there being good movies mixed in) was doomed before there was ever pen to paper and it's because they had no plan other than to fast track an entire universe. They were being greedy. Nolan's trilogy was a wild success for them. But they learned nothing from it. It took time. Batman Begins was a moderate success. But it built in a ton of interest for what was to come. It was a slow build.
  14. We've seen his execution on GOTG vol. 1-3 and TSS/Peacemaker and all projects have been critically acclaimed. I don't think there's a reason to be pessimistic about what he wants to do and remember he's writing/directing Superman himself.
  15. Maybe because you are quoting two different people who said two different things. The board isn't just a hive mind echo chamber. Personally, I always felt the big "hype" was overblown because it was internet generated and that's always the case.
  16. It doesn't really matter. That was the old regime. Again, this was very close to being canceled. They've done a good job of mitigating that issue. If they make a minor profit? Even better. The film appears to be good and is a crowd pleaser. Will likely do well on VOD. Then James Gunn gets a fresh start with Superman. Disaster is avoided.
  17. Overseas projections don't look great. Well, whatever they make from this is better than the "zero" it was looking like last year. For anyone who says "they were never cancelling the project" I don't believe that at all. Ezra Miller was one more story away from sinking it completely. Time to cut their losses, Superman is coming with James Gunn. If that has a dope trailer then they can start ramping up the buzz. The Batman 2 and Joker 2 should both be money makers as well.
  18. 'Top Critics' on RT has jumped up from under 50% to now 58%. Overall score still 72%. It's certainly not being viewed as a 'bad movie' by any means. Not that it's really going to do anything for the box office, WOM is the only thing left.
  19. it actually did $770M and that was in 45 days essentially because of it going to HBO Max right after. If they just did a straight theatrical release it probably could have did a lot more. I personally know quite a few people who just waited the six weeks who otherwise would have gone at some point to see it. Also, Joker came out in 2019 and did over a billion on a $70M budget. @El Gato and others are inaccurate in their assessment that the DC brand can no longer produce numbers. If the argument is "reboot the DCEU" that's exactly what they are doing with the Superman movie.
  20. As for RT, yeah I don't think WB could have actually asked for much more. Some were expecting 85-90% and sure that would have been great and maybe it would have sold a few more tickets but I never believed it would go that high. This movie has been in production hell and turmoil for years. It's a miracle that it appears it's a good movie. And make no mistake about it, 72% after 133 reviews and a 95% audience score points to it being at least a "fun movie" and what else was anyone really expecting? The hate is overblown. The praise also seemed overblown. Honestly, around $70M Opening Weekend is about where I'd expect a movie like this to land. Could it have gotten up to $90M? Maybe if EVERYTHING went right but that was mostly a pipedream.
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