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Johnny Tran

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Everything posted by Johnny Tran

  1. I said it a week ago but looking at the release schedule, there's nothing in The Flash's path. A 3rd weekend of Spiderverse and that's about it. Transformers is looking like a soft opening and likely smallish legs. Indiana Jones has really bad reviews. IF this is the crowd pleaser that most people say it is, why couldn't it have strong legs?
  2. I don't think this will be Joker-like divisive at all but there are a lot of people out there who called Joker the greatest comic book movie ever and it received awards, 11 Oscar nominations etc. and the legs on it sure seemed to suggest that many people bought in and believed that hype. The RT score, however, was I believe mid 60s. My point is that a movie could have a middling RT score and still receive that kind of praise (not saying that The Flash will)
  3. I don't think it has to. If it's a fun ride with some good nostalgia for the family then cool, whatever. Personally, I think James Gunn's Superman is the movie that DC needs to be a big deal.
  4. My point was that there are plenty of movies with "average" RT scores that have legged out solid (or sometimes great) box office runs, which points to general audience reception probably more so than what the RT audience scores even suggest. All that means is I don't believe today is a day to pile on The Flash and say that it's doomed. But anyway, that's it. Y'all have at it.
  5. You're wrong on Mario and it's to you to accept that fact. Maybe you'll be right on The Flash but for you to say "well it's families" doesn't mean anything, there was hardly any nuclear families at my showing and everyone still loved Mario. It is what it is. You and the other guy who I can't remember his name but are also wrong on Fast X. It's not "diminishing returns" it's what the box office landscape is. $700-$750M is elite box office drawing power in 2023. Fewer films are reaching the one billion mark.
  6. Did I say "all" in my post? Show me where I said "all" or "always" and you'd have a point. Super Mario is 59% with critics and 95% with audiences. Fast X is 56% with critics and 85% with audiences. It happens.
  7. Critics often don't even align with general audiences. If critics say it's "ok, whatever" pretty much what they said about Super Mario, the general audience could turn around and say "actually, it's really awesome" People get too up and too down on RT score all the time. Nobody is looking at Mario (or a lot of other movies if you don't like that example) and saying "yeah but it got 59% and ended up being rotten." Nobody cares about that. It was reviewed as an "ok" movie and audiences said it's fantastic.
  8. Looking closer at the release schedule, aside from Spider-Man being in it's 3rd weekend and then Indiana Jones (which seems pretty weak) there's not a lot... Schools will be out.. July 4th weekend could see a bump. This is provided that it's a good fun movie for the family with good WOM.
  9. I doubt it. It might be a bit front loaded for the weekend but I think next weekend's hold will be a good one. This plays well to casuals/families who just want Spider-Man in their life.
  10. I don't think "yikes" is the word for a movie that surpassed it's tracking number in two days lol. Some of you love being dramatic.
  11. We saw Spiderverse 2 last night and for me, it's the movie of the year. That goes for animation and live action. It's the most beautiful animated feature I've seen come out of the West for sure.. the soundtrack is amazing, the script is so rich in character development and emotional heartbeats, it's funny, I could go on and on. A+
  12. Lost in all this, it's not a make or break it film for DC. It changes nothing about their future plans. So let's say someone was a DC hater, not saying anyone is here, they are going to have to work overtime to hate on James Gunn's Superman movie as well. These movies are coming out whether you like it or not.
  13. There will be some critics (not saying a lot of them) who will DEFINITELY give the movie a rotten because of Ezra Miller. That's just the way things go. I think they will be a small minority but there will be some.
  14. The backlash against the marketing is really weird. People are far too invested in this whole "best comic movie ever" thing. Who cares? The closest we have to a consensus on that is The Dark Knight. Of course there are Marvel superfans who have always felt a way about that but at the end of the day these are just people's opinions.
  15. Let's be honest here, I couldn't have been the only one to see the initial Little Mermaid teaser and go "wow that looks cheap." The underwater VFX looked like trash. Now I did say maybe they will improve some upon release but it's all just a part of a bigger problem. Disney keeps on shelling out these poorly made live action remakes for their animated classics and maybe it's finally caught up to them. Bad scripts, bad effects, bad acting, just all around poor stuff from the Disney studio.
  16. It's pretty dumb to say anything "killed" DC when they are the second highest grossing franchise property of the last 20+ years behind only Marvel. You compare DC to Marvel and some of the numbers aren't good, you compare DC to every other thing coming out of Hollywood and they look like pure gold.
  17. First of all, "Latino" is an ethnicity. There are white Latinos. There are Afro-Latinos and so on. So the statement that "Latinos universally love black people" is already wrong just based on that. There are absolutely racist white Spanish-speaking all over the world especially in Spain and in the U.S. I don't think I really need to delve further into this. I think what most of you should do is stick to box office numbers and stay out of politics.
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