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Johnny Tran

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Everything posted by Johnny Tran

  1. I don't think GOTG Vol. 3 and the excellent hold this weekend say anything about the future of the MCU. This was very much a film carved out from a different phase in Marvel where the films were more isolated and did their own thing. This was a throwback feature and James Gunn is now gone.
  2. This thread is ridiculously harsh on him. The stock is up 39% since the start of the year. HBO MAX is now profitable. They are going to have a profitable 2023. That's way better than expectations.
  3. The Batman did close to $800M in a limited 45-day release before heading to Max. I would not rule out the major characters from doing big numbers. The other stuff looks risky.
  4. What was the original question? Joker had like 11 Oscar nominations to go along with multiple awards nominations and wins across awards season. It won 2 Oscars. It also won the Golden Lion. Just because some bloggers didn't review it well doesn't mean it wasn't one of the most highly acclaimed comic book movies ever.
  5. This is corny. A lot of people's first impressions were that the movie is fantastic so now people are coming out of the woodwork wanting to be contrarians and get their hot take off about how "it's not as good as they said!!" and nitpick about things that happen in every CBM. Hilarious, yet sad and pathetic stuff.
  6. By the way, "Greatest superhero movie ever" does anyone truly believe that? Listen, anything is possible but that would mean The Flash turned out to be beter than The Dark Knight and I'd have given that less than a one percent chance. The movie doesn't need to be "best ever" it just has to be good.
  7. I don't know, judging from the trailer it looked to me like there is a more serious tone to it especially with Rocket.
  8. I wonder how much appeal a Metroid movie would have. I'd love it but would anyone else...
  9. Top Gun: Maverick Avatar: The Way of the Water Super Mario 3 very different movies just crushing it domestic and worldwide. You love to see it.
  10. Happy to see this come to fruition. I felt Mario could do very very well and once I saw the trailer, it blew me away. What a ride since then.
  11. I was not aware that 8-year olds are factored into the audience score
  12. The numbers say otherwise. The audience scores say otherwise. Sometimes critics miss and that's okay. Again, they are human beings with opinions and for whatever reason they didn't get this movie. Every other metric out there says that they are the outliers.
  13. I don't harp on critics often, they are just people with opinions, some critics are very well-educated people with a wealth of knowledge but sometimes the majority of critics just get it wrong and that's exactly what happened here. Last night's performance showed that nobody cares about their opinion on this.
  14. Top Gun: Maverick is somewhat formulaic to 80's action movies but with a very modern twist and more effort was put into the production than most comic book movies. The stunts alone are better than anything I've seen from these CGI bore fests.
  15. By the way, if these CBM flops do force studios to get a little more creative and we see more straight action movies like Top Gun: Maverick then I am all for it.. Most comic book movies are using a very tired formula. I only get interested now if it's a comic book movie that is aspiring to be another genre (see: The Batman )
  16. The Flash might do ok because it's viewed as part of said reboot whereas the others are dead. Aquaman 2 won't do anywhere near the $1.1B of its predecessor. It might not even do half of that.
  17. I don't agree with the posts saying the performance of Shazam 2 means anything to the future of DC films. I don't think this movie has any bearing on the future of DC at all. Everyone is pretty clued in that a reboot is coming. This is a lame duck project. IF it was a great movie then maybe WOM would carry it further but it appears it's average at best given the reviews and so far what we know of audience reception.
  18. What makes you think that The Marvels is going to crush it? Forget the reports of script issues, that could just be rumors. The thing about Captain Marvel is that it was sandwiched between the two biggest superhero blockbusters of all time. Many folks believed it to be essential to the plot. I don't often see people anywhere wax poetic about the actual movie. I don't think an "Avengers bump" can be discounted. Furthermore, Ms. Marvel was one of the least watched an easily forgotten Disney+ shows. I liked the show well enough but numbers are numbers. I don't see anything to suggest that this is a home run.
  19. That doesn't mean anything other than Marvel having a built in fan base that are still rabid for the product despite having their intelligence insulted several times over now. It starts with one film being mediocre and goes from there. It's easy to excuse one mediocre film or even two but I think we are past the grief stage and on to acceptance. Everyone else has clearly moved on. See: Ant-Man 3 with the new big bad Kang struggling to get over $400M. In 2019, Ant-Man 3 would have been close to a billion.
  20. I wouldn't say that. The Batman just last year got close to $800M worldwide in 45 days. Shazam 2 had a lot working against it but probably most of all is that it's one of the lame duck projects on their slate. Don't expect much out of Aquaman 2 either. The Flash could be a surprise hit because it has a lot to do with the actual reset. It's not as much of a lame duck as the others.
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