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Everything posted by UrosepsisFace

  1. The 100 million openers are coming. In 2018, Flash will be rescheduled. Some think January. The DCEU also has a movie scheduled for Oct 2018. So I'd say one of those months will receive its first 100 million opener. Also, studios have begun targeting September as an animation battle ground. While animation usually starts with sub 100 and proceed to extreme heights w/ long legs, we saw at least two going over 100 million this year, with one of them being an original property.
  2. Another interesting story could be WB overtaking Fox this weekend for the #2 spot. It will be a close race. If SS can hit the early projected number of 145, then that should be the case. Now, depending on the source, we're seeing a range of between 133 to 148 from various media. Whatever the case, after Monday, Warner Brothers will be the #2 ranked studio in terms of domestic box office share, after making up the 350+ million deficit at the beginning of June. Also, I doubt Fox will be able to get that spot back even with Assassin's Creed, Trolls, Miss Peregrine, and a couple of comedies left because they'll have to make up the difference of the rest of Suicide Squad's run + Storks + Fantastic Beasts. Wasn't there a club for this? Despite the incompetence of the Six Flags guy running the show, the DOM gross this year for WB could look like it's average from 2008-2013 (the supposed glory years), but based on the backbone of critically panned movies.
  3. Just wanted to comment on some of these statistics for Suicide Squad et all and how unpredictable it will be. Only about 4% were said to be affected by critic ratings. Yeah, the fanboys watch these movies initially, so that's totally expected. However, I'd like to point out, the 20% difference between Dory and SLOP on RT not really making that huge of a difference on how they've dropped from week to week. I'd also like to point out Tarzan vs Star Trek Beyond. Nice Guys and Popstar vs Me Before You. RT still has an effect, for sure, but I'd expect more and more exceptions in the future. About 40% of the audience were Latino and African American? Is it common to give ethnic ratios from these surveys? I know ethnicity is a likely question, but I don't recall the media ever reporting this, even for movies that were meant to raise awareness of the history or concerns of a particular ethnicity. Why was this so significant for Suicide Squad? Tmobile Friday. I really wish we could get a figure of how much money came from redeemed codes. Online tickets seem to be a minority percentage, and the tmobile tickets must be just a small percentage of that, but much was made of Warcrafts earlier success as credited to this same promotion. High ratings by the under 35. This whole time I keep thinking the weird militants on the internet are the next generation built from life-long online troll training, and the loudest ones are the most negative. I understand younger folk tend to give higher scores, but I keep expecting poorer scores from the young rather than the old in situations of wide-spread hate. Ghostbusters and Suicide Squad makes me think that the loud hate from the internet doesn't come from the kids as much as I thought, or those trolls never showed up to theaters to be surveyed. I'm guessing that's part of the factor, and that there's probably a greater proportion of hate coming from 40 YO militants who navigated the infancy of the internet and trolling :). NM, I know the jaded elderly have a better perspective of all the nuances that make a good movie, such as plot and strong editing. Olympics factor: I don't know how much it affected movies, but the restaurants/clubs I've seen yesterday had subdued business. I can't imagine the customers of these establishments being opening ceremony fans, so I guess some other factor drew them away, but I don't recall there being other major events this weekend... IMAX factor: a month+ at IMAX is good for legs? Summer factor: the under 35 giving this movie its highest ratings = stronger weekdays since the under 18 might not be in school yet? Lack of competition: One can argue the August movies don't offer strong competition, but the July movies do. Well, look at those expected percentage drops. Strange how RT score and good WOM and built up good will is failing STB to some degree. Btw, Harley Quinn booty shorts can be both a blessing and a curse! Seems like any age, body type, ethnicity, and gender have put these on to varying effect. **BEWARE**, theater goers...you may see strange things at the theater this weekend that you had not originally bargained for...
  4. There are quite a few big movies missing from these lists. What about Bladerunner for example? Anyway, 2017 will be the boring precursor to 2018: the true battle.
  5. I was hoping for greater variation in the scenes for this movie. I enjoyed the beginning though. I was really looking forward to this, but somehow enjoyed Nerve more. The guy sitting in front of me loved it though. He gave a standing applause, and I think quite a few in the audience followed suit. Saw it with a much older crowd too. Let's go 40+ gen, make some money for the non talking animal movies.
  6. Saw Bourne in a theater that specializes in limited release movies, at a Saturday 7 PM showing. It wasn't sold out. Maybe about half-filled, but I wasn't expecting it to be packed considering the type of theater. I thought it was just so-so, but the dude in front of me was clapping the whole way through and gave a standing applause at the end. Man, the cast looks old...
  7. This movie looks WEIRD. The trailer had me excited all the way up until...well, you know. What the heck?!?!?! And I'm not referring to Matt Damon. Oh well, my wife brings up the point that it could be cool like Attack On Titan.
  8. They don't need to check Box Office Mojo. Maybe they're just reading Deadline. An interesting comment I found was somebody complaining that a Deadline article was too busy reporting on the new movies to point out how much Ghostbusters if flopping. Never mind that Bourne is doing pretty well, Ghostbusters needs more attention, if negative!
  9. Nerve was pretty damn good. Why do people hate Emma Roberts? Seems pretty like able to me. Franco, either them, gets thumbs up from me.
  10. He used the word "failed" a lot for his Zootopia review but gave it a Red Tomato. That's his MO. Tomato Bandwagon.
  11. Lol, on Faraci. Once upon a time he'd give good scores to DC films. He gave The Dark Knight an 8.5. despite talking about how great Spider-Man 2 is in the review, criticizing the immensely stupid Batgadget from Hong Kong: Batman has a device that can act as a sonar or some shit , admitting I’m on the record as finding the character among the least compelling superheroes in the world when speaking of Batman, and explaining how Batman needs story arcs in his own movie. Says same stuff about DCEU, but with lower scores now. Always pleasantly reminds us of how past, present, and future DC films fail. Also, many forget that Faraci is equally tough on Marvel films. Remember, he called Punisher: War Zone ass...oh wait, never mind, he said Punisher: War Zone kicks ass. A lean, mean mayhem machine, this movie gives you almost everything you could want in a movie that is essentially Death Wish on steroids . Hmm, he gave Punisher: War Zone and 8.5 as well, but if you read the review it sounds more like a 10 versus his The Dark Knight review felt more like a -8.5. Back then, I wonder how many people noticed this guy. I found this comment on his TDK review to be pretty funny: " For such a generous score, you did a lot of bitching." edit: I wonder what he thinks of Daredevil's abilities such as radar from mutated nerve cells...
  12. Saw Star Trek in a 1/3 filled 10 PM Imax showing. Loved the first two acts. Really didn't care for the third: Saw Lights Out in a sold-out 7 PM. I was surprised how much I liked it. I gotta read some of the RT criticism, but I don't think I'll agree on the issue of...
  13. This looks like it will go the way of Tarzan: "Who asked for a King Arthur movie? " "It looks too dark! " "The Disney animated version is better." "This ruins my childhood. " "It will open under 17 million and if lucky will get to 50 million DOM." Charlie Hunnam proceeds to take off his shirt. Abs are shown. Women bring their kids to watch. People think this is Disney. And... 30-40 million opening and ~130 million DOM.
  14. Looks like Bourne, Pets, Purge will bring Universal DOM to over a billion by the end of Summer. @James Do you think Warner Bros can get to 2 billion DOM this year? With LO doing well, looks like 1 billion DOM, for the pre-SS movies, is possible. Can SS, Fantastic Beasts, Storks, and the rest of the slate make 1 billion DOM? If so, only once had a studio crossed 2 billion DOM before last year, and then we get two years in a row w/ two studios doing it. Looks like at least 1.7 billion DOM assured. Whatever happens with IA, Fox still has a nice line-up of movies left, and they would need to avg about 80-90 million for this to be Fox's best year ever and make it a tight race w/ WB. Seems possible.
  15. Hate comparing Gladiator to Braveheart, but simply, Braveheart rocks. When Mel Gibson starts speaking Latin...Also, I give it a plus for all the parts that were nearly accurate. So the battles were dramatized and not even close to even the right setting..bah.
  16. So, about these movies this weekend... Kabali wasn't just previews yesterday. I think you were actually able to get Wednesday night showings and that's why it was so hot on the Pulse earlier. It showed throughout Thursday, I believe, or at least that's how Mojo is counting it. That said, that number is still pretty good. That means it beat Dory!. Even with the increased predictions of Lights Out, I think people are forgetting the PG-13 factor. It will show up more at night, but maybe there will also be increased morning showings too, for kids who are too scared of the dark. Ice Age still has the weekend to change its story. Congrats to Star Trek for just being awesome.
  17. I thought Green Room was pretty good. I enjoyed it more than Purge 3 even.
  18. WB v Universal: WB: Harry Potter, DCEU, WAG, Wanverse, D&D, Tomb Raider, Godzilla/Kong Universal: Fast series, Illumination, Dreamworks, Jurassic, Bourne, Pitch Perfect, Classic Monsters worldwide: I'd favor Universal because Illumination, Fast series, and Jurassic are larger appeal. Minions everywhere! dom: I'd favor Warner. I doubt Universls will beat Warner domestically any time soon, unless Pokemon actually hits its potential (since Universal has DOM distribution) This year, WB will be 2nd place for sure, and well above Universal. WBs big franchises are just beginning or rebeginning. parent company: Comcast controls your television and Internet. Bow to Comcast.
  19. I just want to see Star Trek beat SLOP and Lights Out beat Ice Age. The talking-animals need to be challenged!
  20. You know, other than the animated blockbusters, the three most successful summer movies so far came from WB. CI with 117, Tarzan with 103, and The Conjuring 2 with 101. You add those three numbers up and you get less than BvS's 330. BvS was a pretty scary flop. Looking like Suicide Squad might be next.
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