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Everything posted by pieman

  1. Final Prediction:ArgoBeasts of the Southern WildDjango UnchainedLes MiserablesLife of PiLincolnSilver Linings PlaybookZero Dark Thirtywith Amour and Moonrise Kingdom as possible spoilers
  2. I wouldn't say Pi because it got the DGA, BAFTA, PGA, and GG.
  3. I'm starting to think Django.
  4. A moving and funny performance.
  5. A few Lincoln snubs are not shocking. It appeals more to an American audience. Britain doesn't have the same connection to Abraham Lincoln.This board must admit that Skyfall's failure to get even a Best Picture nomination doesn't bode well for it's Oscar chances. I only say that because this board seems quite adamant that it's getting in.
  6. Best Pic was the same as the DGA.
  7. Not as key with 5 nominees. Regardless, it still would get plenty of #1 votes. Like Argo, it's a crowd-pleaser that everyone likes. Pi is perhaps more divisive and doesn't satisfy actors. If SLP gets editing and direction we can assume it's in the 5 right?
  8. I don't know how to describe it but that type of movie (SLP) has to be included in the best picture line-up. There is a large chunk of the Academy that it satisfies, particularly the actors and writers.
  9. It would be SLP, there needs to be a space for the human drama/comedy. Pi doesn't seem to have much heat behind it, a typical also-ran.
  10. I thought the nominating committee were able to see ZDT but not Django.
  11. In theory it is a three-horse race between the films that managed to score in all eligible guild awards.Lincoln, Les Miz and Argo. Silver Linings was close but missed DGA.
  12. Trash? They were marvellous films.With the 5% system there just HAVE to be surprises in this category. I wonder what they will be. Maybe a high profile snub. Django? A below the radar film will almost definately make it. The Impossible?
  13. Finally saw Les Miz and wow, it was great. Surprised critics were so cynical about it. It's not out of this race just yet but I think it may be too polarizing for the win. However, I think the ball is in Lincoln's court with Argo and Silver Linings as close competitors (the 2 films everyone seems to love).
  14. Argo has a strong chance to win, however ZDT does not. I wish it was the other way around though, ZDT is a far superior film.
  15. I don't even think it's a number 2 or 3 choice.
  16. A supporting actor nod isn't very indicative of Best Picture support (especially since SAG hadn't seen Django yet). Several blockbusters have been nominated for a PGA award and haven't gone on to the Oscars, perhaps because of the different voting system they use. And of course the BAFTA's will go for Skyfall but I don't think that will improve it's chances for Best Picture.Meanwhile, having seen Django I'm really hoping it gets several nods, especially BP. It looks very likely at the moment but I'm somewhat afraid of it pulling a Dragon Tattoo on us.
  17. Does anyone else think that Oscars don't affect box office that much anymore?
  18. 1. Lincoln2. Les Miserables3. Silver Linings Playbook4. Argo5. Zero Dark Thirty6. Life of Pi7. Django Unchained8. Beasts of the Southern Wild---------------------------------------9. Moonrise Kingdom10. The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel11. The Impossible12. Amour13. Skyfall14. The Master15. Flight
  19. Truly depressing and disheartening that such a vile, nasty piece of work can sell so many tickets.
  20. Rise of the Guardians has taken the route of every other mid-December Dreamworks release in Australia. It did well but got booted out of theatres within 2 weeks due to the crowded Boxing Day-New Year's period.
  21. It's not a 'number one' film. There is also no such thing as the blockbuster spot.
  22. NO WAY Skyfall gets in. It is not happening within this system nor should it.
  23. Film with a tragic subject matter that doesn't appear in the guilds but has enough passionate support to get it through.My OSCAR nomination predictions for 2012http://rileymovieblog.wordpress.com
  24. Yes, it is a good film but if there is an EL&IC lurking this year I think it will be The Impossible.
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