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Everything posted by pieman

  1. "Hated the film. Star Trek is now officially a mindless action franchise. I felt beaten to the ground by the end. So I’ll-conceived, so clumsy, so badly written, the supporting characters are jokes, and the leads spout banal thoughts and emotions cribbed from past Star Trek. To me this is one of the worst Treks ever." - Bob "This movies was surprisingly bland. I say surprisingly because I had a blast with the 2009 reboot and was really looking forward to Into Darkness. Cumberbatch’s talented, his screen presence is commanding and he tried his best, but the material they gave him was shallow and no amount of talent can compensate for such an underwritten villain role. I’m not a Trek fan, but googling Khan, I can’t help but feel they did the character a disservice and underused the power of Cumberbatch’s chops. Regardless, he’s still the most memorable part of a rather dull film. Which makes me sad. I got invested in the Enterprise crew in the first intallment and they weren’t as engaging this time around. Pine and Quinto do play off each other well – but again, the material…" - ALHM "Saw it yesterday. Loved the 2009 film, did not like this one. The plot is all over the place and you never get to feel connected to the characters, who also never feel like they’re ever in any real jeopardy. Bad story, bad directing, but great effects. Was really hoping for more after how good the first one was." - Tripjack "Saw the film in 3-D first show. Slow, cliched and predictable. Trek fans remember this day. The franchise as we knew it is no more. As the wave of stupidity and “shiny objectism” continues in our culture we are now asked to cease being fans of Star Trek to become fans of JJ Abrahams. No thanks." - Fred "That our minds are what set us apart from the rest of the animals here on Earth We have the capacity to grow beyond the need to kill and destroy and screw every thing we see But Mr. J.J. doesn’t share that vision so he has made another movie to please the public that is the bread and butter of the industry right now Those that check there brains at the ticket counter that are walking in to see Star Trek that is Star Trek, in name only" - Carl "Best Trek ever? Hardly. Benedict Cumberbatch is no Ricardo Montalban by any stretch. This was pathetically bad fan-fiction at best. Totally what I expected from JJ." - filmlover 24/7 "Those numbers are surprisingly soft. I was thinking $125 million for the four days. That said, the movie was painfully dumb. It’s truly the equivalent of a Michael Bay film." - Rob Just some example of deeper analysis; beyond the usual "I LOVED THE EXPLOSIONS. KHAN ROCKS!"
  2. Not that it reflects the general public but it may do so more than this particular board.
  3. Someone made a great point about how the reboot characters have just become broad parodies of the original characters.
  4. Wow, this movie is getting roasted on the Deadline Hollywood comment section. Might reflect what the general public are thinking.
  5. Of course there is no way of measuring this but I always sensed that the first one never really clicked with the public; at least no in an enduring sense.
  6. So glad this piece of pure mediocrity didn't do the record breaking numbers people predicted. I knew general audiences were not really wowed by the first one.
  7. Say STID doesn't rebound, what total would we be looking at?
  8. Beautiful film. Amazingly well acted, brilliantly scripted and marvellously scored. Can't say enough about this film. A Second of 2011 for me next to A Separation and above The Descendants, The Tree of Life and Moneyball.
  9. Was anyone else bothered by the number of unfunny jokes in this movie? MANY fell completely flat in the 70% full session I saw. The first 40 minutes were a complete drag, I couldn't believe it. It picks up a bit when they start the mission but when Khan reveals himself it just becomes a convoluted mess. Nothing seemed at stake (the 72 missiles?) especially when Khan started helping Kirk and predictably stabbed him in the back. And way too much comic banter between the characters. Everyone is constantly cracking wise and at each other like a lame TV crime show. Great credits though. Oh and didn't anyone think it was totally ridiculous and hilarious (but not in an intentional way) when Kirk just kicked the piss out of the warp core to fix it.
  10. I agree, "good but nothing special" is B or even C+
  11. I loved many of the original movies (1-6) but this was just dull. A lifeless, cynical Hollywood product. The biggest question I had while watching it was, why should I care about any of this?
  12. WOW, a movie for adults that's making money. LET'S TRASH IT!
  13. Wow, a Star Trek film not doing well in Australia. Who could have seen that coming?
  14. No sound in space and yet this has the sound effects of a Michael Bay movie.
  15. 5.10.13 Prediction American Hustle August: Osage County The Butler Captain Phillips Foxcatcher Fruitvale Station The Monuments Men Nebraska Saving Mr. Banks The Wolf of Wall Street
  16. The Hobbit 1 didn't disappoint in comparison to LOTR. It's one of the worst movies ever made.
  17. I will never see Pain and Gain. I object to it on so many levels.
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